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120 products
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The Abbey Psalms and Canticles - IPAPCP
Unit price perThe Abbey Psalms and Canticles - IPAPCP
Unit price perPrepared by the Benedictine monks of Conception Abbey in Missouri, this edition presents these moving passages of the Bible in an accurate and poetic translation, while keeping a smooth cadence especially suited to singing and recitation.
It establishes the definitive form of psalms and canticles that will gradually appear in official Catholic liturgical books such as future editions of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Lectionary for Mass.
Liturgy directors, composers, parish music directors, and the clergy, religious, and lay faithful will value this collection. Anyone who loves to study and pray with Sacred Scripture will find this work to be a timeless treasure.

John Henry Cardinal Newman: In My Own Words - NJ19100
Unit price perJohn Henry Cardinal Newman: In My Own Words - NJ19100
Unit price perThis timely compilation of John Henry Cardinal Newman's own words on a wide variety of subjects will inspire readers to live an authentic Christian life. Brother Berry's careful selections convey the heart of Newman's teachings, story, and spirit, deepening your familiarity with this saintly and influential man of God.
As an Anglican priest, Newman led the Oxford Movement that sought to return the Church of England to its Catholic roots. His conversion to Catholicism in 1845 rocked Victorian England. After becoming an Oratorian priest, he was involved in the establishment of the Birmingham Oratory.
Published: September 1, 2010
Pages: 128
Size: 5 x 7
ISBN: 9780764819100

The Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo - IPICECP
Unit price perThe Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo - IPICECP
Unit price perhe Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness. Just as his first hearers were captivated by his powerful conversion story, so also have many millions been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions.
This acclaimed new translation by Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B., masterfully captures his experience, and is written in an elegant and flowing style. Her beautiful contemporary translation of the ancient Confessions makes the classic work more accessible to modern readers. Her translation combines the linguistic accuracy demanded by 4th-century Latin with the poetic power aimed at by Augustine, not as discernible in previous translations.
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN/UPC: 9781586176839
- Publication date: July 16, 2012
- Height: 8
- Size: 5.2 x 1.4
- Pages: 522

Gay and Catholic EZ15426
Unit price perGay and Catholic EZ15426
Unit price perGay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living My Faith
In this first book from an openly lesbian and celibate Catholic, widely published writer and blogger Eve Tushnet recounts her spiritual and intellectual journey from liberal atheism to faithful Catholicism and shows how gay Catholics can love and be loved while adhering to Church teaching.
Eve Tushnet was among the unlikeliest of converts. The only child of two atheist academics, Tushnet was a typical Yale undergraduate until the day she went out to poke fun at a gathering of philosophical debaters, who happened also to be Catholic. Instead of enjoying mocking what she termed the zoo animals, she found herself engaged in intellectual conversation with them and, in a move that surprised even her, she soon converted to Catholicism. Already self-identifying as a lesbian, Tushnet searched for a third way in the seeming two-option system available to gay Catholics: reject Church teaching on homosexuality or reject the truth of your sexuality. Gay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living My Faith is the fruit of Tushnet"s searching: what she learned in studying Christian history and theology and her articulation of how gay Catholics can pour their love and need for connection into friendships, community, service, and artistic creation.
Author: Eve Tushnet
ISBN: 9781594715426
5.5" x 8.5" Paperback
224 Pages
On-sale date: October 20, 2014

To Sanctify the World - IPTSWH
Unit price perTo Sanctify the World - IPTSWH
Unit price perA leading Catholic intellectual explains why the teachings of the Second Vatican Council are essential to the Church's future and the world's
The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was the most important Catholic event in the past five hundred years. Yet sixty years after its opening on October 11, 1962, its meaning remains sharply contested and its promise unfulfilled.
In To Sanctify the World, George Weigel explains the necessity of Vatican II and explores the continuing relevance of its teaching in a world seeking a deeper experience of freedom than personal willfulness. The Councils texts are also a critical resource for the Catholic Church as it lives out its original, Christ-centered evangelical purpose.
Written with insight and verve, To Sanctify the World recovers the true meaning of Vatican II as the template for a Catholicism that can propose a path toward genuine human dignity and social solidarity.

Carlo Acutis - God's Computer Genius - ZN17006
Unit price perCarlo Acutis - God's Computer Genius - ZN17006
Unit price perCiao! Meet Carlo: an Italian fifteen-year-old techie who loved coding, video games, animals, and also lived a life that put him on the highway to heaven!
Set to become the first millennial saint, Blessed Carlo Acutis was a vibrant, faith-filled Italian teenager who loved technology and the Eucharist. This kid-friendly biography is the perfect introduction to Carlo fascinating and moving story.
You Can Be a Saint! is a series of kid-friendly biographies about the many inspiring, diverse, and holy people on the path to sainthood.
Features of the series:
- Written in an engaging, narrative form
- Colorful, playful illustrations and design
- Fun and informative sidebars
- Perfect for children ages 8-11
- Durable, high-quality hardcover

Untangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel & Knowing What to Do about it - 9780593193419
Unit price perUntangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel & Knowing What to Do about it - 9780593193419
Unit price perHow often have you heard, "Don't let your emotions get the best of you"? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others?
Many of us need to unlearn damaging messages about our emotions. We've been taught, for example, that emotions are untrustworthy, when, in fact, God can use them to help us see where we need His healing.
In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you
� exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a five-step process to know what you feel and what to do about it
� debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others
� live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as "emotional" or not
� sit with feelings that are confusing and painful by discovering the depth of God's love and compassion for you
Feelings aren't something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we'll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who built us--soul, mind, and heart.

The Holiness of Ordinary People - IPHOOPP
Unit price perThe Holiness of Ordinary People - IPHOOPP
Unit price per"There are some people whom God takes and sets apart," observes Venerable Madeleine Delbrêl (1904-1964), but "there are others whom he leaves in the masses and whom he does not withdraw from the world. These are people who do ordinary jobs, who have an ordinary household or an ordinary single life. . . . We, the ordinary people of the streets, believe with all our might that this street, that this world where God has placed us, is, for us, the site of our holiness."
French poet, social worker, and lay missionary Madeleine Delbrêl knew that Christ's unspeakable goodness touches the smallest, most forgotten corners of our everyday world�the laundry, the checkout counter, the commute. His word shines before us "while we walk in the street, while we do our work, while we peel our vegetables, while we wait for a phone call, while we sweep our floors. We see it glow between two of our neighbor's sentences and between two letters to write, when we wake up and when we go to sleep." Yet prayer alone gives us the eyes to see it.
This book gathers together essays and notes written by Delbrêl during her most active years, giving peerless insights into the distinctive lay vocation in the Church. All men and women�married and unmarried�must follow the Holy Spirit into all that is true in this world, from the small talk around the coffeepot to the great silence of the Holy Eucharist.

God Is Ever New - IPGENH
Unit price perGod Is Ever New - IPGENH
Unit price perWith this concise anthology of Benedict XVI's lessons on the Christian life�on faith, hope, love, joy, youth, holiness, and freedom�readers find themselves walking side by side with a great spiritual father.
"Benedict XVI", as Pope Francis reflects in the book's foreword, "knew how to bring heart and mind, thought and feeling, rationality and emotion in concert with one another�a fruitful model of how one can tell the world about the shattering power of the Gospel."
The crystallized excerpts in God Is Ever New are drawn from lectures, speeches, homilies, and documents across the course of Benedict's papacy. Each grants a glimpse of a God who is full of surprises, never dull. Here, Benedict speaks not in the voice of an academic theologian but of a pastor, a companion on the journey.
Let these poetic insights of Benedict XVI accompany you daily: in prayer, in adoration, in study, and in love.

Father Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor - 9781626984868
Unit price perFather Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor - 9781626984868
Unit price perAlcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson has one of the greatest legacies of any person of modern times. Time magazine placed him at No. 20 on its list of the most important people of the 20th century. But whenever Wilson himself had the opportunity to name the greatest human being he had ever met, he had but one answer: Father Edward Dowling, SJ
Jesuit Father Ed Dowling (1898-1960) rescued Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson from debilitating depression and gave him the spiritual guidance he needed to bring AA to international prominence. Although not an alcoholic himself, he came to devote his ministry to helping people in recovery—not only alcoholics but also people in troubled marriages (as a co-founder of the Cana Conference) and those suffering from nervous disorders (as an early champion of Recovery, Inc., now known as Recovery International). But he was also a champion of civil rights and social justice, and his interests presaged Society’s post-Vatican II priorities.
Dawn Eden Goldstein is the author of four books, including The Thrill of the Chaste, My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints, Remembering God's Mercy), and Sunday Will Never Be the Same. At the age of thirty-one, Dawn underwent a dramatic conversion to Christianity that ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church. She received her doctorate in sacred theology summa cum laude from the University of St. Mary of the Lake in 2016, becoming the first woman in the university's history to earn a canonical doctorate. She has taught at universities and Catholic seminaries in the United States, England, and India.
Pages: 408
Binding: Hardcover

Confession of a Catholic Worker - IPCCWP
Unit price perConfession of a Catholic Worker - IPCCWP
Unit price perEveryone knows there is a "crisis" in the Catholic Church and in the world around us. Some say it is capitalism gone wild. Others say it is the decay of tradition, family, and objective truth. Still others say it is the rise of radical, reactionary conservatism. Though all may not agree on the nature of the crisis, who doesn't agree that there is one, and who isn't worried?
For Larry Chapp, crisis is always the norm of Christian existence. In a cold, dying world choked by greed, the Gospel calls for radical love and radical living according to the Sermon on the Mount. Using the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Peter Maurin, and Dorothy Day, Chapp argues that the real remedy to the disease of sin is not niceness, not political liberation, not fancy liturgical dress, not technical rigor, but a free decision to live totally and joyfully in Jesus Christ, without compromise.
Just as the martyrs chose God over life itself, so each Christian must, in the crucial hour, choose Jesus over all things. Everything hinges on the moment of Christian witness.

Presencia real - 9781646802838
Unit price perPresencia real - 9781646802838
Unit price perPresencia real: significa y por qu es importante?
Also available in English. See Here
¿Qué significa consumir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo en la Misa? ¿Es la Eucaristía solo un símbolo? ¿Está Cristo presente de la misma manera que lo estuvo con los discípulos en el aposento alto?
Si no estás seguro de cómo responder a estas preguntas sobre este misterio central de nuestra fe, no estás solo; la mayoría de los católicos no saben cómo responder. En Presencia real, el teólogo de la Universidad de Notre Dame, Timothy P. O'Malley, aclara la confusión al explicar los orígenes bíblicos y la larga tradición de las doctrinas de la Iglesia sobre la presencia real y la transubstanciación. También explora las prácticas espirituales necesarias para formarnos para reconocer a Cristo en la Eucaristía y ver al Señor en los demás.
- cómo la doctrina de la presencia real tiene sus raíces en la revelación divina y cómo la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre la transubstanciación es espiritualmente fructífera para los creyentes de hoy;
- cómo adorar a Cristo en la Eucaristía y hacer un verdadero asentimiento a la presencia real;
- cómo la Eucaristía es crucial para hacer crecer nuestra capacidad de reconocer a Cristo en la Palabra y en los demás; y
- la importante relación entre la comunión eucarística y la adoración.
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 9781646802838

Convertirse en personas eucarísticas - 9781646802715
Unit price perConvertirse en personas eucarísticas - 9781646802715
Unit price perConvertirse en personas eucar ƒ sticas: ‚ La esperanza y promesa de la vida parroquial
Also available in English. See Here
No podemos simplemente hablar de la presencia de Cristo en la Eucaristía; tenemos que creerlo, celebrarlo y vivirlo individualmente y como comunidad de fieles. Y debemos cultivar una cultura en nuestras parroquias que trate la Presencia Real no solo como una doctrina católica importante, sino también como la parte más importante de la identidad parroquial.
En Convertirse en personas eucarísticas, el teólogo Timothy P. O’Malley, autor de Presencia Real, describe cuatro dimensiones esenciales de una cultura eucarística en una parroquia, que fomenta la reverencia y la unidad entre los fieles, incluye todas las dimensiones de la vida humana en el misterio del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, e invita a las personas a volver a la vida parroquial o a convertirse en católicos por primera vez.
O'Malley, director de educación en el Instituto McGrath para la Vida de la Iglesia en la Universidad de Notre Dame, director académico del Centro de Liturgia de Notre Dame y miembro del equipo de planificación ejecutiva para el Avivamiento Eucarístico de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, muestra lo que significa fomentar una cultura parroquial donde la Eucaristía infunde la cosmovisión, prioridades y prácticas de sus miembros. O’Malley lo guía a través del descubrimiento y del discernimiento sobre cómo crear una cultura parroquial donde cada persona está llamada a la santidad y recibe la ayuda espiritual, teológica y pastoral que necesita para encontrar a Cristo plenamente presente en la Eucaristía y convertirse en testigo de él en el mundo.
O’Malley lo ayudará a reflexionar sobre cuatro facetas esenciales de una cultura parroquial eucarística:
- liturgias con alegre reverencia que celebran los dones de la diversidad;
- formación que involucra la mente, la imaginación, el entendimiento y la voluntad;
- una rica vida de piedad popular y la vitalidad de la Iglesia doméstica; y
- un compromiso de solidaridad con tu vecino.
O’Malley dice que cuando reflejamos la Presencia Real de Cristo a los demás, nuestras parroquias se convertirán en espacios sagrados en los que cada persona sea guiada a una comunión más profunda con Dios y con su prójimo.
Los recursos en línea, que incluyen ideas para retiros parroquiales, recursos didácticos y videos basados en este libro y el Avivamiento Eucarístico de los obispos de los Estados Unidos, están disponibles en el Instituto McGrath para la Vida de la Iglesia.
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 9781646802715

Ten Ways to Pray - 9781646800575
Unit price perTen Ways to Pray - 9781646800575
Unit price perTen Ways to Pray:A Catholic Guide for Drawing Closer to God
Winner of a third-place award for best new religious book from the Catholic Media Association.
Whether you are just beginning to develop a consistent prayer practice or are looking for a new approach to spiritual growth, Ten Ways to Praywill explore a variety of traditional forms of Catholic prayer that enable you to draw closer to God and the communion of saints.
This practical introduction to ten traditional forms of prayer from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame will help you develop a richer spiritual life that draws you closer to the triune God and the communion of saints. Carolyn Pirtle provides intriguing bits of history, engaging spiritual and theological commentary, and step-by-step guidance for trying ten distinct ways of praying that Catholics have utilized across the centuries and around the world in order to develop your own prayer practice.
These include praying:
- with scripture
- to consecrate time through the Liturgy of the Hours and the Angelus
- through experience in the Examen
- through action in the Works of Mercy
- through the beauty of nature, art, and music
- through silence
Pages: 128
Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 9781646800575

Angels and Saints - EZ02371
Unit price perAngels and Saints - EZ02371
Unit price perAngels and Saints: Who They Are and Why They Matter
We often pray with the saints in our Catholic practice or see paintings of angels by famous artists, but who are they really? What do they do? Can they really intercede for us?
Elizabeth Klein, assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute, leads us through a soul-inspiring exploration of Catholic teaching on angels and saints and why they matter to us as individuals and to the Church.
Throughout the book, Klein answers common questions about the angels and saints in order to give us a deeper understanding and appreciation of the role they play in our lives, the Mass, and in the life of the Church. She also equips us to better discuss with non-Catholics what we believe about angels and saints.
In Angels and Saints, Klein explains that these heavenly companions are gifts from God. They are our friends and are joined to us in the mystical Body of Christ. They invite us to love God and each other perfectly as they do.
In this book, you also will learn that
- Angels appear throughout the Bible in many forms.
- TheCatechism of the Catholic Church says that angels are perfect, immortal, have souls, and are as individual as humans.
- Both the Old and New Testaments provide strong evidence that each one of us has a guardian angel.
- The Communion of Saints refers to the Church, the Body of Christ of which we are a part. This means we have true contact and unity with all members of the Church, both living and dead.
- No matter your state in life, you can find a canonized saint very like you.
- When we pray to saints, we are really asking them to pray to God on our behalf.
- Relics are the remains of saints, including their body or parts of it, clothing or items they have used, or something put into contact with the saints body or one of its parts. Relics are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments.
- A saints feast day is the day of their death the day they entered eternal life.
Books in the Engaging Catholicism series from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame help readers discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through a concise exploration of the Churchs most important but often difficult-to-grasp doctrines as well as crucial pastoral and spiritual practices.
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 9781646802371

Creation - 9781646801077
Unit price perCreation - 9781646801077
Unit price perCreation: A Catholic's Guide to God and the Universe
Was creation a fantastic series of actions by God that long ago set the universe in motion? Or is creation an eternal flowing forth from God that even now causes all things to exist?
Christopher Baglow, director of the Science and Religion Initiative at the University of Notre Dame, writes from within the deep well of Catholic tradition and his personal love of both science and faith to provide probing yet lively and often-humorous answers to the foundational questions of human existence.
Christian doctrine sees creation not as a one-time event but rather as an eternal outpouring of divine merciful love. In Creation: A Catholics Guide to God and the Universe, Baglow explores how the doctrine of creation addresses the why of the universe, making it perfectly open to science, which helps us to answer how the universe came to be and continues to exist. He weaves the lessons of scripture, the Churchs long tradition of scientific inquiry and theological development, and cultural icons such as Douglas Adamss The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the inhabitants of C. S. Lewiss Narnia series to create a concise and spirited guide for Catholics wanting to better understand the doctrine of creation without abandoning what science teaches us.
Baglow helps to neutralize the unnecessary conflict between faith and science that often runs rampant among people of faith. He provides an excellent guide for curious Catholics, and an expert resource for teachers in Catholic schools, parish leaders, campus ministers, and RCIA teams, helping those exploring foundational questions of faith dive into the meaning of creation and what it tells us about who God is, who we are, and how we are to live.
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 9781646801077

Encountering the Real Presence of Christ - OWEERP
Unit price perEncountering the Real Presence of Christ - OWEERP
Unit price perBelief in the real presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist has always been the heart of our Catholic faith. Participating at Mass and receiving the Lord's Body and Blood in holy Communion is the most important thing we do each week as Catholic Christians. Christ's presence is so great and wondrous that we encounter it in multiple ways. Based on the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, this booklet explores the many presences of Christ as experienced in the liturgy: in the gathered assembly, the minister, the proclaimed Word and, most especially, the Eucharist. This resource also reflects upon Christ's presence in the Body of Christ, the Church, called forth from the liturgy as a sign of his presence in the world.

Handy Little Guide to the Holy Spirit - IWT2336
Unit price perHandy Little Guide to the Holy Spirit - IWT2336
Unit price perTry to picture the person of the Holy Spirit. Youll probably think of a dove, or a tongue of fire, or a gust of wind. While those are common symbols of the Third Person of the Trinity, they dont quite capture who he is or help us relate to him like we relate to the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is a person, but hes ¦ not? This is confusing. So, hes often left out of our conversation with the Triune God.
Author Michelle Schroeder totally understands the struggle. Thats why she wrote this quick-read guide to help you get to know the Holy Spirit intimately. Youll learn:
- How Scripture describes the Third Person of the Trinity
- The names of the Holy Spirit clues to his role in the Trinity
- Why we need to get to know the Holy Spirit
- Why we should talk to the Holy Spirit directly
- How to recognize and respond to the Holy Spirits nudges
- How a relationship with the Holy Spirit will change us
Let The Handy Little Guide to the Holy Spirit reveal the richness of a relationship with the entire, mysterious Trinity, and also to help you to be a beacon of light for others.

Anointed for Discipleship - OWEAFD
Unit price perAnointed for Discipleship - OWEAFD
Unit price perThe life of Christian discipleship begins at Baptism. Through the life-saving waters, a new Christian is freed from sin, shares in the death and Resurrection of Christ, and is made a member of the Body of Christ, the Church. But with this gift from God comes important responsibilities. This short booklet explores the Catholic understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism and the baptized Christian's important role in sharing the light of Christ. The questions at the end of each short chapter will help readers reflect upon what it means to be a Christian disciple in the world today, living lives of justice, charity, and love.
Also available in Spanish - OWSAFD
ISBN 9781616716868

Anointed for Mission - OWAFM
Unit price perAnointed for Mission - OWAFM
Unit price perBy their baptism, the faithful are called to make Christ tangibly present in the world. To understand this vocation, it is necessary to grasp what it means to share in a royal priesthood and a mission to preach the Gospel to draw others into life in the Body of Christ. Author Stephen S. Wilbricht,
ISBN 9781616716851
80 Pages

Anointed to Lead - OWATL
Unit price perAnointed to Lead - OWATL
Unit price perAs leaders in the faith community, the parish staff are to guide the faithful to embrace their baptismal call to make Christ tangibly present in the world. To support parish administrative staff, this resource presents an examination of the communal nature of baptism by author Stephen S. Wilbricht,
ISBN 9781616716844
Paperback 6x9
144 Pages

Surrender All - EZ00070
Unit price perSurrender All - EZ00070
Unit price perContemporary Catholic artist Jen Norton offers a unique opportunity to ponder the extravagant love of Christ through the Stations of the Cross. Combining Nortons powerful, full-color illustrations with scripture, her original reflections and prayers, and journaling space, Surrender All will help you encounter Christs Passion in a new light.
Full of passion, energy, and faith, Jen Norton's paintings have inspired believers from every walk of life. In this beautiful book, Norton takes you on a personal retreat, inviting you to walk with Jesus from the joy of Palm Sunday through the Stations of the Cross and to the glory of the Resurrection.
In each chapter you will find:
- stirring interpretations of scenes from Jesus final days leading up to his death and resurrection, with complementary scripture art to deepen your devotion;
- brief scripture readings accompanied by a reflection from the author;
- journal prompts to help you experience the stations more deeply;
- a creative exercise based on the Gospel passage; and
- prayers to draw your heart to Jesus.
As you ponder each image and meditate through the days readings and journaling prompts, you will find yourself surrendering to the Son of Man who offered himself up for us all.
Surrender All is a perfect prayer companion for adoration or holy hour, Lenten devotions, or personal prayer any time of the year.

Habits of Freedom - EZ01237
Unit price perHabits of Freedom - EZ01237
Unit price perDo you feel exhausted, anxious, or distracted? Do you want to free your mind from mental clutter?
Popular retreat leader and spiritual director Fr. Christopher Collins, SJ, says that if you turn your heart to God you will find clarity and spiritual peace. In Habits of Freedom, Collins offers you five practical tools to help you develop a habit of daily discernment that will lead to inner calm.
Drawing on the wisdom of St. Ignatius Loyola and his renowned Spiritual Exercises, Collins offers practical spiritual exercises for incorporating five tools into your daily life to help you de-stress, organize your thoughts, and experience the calming presence of Jesus. These are:
- allowing God to show you the signs of oncoming anxiety and mental breakdown;
- developing the ancient practice of spiritual discernment to help analyze your moods and perceptions;
- interpreting life events with an eye toward personal growth and resiliency;
- practicing detachment from negative influences; and
- engaging in interior sensitivity to how God works to bring you peace.
Habits of Freedom is an excellent resource for spiritual directors and individuals, as well as for use in prayer and parish groups seeking practical material that can speak broadly to members from a variety of backgrounds and seasons of life. The book can be easily adapted for small groups and retreat use

Redeeming Conflict - EZ16133
Unit price perRedeeming Conflict - EZ16133
Unit price per12 Habits for Christian Leaders by Ann M. Garrido
It seems counterintuitive: conflict can be a blessing. But Catholic theologian and conflict mediator Ann M. Garrido identifies conflict as a potentially fruitful exchange that arises from living and working together in the diverse world God created. Garrido, author of the bestselling Redeeming Administration, offers twelve practical habits for responding to conflict, pairs each habit with a spiritual companion from history, and offers questions and prayers for growth.
In Redeeming Conflict, Ann Garrido explains that conversion comes through conversation, that there is a difference between the truth and my truth, and that you should be curious and practice Pentecost listening or empathic listening even if you think something is way off base.
Garrido will help Christian leaders discover how to speak directly with colleagues about tensions and about how to know themselves well enough to keep from becoming defensive in the face of negative feedback.
She uses saintly examples to illustrate her points, calling upon stories of St. Francis and a Muslim sultan, Leo the Great, Archbishop :scar Romero, and Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. Garrido also offers sample exercises and tools to work through conflict within an organization and provides self-assessment questions and a prayer at the end of each chapter to help apply it to your personal and professional life. A small group discussion guide and a parish resource guide, which features homily and bulletin aids are available as a free downloads for the book.

Thousands and Thousands of Lovers - NNCS289P
Unit price perThousands and Thousands of Lovers - NNCS289P
Unit price per
Claiming Your Voice - NN6793
Unit price perClaiming Your Voice - NN6793
Unit price perHas the contemporary American polity remained capable of asking itself questions about its purpose and integrity? We recall our optimistic beginnings, sure of God blessing, yet something has gone wrong. We are at odds with each other and even our friends. What brought us to this moment, and is there anything we the people can do?
In Claiming Your Voice, Vest examines four contemporary deforming patterns: market culture, American empire, climate crisis, and racism. In consideration of the Christian foundations in prophetic imagination and Benedictine spirituality, she illustrates that Americans are called to provide energy for hope, to cut through public numbness, and to penetrate the deceptions of imperial consciousness so that God and the sacred again become visible and empowering for all our people.

Waiting in Joyful Hope (Regular and Large print)
From $3.00
Unit price perWaiting in Joyful Hope (Regular and Large print)
From $3.00
Unit price perWritten by Mary De Turris Poust
Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas 2022-2023

The Parables Of Jesus - GF93404
Unit price perThe Parables Of Jesus - GF93404
Unit price perFollow Jesus through His interaction with farmers, shepherds, aristocrats, religious and political leaders, and laborers in 13 parables filled with contrast, exaggeration, humor, and surprise that represent more than one third of His teachings. The scholar and the student, the expert and the layperson can draw inspiration from the greatest storyteller the world has ever known. Even lifetime Catholics who think they know the parables will be rewarded with the wisdom and history that the author shares on these beloved, grace-filled stories.
- ISBN:9781953152084
- Pages:176
- Size:5 1/4 X 7 3/4