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39 products
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Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - John - 9780801036477
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - John - 9780801036477
Unit price pern this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two well-respected New Testament scholars interpret the Gospel of John in its historical and literary setting as well as in light of the Church's doctrinal, liturgical, and spiritual tradition. They unpack the wisdom of the Fourth Gospel for the intellectual and spiritual transformation of its readers and connect the Gospel with a range of witnesses throughout the whole history of Catholicism. This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply.
Authors: Francis Martin & William Wright IV
Publication date: May 5, 2015
Size: 1.0" H x 8.9" L x 6.0" W
Pages: 368

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Mark - 9780801035869
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Mark - 9780801035869
Unit price perThe Gospel of Mark is the first volume of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, a new series that combines outstanding biblical scholarship with lively faith to help Catholics interpret Scripture and apply it to Christian life today.
Author: Mary Healy
Size: 0.9" H x 9.04" L x 6.12" W
Pages: 348
Publication Date: November 1, 2008

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Matthew - 9780801036026
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Matthew - 9780801036026
Unit price perThis engaging commentary on the Gospel of Matthew is the fifth of seventeen volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), which will cover the entire New Testament. This volume, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.
Authors: Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri
Publication date: December 1, 2010
Size: 1.0" H x 8.9" L x 6.0" W
Pages: 383

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 1st & 2nd Peter & Jude - 9780801036453
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 1st & 2nd Peter & Jude - 9780801036453
Unit price perIn this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), Daniel Keating interprets First and Second Peter and Jude for pastoral ministers and lay readers alike. The seventeen-volume CCSS series, which will cover the entire New Testament, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively.
Authors: Daniel Keating
Publication Date: November 2011
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 234

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Luke - 9780801037009
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Luke - 9780801037009
Unit price perIn this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) series, Fr. Pablo Gadenz examines the Gospel of Luke from within the living tradition of the Church for pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students alike. Gadenz explains the biblical text clearly and concisely in light of recent scholarship and pays particular attention to the themes, theology, and Old Testament background of Luke's Gospel. Sidebars explain the biblical background and offer theological insights from Church Fathers, saints, and popes, and reflection and application sections offer suggestions for daily Christian living.
Authors: Pablo Gadenz
Publication date: September 18, 2018
Size: 1.0" H x 8.9" L x 6.0" W
Pages: 416

Paulist Biblical Commentary - JE06134
Unit price perPaulist Biblical Commentary - JE06134
Unit price perThe Paulist Biblical Commentary (PBC) is a one-volume commentary on the books of the Bible designed for a wide variety of Bible readers, especially those engaged in pastoral ministry. The volume consists of a commentary on each of the seventy-three books of the Catholic canon of the Bible along with twelve general articles. While based on classical approaches to Scripture, the commentaries and articles are not limited to historical-literary issues, but draw upon relevant theological and pastoral ideas found in the text.
The Paulist Biblical Commentary presents:
· Solid exegesis of the biblical text.
· A useful tool for preaching and spiritual nourishment.
· An essential aid to deepen the understanding of Scripture.
· Current biblical research that is relevant to pastoral or spiritual ministry.
The Commentary brings together the collaboration of more than seventy international biblical scholars, each with expertise in their area of study drawn from their experience and interest in pastoral or spiritual ministry.
Hard cover - 1500 pages
Size 3.2" H x 10.6" L x 8.6" W
Published: September 15, 2018
ISBN: 978-08091-0613-4

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Ephesians - 9780801035845
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Ephesians - 9780801035845
Unit price perThis third volume of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.
Author: Peter S. Williamson
Publication Date: December 2009
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 222

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Hebrews - 9780801036033
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Hebrews - 9780801036033
Unit price pern this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, respected New Testament scholar Mary Healy unpacks the Letter to the Hebrews, making its difficult and puzzling passages accessible to pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students. Her commentary shows how Hebrews reveals the meaning of Christ's death in light of the Old Testament figures, rites, and sacrifices that foreshadowed it. Healy explains that Hebrews, when fully understood, transforms our understanding of who God is, what he has done for us, and how we are to live as Christians today.
Author: Mary Healy
Publication Date: August 2016
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 320

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 2nd Corinthians - 9780801035838
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 2nd Corinthians - 9780801035838
Unit price perThis fourth volume of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.
Authors: Thomas D. Stegman. SJ
Publication Date: December 2009
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 320

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 1 Corinthians - 9780801036323
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - 1 Corinthians - 9780801036323
Unit price perA seasoned scholar interprets First Corinthians in this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS). The projected seventeen-volume series, which will cover the entire New Testament, responds to the desire of Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life.
Authors: George T. Montague, SM
Publication Date: November 2011
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 310

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - James, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John - 9780801049224
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - James, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John - 9780801049224
Unit price perIn this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two respected scholars and Bible teachers interpret James and First, Second, and Third John from within the living tradition of the Church. The commentary provides crisp explanations of the text with helpful sidebars and ideas for application to enrich preaching, group Bible study, and personal reflection. This volume presents excellent biblical scholarship in a format accessible to laypeople with no special training in biblical studies.
Authors: Kelly Anderson & Daniel Keating
Publication Date: April 2017
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 304

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Romans - 9780801036781
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Romans - 9780801036781
Unit price perIn this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) series, Scott Hahn, a bestselling author and a leading Catholic interpreter of Scripture, examines Romans from within the living tradition of the Church for pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students alike. The CCSS relates Scripture to Christian life today, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Supported by leading Catholic scholars as well as popular Bible teachers, the series offers a unique level of commentary for Catholic students of the Bible. Its attractive packaging and accessible writing style make it a series to own--and to read! Drawn from the best of contemporary scholarship, series volumes are keyed to the liturgical year and include an index of pastoral subjects.
Authors: Scott Hahn
Publication Date: November 2017
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 336

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Revelation - 9780801036507
Unit price perCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture - Revelation - 9780801036507
Unit price perIn this addition to the well-received Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), seasoned New Testament scholar and popular speaker Peter Williamson interprets Revelation from within the living tradition of the Church for pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students alike. The series, which will cover the entire New Testament, relates Scripture to Christian life today, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Drawn from the best of contemporary scholarship, series volumes are keyed to the liturgical year and include an index of pastoral subjects.
Authors: Peter S. Williamson & Mary Healy
Publication Date: March 2015
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 384

New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament - NN3850
Unit price perNew Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament - NN3850
Unit price perConcise and accessible, this one-volume edition of the New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament draws together the individual contributions to the Old Testament series and offers them to readers in a convenient and attractive format.
Written by an array of respected scholars, the individual commentaries collected here bring expert insight into the Old Testament to Bible study participants, teachers, students, preachers, and all readers of Scripture. Contributors include some of today's most highly regarded Scripture scholars, as well as some of the freshest young voices in the field. A first-rate, reliable resource for Bible study and reflection, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament answers the Second Vatican Council's call to make access to Scripture "open wide to the Christian faithful."
Author: Daniel Durken, OSB, Series Editor
1696 pgs , 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 12/17/2015

Wisdom Commentary: Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) - NN8123
Unit price perWisdom Commentary: Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) - NN8123
Unit price perQoheleth, also called Ecclesiastes, has been bad news for women throughout history. In this commentary Lisa Wolfe offers intriguing new possibilities for feminist interpretation of the book's parts, including Qoheleth's most offensive passages, and as a whole. Throughout her interpretation, Wolfe explores multiple connections between this book and women of all times, from investigating how the verbs in the time poem in 3:1-8 may relate to biblical and contemporary women alike, to noting that if 11:1 indicates ancient beer making it thus reveals the women who made the beer itself. In the end, Wolfe argues that, by struggling with the perplexing text of Qoheleth, we may discover fruitful, against-the-grain reading strategies for our own time.
Author: Lisa M. Wolfe
ISBN: 9780814681237
Details: 280 pgs , 6 X 9
Publication Date: 03/06/2020

Wisdom Commentary: Mark - NN8166
Unit price perWisdom Commentary: Mark - NN8166
Unit price perThis reading of Mark's Gospel engages this ancient text from the perspective of contemporary feminist concerns to expose and resist all forms of domination that prevent the full flourishing of all humans and all creation. Accordingly, it foregrounds the Gospel's constructions of gender in intersectionality with the visions, structures, practices, and personnel of Roman imperial power. This reading embraces a rich tradition of feminist scholarship on the Gospel, as well as masculinity studies, particularly pervasive hegemonic masculinity. Its politically engaged discussion of Mark's Gospel provides a resource for clergy, students, and laity concerned with contemporary constructions of gender, power, and a world in which all might experience fullness of life.
Author: Warren Carter
ISBN: 9780814681664
Details: 584 pgs , 6 X 9
Publication Date: 10/15/2019

Wisdom Commentary: 2 Corinthians - NN8172
Unit price perWisdom Commentary: 2 Corinthians - NN8172
Unit price perWhen 2 Corinthians is read as a whole in the early manuscripts, we hear a distraught and defensive Paul, struggling to recover the respect of the Corinthians that he assumed in 1 Corinthians. Scholars have supplied a recent visit gone awry to explain this, but Wire argues that the Corinthians have not kept the restrictions Paul laid down in his earlier letter. It is Paul who has changed. No longer able to demand that they imitate his weakness as he embodies Jesus' death, he concedes and even celebrates that they embody Jesus' power and life and thereby demonstrate the effectiveness of his work among them.
With special attention to the women in Corinth who pray and prophesy, Wire looks at each part of 2 Corinthians through three feminist lenses: a broad focus on all bodies within the tensions of the ecosystem as Paul sees it; a mid-range focus on the social, political, and economic setting; and a precise focus on his argument as evidence of an interaction between Paul and the Corinthians. When Paul ends with "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the partnership of the Holy Spirit," the Corinthians have pressed him to reshape his message from "yes but" and "no" to "yes," from a tenacity of qualifiers and subordinations to an overflow of encouragements.
ISBN: 9780814681725
Details: 400 pgs , 6 X 9
Publication Date: 07/19/2019

First and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon -Volume 9 - NN28683
Unit price perFirst and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon -Volume 9 - NN28683
Unit price perFirst and Second Timothy and Titus are designated Pastoral Letters because they deal with leadership and organizational issues of the early Christian community. Probably written after the death of Paul, they nevertheless express what Paul himself would have and could have written to community leaders. Second Timothy gives the greatest amount of biographical material we have about Paul. The Letter to Philemon, a miniature but authentic Pauline jewel, is a masterpiece of persuasion regarding a slave freedom.
Terence J. Keegan perceptive commentaries on these precious remnants of first century Christianity provide information and insight regarding the gradual growth of the church. There are pertinent lessons here for today shepherds and their flocks.
Author: Terence J. Keegan, OP
ISBN: 9780814628683
Details: 80 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 04/01/2006

First Thessalonians, Philippians, Second Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians -Volume 8 - NN28676
Unit price perFirst Thessalonians, Philippians, Second Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians -Volume 8 - NN28676
Unit price perVincent M. Smiles provides a fresh look at the early Church and the faith with which they approached their dynamic, diverse community. With a brief introduction to each letter, Smiles brings to light issues such as authorship, dating, and historical situation. Smiles focuses on similarities and contrasts-such as eschatology, ecclesiology and the status of women--within these diverse, yet unified letters.
A reading of these letters as "partners in a conversation" provides both an understanding and inspiration for today's Christian society: inspiration to meet our challenges in faith with the same creativity as did the early Church.
With an understandable, yet comprehensive manner, this commentary will appeal to those interested in the changing early Church and its ancient wisdom.
Author: Vincent M. Smiles
ISBN: 9780814628676
Details: 128 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 10/01/2005

Sirach - Volume 21 - NN28553
Unit price perSirach - Volume 21 - NN28553
Unit price perThe book of Sirach praises the study of the law, the wisdom of the men of old and their prophecies. Its author is well-read and rearticulates traditional Jewish wisdom for his generation, centering it on fear of the Lord, and clearly asserting that wisdom is a gift from God. He encourages his audience to remain steadfast in following the law of Moses rather than following the ways of the dominant pagan Greek culture.
Author: Jeremy Corley
ISBN: 9780814628553
Details: 152 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2013

Proverbs - Volume 18 - NN28522
Unit price perProverbs - Volume 18 - NN28522
Unit price perEvery culture finds ways to pass along its wisdom from one generation to the next. Old Testament Wisdom literaturecomprised of the books of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, and Wisdomraises the "big" questions for the people of Israel: Why do the righteous suffer? "Why do we die? What is the meaning of life?
The book of Proverbs organizes memorable sayings that lead to insight and understanding about the world that can inform the way we live. Speaking universally of the human condition, it paints a poetic portrait of wisdom as it guides members of the community, especially the young, in how to get along in life.
Author: Katherine M. Hayes
ISBN: 9780814628522
Details: 120 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 06/01/2013

Joel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - Volume 17 - NN28515
Unit price perJoel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - Volume 17 - NN28515
Unit price perThese books, from what are often called the twelve prophets, continue to recount the story of the return from Babylonian exile. They speak with immediacy and power to the generation that was responsible for writing down and organizing the Hebrew Scriptures and founding Judaism as a religion, not just an ethnic identity.
Haggai demonstrates how not to be a prophet, as his wildly optimistic and date-specific predictions don't come true. Zechariah then tries to restore the reputation of the prophets after Jeremiah denounces them as liars. A central issue is the rebuilding of the templehow can it replace the celebrated temple of Solomon? Should it be built before the people even have the resources to build their own houses? When did God leave the temple, and what will convince God to return?
These postexilic prophets affirm the many traditions of the people of Judah and Israel, who are still reeling from exile, offering them hope and direction. They promise that God's justice will include punishment of their enemies and a full restoration of God's people.
Author: John J. Collins
ISBN: 9780814628515
Details: 152 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 01/01/2013

Isaiah - Volume 13 - NN28478
Unit price perIsaiah - Volume 13 - NN28478
Unit price perThe book of Isaiah uses both prose and poetry to engage readers in a drama of great emotion and intensity. Although the circumstances under which this book took its present form remain in scholarly dispute, this commentary highlights its larger purposeto provide the people of Judah and Jerusalem with hope for the future and the will to re-embrace their ancestral religious traditions.
Leslie Hoppe assumes the composite character of the books and approaches the work as a whole with its own literary and theological integrity. Unlike many other contemporary commentaries on the book of Isaiah, the divisions of the book used here focus on its literary shape rather than the history of its composition. With this approach, we recognize that the book of Isaiah is an expression of faith in the Holy One of Israel and in the future of Jerusalem, both of which have decisively shaped the faith of Jewish and Christian believers over the centuries.
Author: Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM
ISBN: 9780814628478
Details: 184 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 10/01/2012

Genesis - Volume 2 - NN28362
Unit price perGenesis - Volume 2 - NN28362
Unit price perIn the ongoing debate over the when and how our universe began, Genesis chooses to answer the theological question, "Who set in motion the beginning of the heavens and the earth?" Once that question is answered by vivid and memorable stories, the focus moves to ancestral stories that identify the roots and early branches of the Jewish family tree. This same tree grows in Christian settings as the matriarchs and patriarchs of Genesis appear over and again in New Testament writings.
Given the growing interest in family genealogies, in this commentary Joan Cook leads us to appreciate and delight in our ancient and awesome spiritual heritage as well. We should not be surprised, however, to discover that our earliest spiritual kith and kin were guilty of deceit, marital infidelity, jealousy, and murder. But readers will learn that the God who created the heavens and the earth is also a forgiving and protective God-the God of ancient time, of our time, of all time.
Joan E. Cook, SC
ISBN: 9780814628362
Details: 160 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 05/01/2011

Comentario Biblico De Collegeville New Testament Volume 1: El Evangelio De San Mateo - NN1852
Unit price perComentario Biblico De Collegeville New Testament Volume 1: El Evangelio De San Mateo - NN1852
Unit price perEl texto completo de cada libro bíblica se ofrece, con comentario en la misma página o en la página de enfrente. Ayudas para el repaso y temas de discusión hacen los libros eminentemente prácticos y útiles para estudio bíblico individual o en grupos. Los libros son en rústica, y contienen de 64 a 144 páginas. Los volúmenes disponibles actualmente en español se enumeran a continuación.

Comentario Biblico De Collegeville Nt Volume 4: El Evangelio Y Las Cartas De San Juan - NN1851
Unit price perComentario Biblico De Collegeville Nt Volume 4: El Evangelio Y Las Cartas De San Juan - NN1851
Unit price perEl texto completo de cada libro bíblica se ofrece, con comentario en la misma página o en la página de enfrente. Ayudas para el repaso y temas de discusión hacen los libros eminentemente prácticos y útiles para estudio bíblico individual o en grupos. Los libros son en rústica, y contienen de 64 a 144 páginas. Los volúmenes disponibles actualmente en español se enumeran a continuación.

Comentario Biblico De Collegeville Nt Volume 3: El Evangelio De San Lucas - NN1850
Unit price perComentario Biblico De Collegeville Nt Volume 3: El Evangelio De San Lucas - NN1850
Unit price perEl texto completo de cada libro bíblica se ofrece, con comentario en la misma página o en la página de enfrente. Ayudas para el repaso y temas de discusión hacen los libros eminentemente prácticos y útiles para estudio bíblico individual o en grupos. Los libros son en rústica, y contienen de 64 a 144 páginas. Los volúmenes disponibles actualmente en español se enumeran a continuación.