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14 products
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Deacon's Guide to Baptizing Children - OWDBC
Unit price perDeacon's Guide to Baptizing Children - OWDBC
Unit price perA pastoral and theological approach by Paul F. Covino
When deacons reflect on their baptismal call, it opens a conversation about their vocation to the diaconate and helps them break open the meaning of the rite and each of its symbols. As an ordinary minister of the sacrament of baptism and in many cases, performing most baptisms in a parish the deacon is central to welcoming a new family and child to into their parish community.
A Deacon's Guide to Baptizing Children: A Pastoral and Theological Approach provides deacons with a greater understanding on how their own baptism calls them to ministry, along with ways to nurture faith among families who bring their children to be baptized.
It also addresses practical issues, such as when a deacon may baptize, preparation for celebrating the rite, homily preparation, and how to navigate through the ritual with intentionality when many children are being baptized at the same time.
978-1-61671-600-4 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2022

Deacon at Mass 2nd edition - JE48523
Unit price perDeacon at Mass 2nd edition - JE48523
Unit price perThis second edition of The Deacon at Mass situates the role of the Deacon at Liturgy based on the new General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM). A step-by-step handbook for deacons through the eucharistic celebration, this text looks at everything a deacon must do (read the gospel), may do (preach a homily), and may never do (sing the concluding doxology). Study questions follow each chapter. Noteworthy in the second edition:*The original edition had the benefit of drawing on the new GIRM, and while nothing in the GIRM has changed, we have the added benefit of the final English translations.*Questions raised by readers and reviewers of the original edition are answered.*An expanded introduction addresses specific issues related to the preparation and translation of liturgical books in general, and each subsequent chapter now includes references and guidance related to the approved English translation.
ISBN: 978-08091-4852-3

Unlocking Your Parish - AABDRCE8
Unit price perUnlocking Your Parish - AABDRCE8
Unit price perCan Catholic parishes become communities of missionary disciples that bear lasting fruit? If so, what does it take to move them in that direction?
Through his years as pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Canada, Fr. James Mallon discovered that the answer to the first question was a resounding yes! Tailored for Catholics, Alpha played a key role in the transformation of the parish he pastored.
Unlocking Your Parish: Making Disciples, Raising Up Leaders with Alphaaims to provide insight into what Alpha can do to help any Catholic parish become a vibrant, mission-focused community.
Authors: Ron Huntley and Fr. James Mallon
ISBN 978-1-59325-365-3
Binding Softcover
Size 8 x 5.25 Inches

The Joy of Being a Deacon - GFRP76404
Unit price perThe Joy of Being a Deacon - GFRP76404
Unit price perIn this small volume, John Flanagan, a deacon for over 35 years, shares the fulfillment and joy in his life and ministry. This book is filled with his practical and spiritual experiences to help deacons, retired deacons, and deacon-candidates to reflect on their vocation, and most importantly their personal relationship with God and others.

Deacon Reader
Unit price perDeacon Reader
Unit price perEdited by James Keating
The first-ever systematic academic text for the first years of formation of deacons. This collection of essays on history, pastoral theology, and sociology covers the entire scope of diaconal life.

Our Life of Service - EZ00926
Unit price perOur Life of Service - EZ00926
Unit price perIn Our Life of Service, international speaker and bestselling author Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will inspire and uplift you as he and his brother deacons including Greg Kandra, Larry Oney, Dominic Cerrato, and Thomas J. Fox share their testimonies and insights about how to serve God with determination, faith, and vision. Burke-Sivers explains the gift of the diaconate as a living image of Christ the Servant in the world, a source of comfort and hope at a time when both are in short supply.
Burke-Sivers explores the daily realities of life to answer important questions about the diaconate such as:
- What does the Church teach about the purpose of this ministry both within the parish and the world?
- How are the three key responsibilities of teaching, sanctifying, and leading entrusted to a deacon at ordination practiced in daily life?
- How does his commitment to his wife help a married deacon balance his duties to his family and ministry?
- What are practical strategies and solutions for the challenges deacons face, especially when conflicts arise within ministry?
Burke-Sivers also calls for younger, more diverse groups of men who reflect on the face of the Church to become permanent deacons in order to bridge the gap between the Church and the world and to reach the unchurched.
Each chapter contains questions for reflection, action steps, and prayers to help deacons strengthen their own commitment to their calling. Drawing from the writings of St. John Paul II and other ecclesial writings about the purpose and gift of the permanent diaconate, Burke-Sivers educates and inspires us to more fully appreciate this gift and enriches and encourages those who have themselves answered this call.
Written for deacons in active ministry, Our Life of Serviceis also inspiring reading for Catholics in the pew who are considering a call or who simply want to understand the purpose and gift of the permanent diaconate.

New Church, New Altar - NN6659
Unit price perNew Church, New Altar - NN6659
Unit price perAvailable 9/15/2021
The dedication of a new church or altar is a rare event that too few Catholic faithful and clergy are privileged to experience. When it happens, people have questions about the history, spirituality, and practical aspects of this amazing liturgy. This book by pastor and liturgical scholar, Fr. Paul Turner, will especially aid parish leadership in celebrating this rite with greater understanding.
In addition to the dedication of a new parish church, this book covers all of the other instances from this part of the Roman Pontifical: Laying the foundation stone, dedicating a church already in use, dedicating a new altar inside an older church, blessing a church to be used as a chapel or oratory, blessing an altar for a similar purpose, and the blessing of a chalice and paten. Essential for any serious student of the liturgy and helpful to those planning any of these celebrations, New Church, New Altar will expand the reader appreciation of these unusual liturgies so beautifully reformed after the Second Vatican Council.
Paul Turner is pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His publications include Glory in the Cross, Let Us Pray, Inseparable Love, One Love, Whose Mass Is It? Light in the Darkness, When Other Christians Become Catholic, and The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All, published by Liturgical Press. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.
192 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 09/15/2021

Sacred Oils - NN6644
Unit price perSacred Oils - NN6644
Unit price perThe Catholic Church uses three different sacred oils in some of its most solemn ceremonies: the baptism of children, confirmation, the anointing of the sick, the ordination of a priest, the ordination of a bishop, and the dedication of a church and altar. Many churches place the three oils on display for the view of the faithful and for the convenience of the clergy. Sacred Oils explores the blessing and consecration of the oils at the annual Chrism Mass, as well as the guidelines for their usage. Inspirational and educational, this book will delight everyone interested in the ceremonies of the Catholic Church.
Paul Turner is pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His publications include Glory in the Cross, Let Us Pray, Inseparable Love, One Love, Whose Mass Is It? Light in the Darkness, When Other Christians Become Catholic, and The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All, published by Liturgical Press. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.
160 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 08/15/2021

Ars Celebrandi: Celebrating and Concelebrating Mass - NN6643
Unit price perArs Celebrandi: Celebrating and Concelebrating Mass - NN6643
Unit price perPresiding over the liturgy takes more than following instructions. Good presiding is artful presiding. It is knowledgeable and inspirational. It faithfully grasps the church heritage and gives it personal expression.
In Ars Celebrandi, Father Paul Turner offers a guide for priests in preparing for and celebrating the Mass. Building on a liturgy which adheres to the liturgical books, Turner examines styles of presiding and reflects on principles that will help the presider to foster active participation of the faithful.
Paul Turner is pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His publications include Glory in the Cross, Let Us Pray, Inseparable Love, One Love, Whose Mass Is It? Light in the Darkness, When Other Christians Become Catholic, and The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All, published by Liturgical Press. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.
168 pgs, 6 x 9 x 3/8
Publication Date: 02/15/2021

A Deacon Prays: Prayers & Devotions for Liturgy and Life - EZ00179
Unit price perA Deacon Prays: Prayers & Devotions for Liturgy and Life - EZ00179
Unit price perGreg Kandra's A Deacon Prays--the essential prayer book for Catholic deacons--is a practical, daily companion that speaks to deacons as no other book has because it comes from Kandra, creator of The Deacon's Bench blog and one of the most popular voices and enthusiastic advocates of the deaconate in the Church today.
Kandra left a successful career as a television news writer and producer to become a Catholic deacon after the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center. Covering the devastating story set Kandra on a spiritual quest that led to his ordination in 2007. He serves a parish in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
In A Deacon Prays, Kandra has written prayers to greatly strengthen a deacon's spiritual life and richly enhance his ministry. There are prayers
- for daily life and seasons;
- for service in particular ministries;
- to patron saints;
- of devotion tailored for deacons;
- of petition and intercession; and
- marking special times in the life of a deacon.
This is an indispensable addition to any deacon's prayer corner, briefcase, or glove compartment, and will be a popular gift for ordinations, birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions in the life of a Catholic deacon.

The Deacon: Icon of Christ the Servant, Minister of the Threshold - JE54258
Unit price perThe Deacon: Icon of Christ the Servant, Minister of the Threshold - JE54258
Unit price perAuthor: Tim O'Donnell
ISBN: 9780809154258
192 pages, 6" x 9"
In this book, the author develops a vision of the distinctive ministerial identity of deacons that is theologically rigorous and practically useful, combining two complementary images: "icon of Christ the servant" and "minister of the threshold."
Tim O'Donnell, a deacon in the Archdiocese of Boston, teaches in the diaconate formation program there and is assigned to St. Peter Parish in Cambridge, MA. He received an STL from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

The Deacon's Ministry of the Word - NN4822
Unit price perThe Deacon's Ministry of the Word - NN4822
Unit price perThe Deacon's Ministry of the Word offers both scriptural and theological resources, as well as strategies and approaches, for effectively communicating the word of God. The book focuses primarily on the homilybut the ideas and skills can be readily applied by deacons in any presentation in which the word of God is central including RCIA meetings and retreat conferences.
Author: Jay Cormier
126 pgs , 6 X 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 12/08/2016

The Deacon's Ministry of Charity and Justice - NN4824
Unit price perThe Deacon's Ministry of Charity and Justice - NN4824
Unit price perThe deacon's exercise of charity and justice extends the loving hand of God's constant love and mercy to all who are in need. The Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education has called this work "the ministry most characteristic of the deacon."
In The Deacon's Ministry of Charity and Justice, Deacon William Ditewig focuses on this ministry as a constitutive element of the nature of the church itselfalways flowing from the ministries of word and sacrament and leading back to them, never apart from them. Along with a rich exploration of the scriptural, historical, and theological foundation of the deacon's practice of charity and justice, Deacon Ditewigone of today's foremost experts on the permanent diaconatedevelops specific and concrete principles for exercising these ministries faithfully, authentically, and effectively.
Author: William T. Ditewig
112 pgs , 6 X 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 12/07/2015

The Deacon's Ministry of the Liturgy - NN4823
Unit price perThe Deacon's Ministry of the Liturgy - NN4823
Unit price perThe Deacon's Ministry of the Liturgy offers a concise and accessible introduction to the liturgical aspects of the ministry of the diaconate. The book covers not only the practical side of liturgical ministrywhat the deacon does in various liturgical celebrationsbut also roots of that ministry in Scripture and tradition, as well as reflecting on the role of the liturgy in the spiritual life of the deacon.
Author: Frederick Bauerschmidt
132 pgs , 6 X 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 05/09/2016