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10 products
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A Concise Guide to Canon Law EZ39344
Unit price perA Concise Guide to Canon Law EZ39344
Unit price perA Concise Guide to Canon Law: A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers
Pastoral ministers are faced with new questions and challenges every day, and answers aren't always easy to find. Canon law can provide the answers to some of the most complicated questions, but busy pastoral ministers don't always know where or how to find those answers. What's needed is a clear, concise, easy-to-use reference guide to church law, one that puts the answers right at your fingertips.A Concise Guide to Canon Law will do just that. This handy reference provides a compact overview of the most important canonical issues facing pastoral ministers today. Arranged by topic, it offers a thorough summary of church law including such topics as the sacraments and church organization and is complete with reference numbers to relevant canons in the Code of Canon Law. Helpful sections of "frequently asked questions and answers" at the end of the chapters make finding answers to the most often-asked questions even easier. With more and more lay people becoming involved with church administration, and with members of parishes and faith communities raising more complex and complicated questions, Understanding church law is vital and A Concise Guide to Canon Law makes it easy.
Author: Kevin E. McKenna
ISBN: 9780877939344
6" x 9" Paperback
128 pages

Recruiting and Forming Your Parish Initiation Team
Unit price perRecruiting and Forming Your Parish Initiation Team
Unit price perBy Donna M. Eschenauer
Every pastor and initiation coordinator will want Recruiting and Forming Your Parish Initiation Team in their catechumenal toolbox. This essential resource provides a sketch of the necessary roles needed on the initiation team then outlines the various qualifications for and responsibilities of each role on the team to help parish leaders carefully discern.
Dr. Eschenauer provides pastoral insight from her many years in parish initiation ministry, as well as concrete suggestions to help parish leaders build up and solidly form initiation team members who assist with the The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
978-1-61671-601-1 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2021

Vision of Vatican II - NN8074
Unit price perVision of Vatican II - NN8074
Unit price perThis book is unique in the literature about Vatican II. From the manifold issues debated at the council and formulated in its sixteen documents, Ormond Rush proposes that the salient features of "the vision of Vatican II" can be captured in twenty-four principles. He concludes by proposing that these principles can function as criteria for assessing the reception of the conciliar vision over the last five decades and into the future. There is no other book that attempts such a comprehensive synthesis of the council's vision for renewal and reform of the Catholic Church.
Its Fundamental Principles
Ormond Rush
ISBN: 9780814680742
Details: 624 pgs , 6 x 9 x 1 3/4
Publication Date: 08/26/2019

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled - OWEDNL
Unit price perDo Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled - OWEDNL
Unit price perDo Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled: The Catholic Understanding of Death and Eternal Life by Victoria M. Tufano
The death of a loved one is a difficult experience for those who grieve. However, we are comforted by our Christian faith in Christ, who conquered death and leads the way to eternal life. This short booklet explores the Catholic understanding of eternal life, provides an overview of the primary funeral rites (the Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Committal), and offers practical ways we can remember those who have died. The questions at the end of each short chapter will help readers find hope in the promise of resurrection.
978-1-61671-426-0 | Saddlestitched | 4-1/4 x 5-1/2 | Language: English

Recovering the Riches of Anointing - NN27754
Unit price perRecovering the Riches of Anointing - NN27754
Unit price perRecovering the Riches of Anointing is a collection of the papers presented at an international symposium sponsored by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) as part of a long-term exploration of topics of theological and pastoral concern in pastoral care of the sick. This book looks at the anointing of the sick from the vantage point of theology, history, and canon law. Since Vatican II the training and commissioning of lay Eucharistic ministers has enabled the sick and dying to receive the nourishment of Christ's body and blood regularly in their confinement at home or an institution. The sacraments of penance and the anointing of the sick, however, have become less and less available as the number of ordained priests in chaplaincy is decreasing. In response to this pastoral problem Bishop Richard J. Sklba, auxiliary bishop of Milwaukee, suggested that the NACC gather theologians together to explore the history and practice of this sacrament and other rituals in the rich tradition of the Church. Thus the papers concerning this particular sacramental ministry were written and delivered at this conference. Recovering the Riches of Anointing will be helpful for professional ministers of pastoral care; professional pastoral, liturgical, and sacramental theologians; and those engaged in pastoral ministry formation.
Subtitle: A Study of the Sacrament of the Sick
Author: Genevieve Glen, OSB, Editor; Kevin Tripp, Susan Wood, SCL, Peter Fink, SJ, Michael Drumm, Kevin Irwin, John M. Huels, OSM, and Genevieve Glen, OSB; Foreword by Joseph J. Driscoll
ISBN: 9780814627754
Details: 152 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2002

Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Postconciliar Documents - NN24678
Unit price perVatican Council II: The Conciliar and Postconciliar Documents - NN24678
Unit price perVatican Council II: The Conciliar and Postconciliar Documents is now available in the widely used study edition translated by Irish Dominican Austin Flannery (+October 21, 2008). This is the translation chosen for inclusion in The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the text that both students of the Council and students of the Catechism will want. It contains all sixteen documents of the Second Vatican Council plus the forty-nine later documents from popes and Vatican congregations that implement the details of the Council's decisions.
Special features of this study edition:
- Larger page size, with larger print and more generous margins.
- Focus questions after each Council document help the reader comprehend the main points.
- Creative questions assist the reader in applying the content of the Council documents to personal experience or to future development in the Church.
Subtitle: New Revised Edition
Author: General Editor: Austin Flannery, OP
ISBN: 9780814624678
Details: 1060 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 10/01/1996

Vatican Council II: Constitutions, Decrees, Declarations - NN24517
Unit price perVatican Council II: Constitutions, Decrees, Declarations - NN24517
Unit price perThe Basic Sixteen Documents
The sixteen official documentsconstitutions, decrees, and declarationsof the Second Vatican Council are now available from Liturgical Press in the most popular and widely used inclusive-language edition translated by Irish Dominican Austin Flannery (+October 21, 2008).
As the worldwide Church continues to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Council (1962-65), there is a great need in college classrooms and parish faith formation groupsas well as for individualsto again have access to these documents in contemporary English. As Flannery wrote in his introduction to the 1996 edition, "The translation of the texts of the Vatican documents in the present volume differs from that in the previous publication in two respects. It has been very considerably revised and, in place, corrected. It is also, to a very large extent, in inclusive language.
"I say 'to a very large extent,' because we have used inclusive language in passages about men and women but not, however, in passages about God, except where the use of the masculine pronoun was easily avoidable."
General Editor: Austin Flannery, OP
624 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 05/01/1996

The Joy of Being a Bereavement Minister - GFRP20204
Unit price perThe Joy of Being a Bereavement Minister - GFRP20204
Unit price perThis small book provides helpful information, stimulates prayerful reflection, and offers guidelines in organizing and sustaining a bereavement ministry. Includes a complete prayer service and listing of books, organizations, and other resources.

The Joy of Being a Lector - GFRP12304
Unit price perThe Joy of Being a Lector - GFRP12304
Unit price perThis handy little book will increase your understanding of this ministry. It will help you to carry it out well. You will discover that you become stronger in your faith in other ways, too. You will come to realize that a lector is far more than someone who simply stands up and reads aloud from the Lectionary much, much more than that. Also available in Spanish: RPS123/04.

The Joy of Being a Eucharist Minister - GFRP01004
Unit price perThe Joy of Being a Eucharist Minister - GFRP01004
Unit price perThe purpose of this book is to offer some tips and insights on a spirituality for Eucharistic Ministers, at the heart of which is love for God and neighbor. This book is meant to nourish and encourage deeper intimacy with the risen Christ present in the Eucharist. Also available in Spanish: RPS010/04.