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8 products
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Handbook of Catholic Apologetics - IP72794
Unit price perHandbook of Catholic Apologetics - IP72794
Unit price perUnbelievers, doubters and skeptics continue to attack the truths of Christianity. Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is the only book that categorizes and summarizes all the major arguments in support of the main Christian beliefs, including key distinctively Catholic doctrines. Also included is a Protestant-friendly treatment of Catholic-Protestant issues. The Catholic answers to Protestant questions show how Catholicism is the fullness of the Christian faith.
An expanded, Catholic edition of the popular book Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is full of the wisdom and wit, clarity and insight of philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli. This is an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Whether you are asking the questions yourself or want to respond to others who are, here is the resource you have been waiting for.
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN/UPC: 9781586172794
- Publication date: June 18, 2009
- Height: 9
- Size: 6 x 1.1
- Pages: 600

Context and Text - A Method for Liturgical Theology, Revised Edition - NN8037
Unit price perContext and Text - A Method for Liturgical Theology, Revised Edition - NN8037
Unit price perOne of the most influential works in the debate over the concept and definitions of liturgical theology, Context and Text by Monsignor Kevin W. Irwin is now available in a completely rewritten, new edition.
In light of the historical, theological, and pastoral mandates of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Context and Text is both a proposal for and an example of an investigation of the church's liturgical praxis from a liturgical-theological perspective. This second edition, which includes an expanded introduction, covers:
- new liturgical and ecclesial contexts resulting from newly promulgated liturgies
- further research in method for liturgical studies
- consideration for changes in the cultural contexts in which people celebrate the liturgy
Besides brand new chapters on time and sacramentality, and additions to the chapter on the arts, this edition also considers the "ongoing 'texts and contexts' of the liturgy as always a new event in the life and ongoing discussion of liturgical theology within Christianity.
Author: Kevin W. Irwin
ISBN: 9780814680377
Details: 712 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/30/2018

Theology in Practice - IP46259
Unit price perTheology in Practice - IP46259
Unit price perWhat is theology? It is nothing more, or less, than the study of God. All who pray are, in a sense, theologians. All who believe in Christ are called not only to sanctity, but to theology. "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind" (Rom 12:2).
Yet the field of theology, as taught in universities, can sometimes look like a distant abstraction, reserved for an intellectual elite. This cannot be not the case. To prove it, Cistercian Fathers Roch Kereszty and Denis Farkasfalvy of the University of Dallas, both veteran spiritual directors, bring us Theology in Practice: A Beginner's Guide to the Spiritual Life.
Guiding readers from the first inklings of God's presence, to the fire of married love, to the miracle of the Eucharist, and even to the hour of death, this book completes the circuit between theological study and human experience. Never before has the Church believed as strongly as she does today that spirituality must, like leaven, penetrate and transform the ordinary, "average" walks of life. It ought not be limited to those who withdraw from the world.
This unique work, written by two longtime friends and brothers in religious life, draws on the riches of the Cistercian founder Saint Bernard of Clairvaux�and with him the whole tradition of the Church Fathers�to communicate Christ's peace to hearts and minds.

Desire and Unity - IPDUP
Unit price perDesire and Unity - IPDUP
Unit price perIntellectual giant of the Christian West, Saint Augustine is also one of its greatest spiritual masters. To this man of desire and friendship, Christ taught to purify everything in charity, to direct everything towards God, to unify everything in communion. His thought profoundly influenced the history of Catholicism and the vigor of his view of the human heart responds to today's concerns. Fr. Emmanuel-Marie presents beautiful insights into this timeliness message of desire and unity of Augustine, which offers us a living message charged with hope.

Introduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event - IPIV2P
Unit price perIntroduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event - IPIV2P
Unit price perThis is an introduction to Vatican II with a detailed summary of each of its four central documents�the dogmatic constitutions�followed by explanations of how to interpret them. In contrast to other introductions, which pay little attention to the theological soil in which the documents of Vatican II germinated, Levering offers a reading of each conciliar Constitution in light of a key theological author from the era: René Latourelle, SJ for Dei Verbum (persons and propositions); Louis Bouyer, CO for Sacrosanctum Concilium (active participation); Yves Congar, OP for Lumen Gentium (true and false reform); and Henri de Lubac, SJ for Gaudium et Spes (nature and grace).
This theological event is "ongoing," Levering demonstrates, by tracing in each chapter the theological debates that have stretched from the close of the council till the present, and the difficulties the Church continues to encounter in encouraging an ever deeper participation in Jesus Christ on the part of all believers. In this light, the book's final chapter compares the historicist (Massimo Faggioli) and Christological (Robert Imbelli) interpretations of Vatican II, arguing that historicism can undermine the Council's fundamental desire for a reform and renewal rooted in Christ. The conclusion addresses the concerns about secularization and loss of faith raised after the Council by Henri de Lubac, Joseph Ratzinger, and Yves Congar, arguing that contemporary Vatican II scholarship needs to take these concerns more seriously.

An Introduction to the Restored Order
Unit price perAn Introduction to the Restored Order
Unit price perHistory, theology, and catechesis by Timothy R. Gabrielli, Carolyn F. Houston, and Christine G. Taylor.
An Introduction to the Restored Order explores the historical, theological, and catechetical dimensions of celebrating the sacraments of initiation in the order of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. It is primarily written for catechists who are guiding children and parents along the journey of the restored order, but others who are interested in this process will find useful insights as well. Through a deeper understanding of the restored order and its place in the Church's sacramental life, catechists are inspired to form children, parents, and the whole parish into lifelong disciples. Questions at the end of each chapter provide an opportunity for readers to reflect on their own understanding and experience of initiation. These questions can also be used to guide group discussions about the way the restored order is practiced in a parish community.
978-1-61671-622-6 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2022

Unfolding the Mystery of Christ - NN6555
Unit price perUnfolding the Mystery of Christ - NN6555
Unit price perUnfolding the Mystery of Christ
Sunday by Sunday Formation of Catechumens
Author: Eliot Kapitan
The catechumenate is animated by trust. Seekers have to trust in new, barely rooted faith. Seekers also need to have trust in parish ministers who will guide them on the way. Parish ministers need to have trust in their Spirit-given gifts. Most importantly, all involved in the RCIA process need to have trust in the church's normative formation practice-Scripture and tradition mediated through the gradual encounter with Christ in the celebration of the liturgical year.
Eliot Kapitan makes it easier for each to trust. With gentle wisdom, he presents an ordered method for preparing the period of the catechumenate Sunday by Sunday, season by season, liturgical year by liturgical year. If you have ever lacked confidence in your ability to lead the seekers on the way of faith, this book will help you trust that you already have all the skills and resources you need.
ISBN: 9780814665558
Details: 168 pgs , 6 x 5/16 x 9
Publication Date: 03/30/2020

Icons in the Western Church - NN4660
Unit price perIcons in the Western Church - NN4660
Unit price perWithin the Eastern tradition of Christianity, the eikon, or religious image, has long held a place of honor. In the greater part of Western Christianity, however, discomfort with images in worship, both statues and panel icons, has been a relatively common current, particularly since the Reformation. In the Roman Catholic Church, after years of using religious statues, the Second Vatican Council's call for "noble simplicity" in many cases led to a stripping of images that in some ways helped refocus attention on the eucharistic celebration itself but also led to a starkness that has left many Roman Catholics unsure of how to interact with the saints or with religious images at all.
Today, Western interest in panel icons has been rising, yet we lack standards of quality or catechesis on what to do with them. This book makes the case that icons should have a role to play in the Western Church that goes beyond mere decoration. Citing theological and ecumenical reasons, Visel argues that, with regard to use of icons, the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church needs to give greater respect to the Eastern tradition. While Roman Catholics may never interact with icons in quite the same way that Eastern Christians do, we do need to come to terms with what icons are and how we should encounter them.
Subtitle: Toward a More Sacramental Encounter
Author: Jeana Visel, OSB
ISBN: 9780814646601
Details: 192 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 09/06/2016