Excerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - GF7622
Unit price perExcerpts from the Roman Missal(also known informally as the "Book of the Chair") represents a worthy and welcome solution to a commonly voiced concern:The Roman Missalis a large and heavy book, difficult for altar servers (who are often children) to hold for the celebrant and to carry around the sanctuary. Developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Vatican,Excerptsincludes only those texts of theMissalthat are used by the celebrant at the chair. The resulting volume is approximately half the size of the fullMissal.
The large Clothbound Edition includes all the enhanced features thatcelebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing:Large, easy-to-read type; printed and doubly reinforced end papers;durable, functional tabs; a sturdy, Roxite cover; and satin ribbon markersthat add an elegant finishing touch. Specially produced acid-neutralcream paper from established, quality mills ensures the highest opacityavailable in the world and consistency of the highest degree, withoutadding unnecessary bulk and weight. Size 8-1/2" x 11"
Weight: 4.0 lbs