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83 products
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Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - GF35522
Unit price perOrder of Christian Initiation of Adults - GF35522
Unit price perThis full-sized English edition of The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults includes an updated translation, new instruction examples for the celebrant's use, and revisions to the National Statutes for the Christian Initiation of Adults.
The English Edition includes an updated translation, modifications to the rubrics, and important revisions to the National Statues for the Christian Initiation of Adults. Features include easy-to-read type for text and music, a sturdy cover, and high-quality acid-neutral cream paper with the highest opacity. 416 pages. Size 7 1/4 x 10 1/4.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Bilingual Edition - GF35722
Unit price perOrder of Christian Initiation of Adults Bilingual Edition - GF35722
Unit price perThe Bilingual Edition includes facing Spanish-English pages as the perfect resource for minister less familiar with the Spanish language. Features include easy-to-read type for text and music, a sturdy cover, and high-quality acid-neutral cream paper with the highest opacity.
This full-sized Bilingual edition of The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults includes facing Spanish-English pages to assist ministers who are not as familiar with Spanish. 800 pages. Size 7 1/4 x 10 1/4.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults -NN8958
Unit price perOrder of Christian Initiation of Adults -NN8958
Unit price perThrough the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, parishes welcome new Catholic Christians, accompanying them on a journey of faith and conversion as they seek the living God. Priests, deacons, and pastoral leaders will find the Liturgical Press edition of the revised translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults combines ease of use with durability and liturgical elegance. Carefully formatted for readability in various environments, this revised edition of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults:
- retains the same arrangement and paragraph numbering as the previous Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, while simplifying the numbering of chapters.
- moves the National Statutes from an appendix to the front of the book, so that all relevant legislation concerning the Initiation rites are more properly grouped together.
- includes refined terminology to correspond better and consistently with pastoral practice, including the use of the terms catechumens and candidates.
- provides new sample introductions to be used by celebrants in the combined rites, making clear the distinctions between catechumens and candidates.
- expands the combined rites for the Easter Vigil to now include texts for the baptism of an infant (adapted from the Order of Baptism of Children).
- includes three elegant ribbon markers for easy reference.
- features a simple silver-stamped image by Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB, that beautifully reflects the sacraments of initiation.
- Preparing Adults for Confirmation and the Eucharist Who Were Baptized as Infants and Did Not Receive Catechesis
- Order of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church of Those Already Validly Baptized
Study Versions available in English and Spanish
ISBN: 9780814689585
Details: 352 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - OWOCIARE
Unit price perOrder of Christian Initiation of Adults - OWOCIARE
Unit price perThe new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults was recently approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. The new translation may begin to be used on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024. The mandatory use date is Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
LTP's beautifully designed book edition of the Order of Christian initiation of Adults displays the ritual and Scripture texts and chants with dignity and clarity for those who proclaim them and those who listen to them. The design eliminates page turns wherever possible, and the use of two colors differentiates rubrics from what is to be proclaimed. The line length for the prayer texts and Scripture readings gives a pleasing proportion to the page as a whole and assists the reader in public proclamation of the text. Its design and layout represents an effort by LTP to provide parish ministers with a dignified ritual book helping lead the many rituals that are part of the Christian initiation process.
Features include:
- casebound book with foil stamp on front cover and spine
- three ribbon markers bound into the book
- acid-free paper to prevent discoloration over time
- pagination designed to reduce disrupting page breaks
- Preparing Adults for Confirmation and the Eucharist Who Were Baptized as Infants and Did Not Receive Catechesis
- Order of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church of Those Already Validly Baptized
ISBN: 9781616717926
Details: 432 pgs , 7 x 10

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults / Ritual de la Iniciación cristiana de adultos Bilingual Edition - OWBOCIARE
Unit price perOrder of Christian Initiation of Adults / Ritual de la Iniciación cristiana de adultos Bilingual Edition - OWBOCIARE
Unit price perAvailable for Shipment December 2024
The new English and Spanish translations of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults were recently approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. The new translation may begin to be used on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024. The mandatory use date is Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
This beautifully designed ritual book presents the English and Spanish texts on facing pages. True to LTP's reputation as a leader in liturgical texts, the design shows sensitivity toward the bilingual needs of United States parishes. Page turns are eliminated wherever possible, and the use of two colors differentiates rubrics from what is to be proclaimed. The line length for the prayer texts and Scripture readings gives a pleasing proportion to the page as a whole and assists the reader in public proclamation of the text. This beautifully designed bilingual ritual book displays the ritual and Scripture texts and chants with dignity and clarity for those who proclaim them and those who listen to them.
Features include:
- casebound book with foil stamp on front cover and spine
- three ribbon markers bound into the book
- acid-free paper to prevent discoloration over time
- pagination designed to reduce disrupting page breaks
Ritual Book | 7 x 10 | 864 pages
ISBN 9781616718312

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - MD48083
Unit price perThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - MD48083
Unit price perThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is produced with the same high-quality standards one has come to expect from MTF's liturgical offerings especially the Roman Missal, The Book of the Gospels, and The Order of Penance. The quality of this worthy, dignified, and beautiful ritual edition helps convey the solemnity and dignity of the Order of Christian Initiation.
- Order of the Catechumenate Arranged in Steps
- Order of Initiation of Children Who Have Reached Catechetical Age
- Simpler Order of Adult Initiation
- Shorter Order of Adult Initiation to Be Used in Near Danger or at the Point of Death
- Preparing Adults for Confirmation and the Eucharist Who Were Baptized as Infants and Did Not Receive Catechesis
- Order of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church of Those Already Validly Baptized
- Combined Rites
- Acclamations, Hymns, and Chants
- Synthetic leather hardcover in a liturgical red with gold stamping
- Smyth-sewn pages for durability
- Texts in vivid red and black inks for readability
- Satin placeholder ribbon
- Pagination designed to reduce page turns during prayers
- 7 x 10 with 13pt font
This new translation was approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See.
Also available in Bilingual Edition.
ISBN: 9781962548083
Details: 352 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/4

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Bilingual Edition - MD48090
Unit price perThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Bilingual Edition - MD48090
Unit price perThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is produced with the same high-quality standards one has come to expect from MTF's liturgical offerings €š ¬ especially the Roman Missal, The Book of the Gospels, and The Order of Penance. The quality of this worthy, dignified, and beautiful ritual edition helps convey the solemnity and dignity of the Order of Christian Initiation.
- Order of the Catechumenate Arranged in Steps
- Order of Initiation of Children Who Have Reached Catechetical Age
- Simpler Order of Adult Initiation
- Shorter Order of Adult Initiation to Be Used in Near Danger or at the Point of Death
- Preparing Adults for Confirmation and the Eucharist Who Were Baptized as Infants and Did Not Receive Catechesis
- Order of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church of Those Already Validly Baptized
- Combined Rites
- Acclamations, Hymns, and Chants
- Synthetic leather hardcover in liturgical red with gold stamping
- Smyth-sewn pages for durability
- Texts in vivid red and black inks for readability
- Satin placeholder ribbon
- Pagination designed to reduce page turns during prayers
- 7 x 10 with 13pt font
This new translation was approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See.
ISBN: 9781962548090
Details: 711 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/4

Book of the Elect Bilingual Edition - OWBBOE
Unit price perBook of the Elect Bilingual Edition - OWBBOE
Unit price perAvailable for Shipment December 2024
The Rite of Election or Enrollment of Names marks the beginning of the period of purification and enlightenment in the Christian initiation process. At the heart of this rite is the ritual action by which the catechumens write their names in the Book of the Elect, thus ritually symbolizing that they have been called by God to become initiated at the great Easter Vigil. The enrollment of names and the subsequent election by the bishop are the most ancient and the most important part of this liturgy.
The Book of the Elect is a formal record of the names of all those from the parish who have been elected for baptism. This elegantly designed book provides a dignified option for diverse parishes to ritually inscribe the names of their elect. Quotations from Scripture decorate the pages of this book in both English and Spanish. These texts have been carefully chosen and point to the new reality that has been bestowed upon those who have now been elected by God the blessed ones whom the Lord . . . has chosen as his heritage Psalm 33:12b). The lines on the page provide the elect with enough space to sign their names neatly and legibly. Parishes may also record the date of their election.
On the Cover:
The cover of this book presents three overlapping circles as a sign of the Trinitarian relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The circles are placed within an image reminiscent of ancient baptismal fonts. In doing so, the overlapping circles become the focus of the cover and are thus suggestive of the heart of the initiation process coming to know our God of love and deepening relationship with him in and through the Church. In baptism we are baptized into this Trinitarian relationship and are commissioned to become part of the divine dance, a network of relationships that exudes love, mercy, and justice. The octagonal shape of the font points to new life, a new order, the day of creation (the eighth day, the perfect day), and the day of Christ's resurrection. Hints of flowing water surround the baptismal shape, an indication of the redemption those elected by God will receive at Easter.
9781616718299 | Hardcover | 9 x 12 | 128 pages | Language: English

Book Tabs for OCIA Bilingual - OWBBTOCIA
Unit price perBook Tabs for OCIA Bilingual - OWBBTOCIA
Unit price perUse these forty color-coded, self-adhesive tabs to mark the major divisions and rites found in the newly translated English and Spanish Order of Christian Initiation of Adults approved for use in the diocesed of the United States. The tabs are bilingual in English and Spanish.
These self-adhesive, die-stamped tabs require no cutting or inserting and are easy to attach to pages of the OCIA. Just peel off, then press and stick. Detailed instructions are provided inside the package.

An Introduction to the OCIA- OWEIRCIAR
Unit price perAn Introduction to the OCIA- OWEIRCIAR
Unit price perThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the Church’s ritual for welcoming and forming adults and children of catechetical age in the way of Jesus as it is lived in the Roman Catholic tradition. In this resource, Fr. Ronald J. Lewinksi provides a basic and thorough introduction to the Church’s vision for the process of Christian initiation, guiding initiation ministers through the various rituals and steps of the OCIA through the lens of conversion, evangelization, and discipleship. This book is an excellent resource for new and experienced initiation ministers as well as for those who seek a deeper understanding of how the Church welcomes and initiates adult Catholic Christians. This revised edition has been updated to reflect the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
9781616717360 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 112 pages | Language: English

Pastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition) - GF15619
Unit price perPastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition) - GF15619
Unit price perPastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition). Rites of Anointing and Viaticum. Handy pocket-size edition of the complete Rite for personal use. Contains all the features of the large-size edition, plus handy edge-marking index. Size 4 X 6 1/4. Green vinyl cover.

Communion of the Sick - NN8970
Unit price perCommunion of the Sick - NN8970
Unit price perCommunion of the Sick contains—in a portable and easy-to-follow format—the official rites needed by every extraordinary minister of Communion in visiting and bringing Communion to the sick. Sick or confined persons will also benefit from having this book for their prayer. This classic resource has been revised in accordance with Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass.
Details: 56 pgs, 4 x 7
Publication Date: 09/15/2024

Communion of The Sick - GF8204
Unit price perCommunion of The Sick - GF8204
Unit price perA valuable service booklet for Extraordinary Ministers, the text is set both in English and Spanish. Includes all appropriate readings as well as a series of beneficial pastoral instructions and guidelines. Commentary, history, and appendices are written by the renowned Rev. Joseph M. Champlin. Printed in large type and in two colors. Size 4 3/8 X 6 3/4. Green paperback cover.

Order of Penance - GF52822
Unit price perOrder of Penance - GF52822
Unit price perThis Clothbound Ritual Edition includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing:
- Large, bold, legible type for Priests, Deacons, and ministers text
- Familiar, proven layout that respects functional page-turns
- Illustrations in two colors that enhance the sacredness and dignity of the text
- Specially produced acid-neutral cream paper from established, quality mills that ensures a high level of opacity and consistency of the highest degree
- Doubly-reinforced Smyth sewing, coupled with heavy-duty binders board that ensure strength, durability, and longevity
- Two satin ribbon page markers that are designed not to fray and are enhanced by our patented insert system
- Size:7 1/4 X 10 1/4
- Color:BROWN

Order of Penance - GF11719
Unit price perOrder of Penance - GF11719
Unit price perThe convenient pocket size of this edition makes it a perfect companion for use in the confessional or during face-to-face confession, while its elegant Dura-Lux cover enhances the dignity of the text. Itincludes the sought-after features of the Ritual Edition, those that celebrants have come to know, trust, and expect from Catholic Book Publishing:
- Bold, highly readable type for Priests, Deacons, and ministers text
- Familiar, proven layout that respects functional page-turns
- Illustrations in two colors that enhance the sacredness and dignity of the text
- Specially produced acid-neutral cream paper from established, quality mills that ensures a high level of opacity and consistency of the highest degree
- Doubly-reinforced Smyth sewing to help ensure strength, durability, and longevity
- Two satin ribbon page markers that are designed not to fray and are enhanced by our patented insert system
- Size:4 X 6 1/4
- Color:BROWN

Holy Communion & Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass - GF64822
Unit price perHoly Communion & Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass - GF64822
Unit price perHoly Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass includes the Rite of Distributing Holy Communion outside Mass, Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. This valuable liturgical resource for Eucharistic worship also contains Scripture readings, antiphons, responsories, prayers after Communion, and prayers at Benediction
ISBN: 9781958237687
Details: 152pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/2024

The Order of Baptism of Children Revised Edition - GF13622
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children Revised Edition - GF13622
Unit price perThe revision of this Ritual Edition, the English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, is divided into seven chapters
- Order of Baptism for Several Children
- Order of Baptism for One Child
- Order of Baptism for a Large Number of Children
- Order of Baptism of Children to Be Used by Catechists in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon
- Order of Baptism of Children in Danger of Death, or at the Point of Death, to Be Used in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon
- Order of Bringing a Baptized Child to the Church
- Various Texts for Use in the Celebration of Baptism for Children.
This volume also includes an Appendix not found in the original edition that is provided to assist Priests who wish to celebrate the Order of Baptism for Several Children within Mass or to celebrate the Order of Baptism for One Child within Mass. In addition, this edition incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles (formerly The Revised Grail Psalms).

Order for the Blessing of a Fifteenth Birthday - Bendicion al Cumplir Quince Anos - YB7024
Unit price perOrder for the Blessing of a Fifteenth Birthday - Bendicion al Cumplir Quince Anos - YB7024
Unit price per
Book of Blessings - GF56022
Unit price perBook of Blessings - GF56022
Unit price perThis liturgical book contains the blessings of the Roman Ritual for the Universal Church as well as additional proper blessings for use in the United States. The volume is set in highly readable 14 pt. type. Size 7 1/4 X 10 1/4. Brown cloth hardcover.

Order of Baptism Participation Booklet Revised Edition - GF8004
Unit price perOrder of Baptism Participation Booklet Revised Edition - GF8004
Unit price perThe Order Of Baptism Of Children(Participation Booklet) includes all the texts for the Order of Baptism for Several Children and the Order of Baptism for One Child. This booklet also contains a Letter to New Parents that walks them through each part of the ceremony so they will know what will occur on the day of their child's Baptism and thus have a better understanding of the different signs, symbols, words, and actions surrounding the Sacrament. Also included are the full texts of Biblical Readings that can be used during the celebration of Baptism as well as a section entitled Some Norms for Baptism, which explains some key insights concerning this first Sacrament. Printed in two colors with the people's parts set in boldface type, the Order Of Baptism Of Children(Participation Booklet) is a worthy and easy-to-follow companion for witnesses of this important sacramental milestone. This booklet is bound in an attractive and durable green flexible cover.

Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist - NN20397
Unit price perOrder for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist - NN20397
Unit price perThis collection from approved sources of the rites and texts for use during the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist is so arranged that it may be used for one or several days, according to local custom or pastoral need. In order to provide periods for liturgical prayer during the period of exposition three services are provided: The Liturgy of the Hours during the Period of Exposition, Eucharistic Services of Prayer and Praise, and Celebration of the Eucharist during the Period of Exposition. Two forms for the Closing Celebration for the Solemn Exposition are also given, one taking place during Mass, and a second when Mass is not celebrated.
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2039-7, 2039
Details: 240 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2
Publication Date: 08/01/1993

Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass - NN8921
Unit price perHoly Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass - NN8921
Unit price perDeepen your parish's Eucharistic spirituality with a new translation of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass.
With its center in the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass, the Churches liturgical life also includes opportunities for the faithful to receive Communion outside of Mass due to pastoral need and participate in forms of Eucharistic worship outside Mass as part of a deepened Eucharistic spirituality. Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass, approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Vatican's Dicastery for Divine Worship:
- contains official introductions, which show the theological and pastoral relationship between Eucharistic celebration at Mass and communion and worship of the Eucharist outside Mass.
- includes rites for Holy Communion outside Mass, both with a fuller celebration of the Word of God, as well as a briefer form when pastorally necessary.
- includes rites for administration of Communion and Viaticum to the sick by an extraordinary minister.
- provides an abundance of Scripture readings, antiphons, responsories, and prayers before and after Communion, allowing for a deepened Eucharistic spirituality.
- offers a standard model for Exposition and Benediction in the dioceses of the United States.
- among hymnody which may be sung, includes new English translations of O salutáris Hóstia, and Tantum ergo, confirmed by the Holy See as a part of the hymnody of the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition.
- expands certain rubrics to allow for inclusion of customary practices of (e.g. O salutáris Hóstia, Tantum ergo, Divine Praises) or provide necessary clarification.
- includes two elegant ribbon markers to assure easy use.
includes two elegant ribbon markers to assure easy use.
ISBN: 9780814689219
Details: 136 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2
Publication Date: 08/01/2024

The Order of Baptism of Children Bilingual Revised Edition - GF13822
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children Bilingual Revised Edition - GF13822
Unit price perThis Bilingual Edition of the Ritual Edition offers a harmony between the Spanish and English texts, including the Appendix, which has been added to the Spanish Second Typical Edition, first published in the United States in 2009.
The revision of this Ritual Edition, the English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, is divided into seven chapters: Order of Baptism for Several Children; Order of Baptism for One Child; Order of Baptism for a Large Number of Children; Order of Baptism of Children to Be Used by Catechists in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon; Order of Baptism of Children in Danger of Death, or at the Point of Death, to Be Used in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon; Order of Bringing a Baptized Child to the Church; and Various Texts for Use in the Celebration of Baptism for Children. This volume also includes an Appendix not found in the original edition that is provided to assist Priests who wish to celebrate the Order of Baptism for Several Children within Mass or to celebrate the Order of Baptism for One Child within Mass. In addition, this edition incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles (formerly The Revised Grail Psalms).

The Order of Baptism of Children/Ritual para el Bautismo de los Nios - NN6534
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children/Ritual para el Bautismo de los Nios - NN6534
Unit price perThis Ritual Edition is available now!
Its first-use date is February 2, 2020. Its use is obligatory as of April 12, 2020.
A handsomely bound, gold and silver-stamped book, The Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition contains the texts for the new, revised order plus the optional rites including the Order of Baptism within Mass. It features the official ritual for several children and one child; parts clearly marked for the celebrant, parents, and godparents; an explanation of the sacrament; and appropriate Scripture readings.
The second edition contains large, easy-to-read type and is printed in two colors to help distinguish the parts for the celebrant, parents, and godparents. Three elegant ribbon markers assure easy use.
Un libro bellamente encuadernado, con sellos de oro y plata, la segunda edición contiene los textos para el nuevo orden revisado de bautismo más los Ritos opcionales, incluido el Bautismo durante la Misa. Presenta el ritual oficial para varios nios y un nio; partes claramente marcadas para el celebrante, los padres y los padrinos; una explicaci ión del sacramento; y lecturas bÃblicas apropiadas.
La Segunda Edición contiene una tipografÃa grande y fácil de leer y está impresa en dos colores para ayudar a distinguir las partes para el celebrante, los padres y los padrinos. Tres elegantes marcadores de cinta aseguran un uso fácil.
Bilingual Edition/Edición Bilingüe
ISBN: 9780814665343
Details: 384 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2

The Order of Baptism of Children - NN6509
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children - NN6509
Unit price perThis Ritual Edition is available now!
Its first-use date is February 2, 2020. Its use is obligatory as of April 12, 2020.
A handsomely bound, gold and silver-stamped book, The Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition, contains the texts for the new, revised order plus the optional rtes including the Order of Baptism within Mass. It features the official ritual for several children and one child; parts clearly marked for the celebrant, parents, and godparents; an explanation of the sacrament; and appropriate Scripture readings.
The second edition contains large, easy-to-read type and is printed in two colors to help distinguish the parts for the celebrant, parents, and godparents. Three elegant ribbon markers assure easy use.
Second Edition
ISBN: 9780814665091
Details: 192 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2

Una Introduccion al RICA - OWSIRCIA
Unit price perUna Introduccion al RICA - OWSIRCIA
Unit price perUna Introduccion al RICA: La vision de la iniciacion cristiana by Ronald J. Lewinski
Una introduccion al RICA: La vision de la iniciacion cristiana serves as a basic primer for those involved with Christian Initiation ministry. Written by Fr. Ron Lewinski, this resource provides an overview of the four stages of initiation and their accompanying rituals as well as questions for discussion and reflection.
978-1-61671-445-1 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 112 pages | Language: Spanish

Order of Penance - OWOPRE
Unit price perOrder of Penance - OWOPRE
Unit price perLTP's edition of the Order of Penance displays the ritual and Scriptural texts with dignity and clarity for those who proclaim them and those who listen to them. The design eliminates page turns wherever possible, and the use of two colors differentiates rubrics from what is to be proclaimed.
Features include
- casebound book with foil stamp on front cover and spine
- two ribbon markers bound into the book
- acid-free paper to prevent discoloration over time
- pagination designed to reduce disrupting page breaks
- 7 x 10 | 256 pages | Language: English

Shorter Book of Blessings - GF56513
Unit price perShorter Book of Blessings - GF56513
Unit price perThe Shorter Book of Blessings from Catholic Book Publishing is a handy-size edition of the larger Book of Blessings that includes only the blessings that are celebrated outside Mass. It contains the New American Bible translation for all Scripture readings to ensure conformity with the Catholic liturgical Lectionary. This handy liturgical resource from Catholic Book Publishing is printed in two colors, with each blessing set in easy-to-read sense lines and carefully arranged for the celebrant. The Shorter Book of Blessings is elegantly bound in black gold-stamped bonded leather. - Size: 4 3/8 X 6 3/4 - Binding: BONDED LEATHER - Pages:576