377 products
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377 products
377 products
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Catholic Baby's First Bible-GFRG10410
Unit price perCatholic Baby's First Bible-GFRG10410
Unit price perThis board book Bible is beautifully illustrated with peek-through windows, and has sold well over one million copies worldwide. It contains a treasury of Bible stories beginning with Creation and ending with the Resurrection.
Contains Catholic Scriptures

My Picture Prayer Book - GF13422
Unit price perMy Picture Prayer Book - GF13422
Unit price perMy Picture Prayer Bookfrom Catholic Book Publishing is a remarkable, distinctive, and very colorful prayer book for children that provides short prayers for all occasions. Printed in large type, this book is magnificently illustrated with a full-color picture on every page. An ideal First Communion gift,My Picture Prayer Bookwill be cherished by every child for many years.

Picture Book of Saints - GF23522
Unit price perPicture Book of Saints - GF23522
Unit price perAuthor(s): REV. Lawrence G. Lovasik,S.V.D. Now in a padded hardcover edition, this beautiful and inspiring volume by a well-known author, teacher, and missionary will bring joy to young and old. The book contains the lives of over 100 popular Saints, and each is made more memorable by a twofold portrayal in word and picture. The life of each Saint is carefully and simply written in an informal, pleasing style that will delight parents, teachers, and the children with whom they share these pages. The glorious, full-color illustrations are strikingly beautiful and marked by their fine detail. Size 5 7/8 X 8 3/8

Welcome, Children! - HTH3504D
Unit price perWelcome, Children! - HTH3504D
Unit price perWelcome, Children!: A Child's Mass Book Here's a fun, reverent and educational way to help children celebrate the Eucharist. Activities to develop understanding of the Mass are arranged in an easy-to-follow sequence that parallels the progression of the Mass. As Jesus opens the door to invite children in, an activity identifying what they see - altar, tabernacle, candles, crucifix - immediately helps them become familiar with the worship space. Special faith-building features include mass responses (up-to-date and indicated in red); simple icons that show when to sit, stand, kneel; illustrations of traditional gestures and postures; 16 activities that explain the parts of the Mass. With activities on the left-hand pages and Mass prayers on the right, parents can easily help children find their place with little interruption of their own prayer experience. Once complete, the book becomes a personal keepsake to use week after week. Welcome, Children! can help prepare children for First Eucharist - or reinforce participation at Mass for those who already receive Communion. It's a great resource!

150 Fun Facts Found in the Bible - NJ33308
Unit price per150 Fun Facts Found in the Bible - NJ33308
Unit price perAuthor: Bernadette McCarver Snyder. Offers 150 fantastic fun facts from the Bible. Each is full of surprises, secret messages, adventure, and intrigue.

Let's Go To Mass (Rattle Book) - GF98022
Unit price perLet's Go To Mass (Rattle Book) - GF98022
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My First Prayer Book - GF288
Unit price perMy First Prayer Book - GF288
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Saint Kateri Tekakwitha - GF298
Unit price perSaint Kateri Tekakwitha - GF298
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St. Joseph Picture Books (Set of 26 Books) - GF300GS
Unit price perSt. Joseph Picture Books (Set of 26 Books) - GF300GS
Unit price perA collection of twenty-six St. Joseph Picture Books, an inspiring and educational series that features titles on the teachings of Jesus and His Church, Saints, Our Lady, Sacraments, prayers, Church celebrations, and beliefs and practices. Simply written and beautifully illustrated in full color, these books are ideal for home or school and will help children to better understand the Catholic Faith.

My First Catholic Book of Prayers and Graces - GFRG14610
Unit price perMy First Catholic Book of Prayers and Graces - GFRG14610
Unit price perThis square board book is a collection of prayers and graces meant for young children. With illustrations that bounce off the pages with vibrant color and unabashed joy, this book will enchant little ones with each turn of the page.

The Book of Saints-GFRG14300
Unit price perThe Book of Saints-GFRG14300
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Lives of the Saints for Girls-GFRG10355
Unit price perLives of the Saints for Girls-GFRG10355
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Jesus Speaks to Me about the Mass - AABQBEE1
Unit price perJesus Speaks to Me about the Mass - AABQBEE1
Unit price per- ISBN
- 978-1-59325-182-6
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Size
- 8.25 x 9.25 Inches

My Guardian Angel - GF12522
Unit price perMy Guardian Angel - GF12522
Unit price perAuthor: Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy
This book teaches children about Angels and how they help us through our lives. It contains 48 pages with 16 colored illustrations. Size 6 x 9.

Kateri Tekakwitha (Model of Bravery) - NJ22377
Unit price perKateri Tekakwitha (Model of Bravery) - NJ22377
Unit price perThe story of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha comes to life in colorful, full-page illustrations and lively text for children ages 4 through 9. Emphasizing Saint Kateri special virtue of courage, author and long-time elementary educator Barbara Yoffie helps readers develop an understanding of saints as real-life heroes and heroines who live all around and inspire us to become more like Christ. Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is one of 6 saints in the Saints of North America set, part of theSaints and Me!series.
Published Date: 10/1/2012
Pages: 32

St Lucy (A Light for Jesus) - NJ23251
Unit price perSt Lucy (A Light for Jesus) - NJ23251
Unit price perSt. Lucy comes to life in colorful, full-page illustrations and lively text for children ages 4 through 9. St. Lucy, holy and pure, loved Jesus very much. Christians remembered her story and told how she died for her belief in Jesus. Lucy liked to help people who were lonely or sad. She took food to the hungry and gave money to the poor. Often she would meet with other Christians to pray and talk about Jesus. The Church honors St. Lucy as a martyr, a hero of the faith. Author and long-time elementary educator Barbara Yoffie helps readers develop an understanding of saints as real-life heroes and heroines who live all around and inspire us to become more like Christ. is one of 6 saints in the Saints of Christmas set, part of the Saints and Me! series.
Published Date:9/30/2013

Saint Joseph Children's Missal - Black - GF80619B
Unit price perSaint Joseph Children's Missal - Black - GF80619B
Unit price perThis edition of theSaint Joseph Children's Missal, treasured by countless youngsters for over four decades, introduces some notable changes:
- The Missal has been extended from 96 to 128 pages.
- The Mass comes to life in 28 new full-color photographs.
- The illustrated Life of Christ section has been expanded to depict over 40 important moments and lessons from Jesus' time on earth.
- Lists of Jesus' Miracles and Parables have been added.
- The Prayers section has more than doubled in size.
- A helpful section on preparing for the Sacrament of Penance has been added.
- Important TeachingsThe Beatitudes, The Sacraments, illustrated Holydays of Obligation in the Dioceses of the United States, and The Church Year and Vestment Colors are now included.
- Product Code:806/19B
- ISBN:9781947070851
- Pages:128
- Size:3 1/2 x 5 1/2
- Color:BLACK
- Binding:DURA-LUX

115 Saintly Fun Facts - NJ35623
Unit price per115 Saintly Fun Facts - NJ35623
Unit price perAuthor: Bernadette McCarver Snyder. You might be surprised to learn about the saint who rode a donkey backwards, the saint who helped a "criminal" escape from prison, the saint who was afraid of water, the saint who was kidnapped by pirates, and lots more! Learn how ordinary men and women did extraordinary things and became known as saints.

Baptism Day - IPMBDH
Unit price perBaptism Day - IPMBDH
Unit price perVery young children are introduced to the meaning and importance of the Sacrament of Baptism through a lovely story of a family spiritual event in church.
Leo is being baptized today!
He is becoming a child of God.
His mom, his dad, his godfather, and his godmother are filled with joy.
The Baptism day is brought to life by Maite Roche's engaging and beautiful illustrations. Board Book.

Dear Pope Francis Hardcover Gift Book - LY44339
Unit price perDear Pope Francis Hardcover Gift Book - LY44339
Unit price perIn this unprecedented book, questions from children from across the world are presented to Pope Francis -- and the Pope himself answers each letter. All too often, the big spiritual questions from children are ignored or written off as quaint, but Pope Francis helps every child feel God's love and know that their voices are valued and heard. With each question charmingly illustrated by the child,Dear Pope Francislets the Pope respond directly to each child with inspiring, meaningful answers. Pope Francis's joyful warmth and wisdom shine through for parents, grandparents, teachers and, of course, children.

God's Heroes - HTH3511
Unit price perGod's Heroes - HTH3511
Unit price perGod's Heroes: A Child's Book of Saints Heroes come in many forms an athlete, your grandfather, a firefighter, or even Superman. What better time than October, as All Saints Day approaches, to familiarize children with 13 of the Church€™s most honored heroes? Each life story highlights a particular virtue that saint possessed, and relates the virtue to a child's life today. God's Heroes is arranged in an easy-to-follow format, with information about a saint's life and work on the left and a fun activity on the right to reinforce the learning. Of the 13 saints featured, most will be familiar to children. A few may be new, which offers children the chance to get to know other great heroes, and maybe pick a new favorite! The 13 saints include: St. Francis of Assisi, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Clare of Assisi, St. Philip Neri, St. Joan of Arc, St. Edward the Confessor

Holy Mass in My Pocket - ZN33924
Unit price perHoly Mass in My Pocket - ZN33924
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My Sunday Mass Book: Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist - OWMSMB
Unit price perMy Sunday Mass Book: Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist - OWMSMB
Unit price perMy Sunday Mass Book: Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist by Kara O'Malley.
Children who have just received the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time have reached a very special threshold in their Christian Life.My Sunday Mass Bookis designed to encourage children and their families to continue participating each Sunday at Mass with the same engagement as when they first received the Eucharist €š ¬ for at the heart of the Mass, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, the nourishment we need to go out into the world and do God's work.
My Sunday Mass Bookwas developed to help children:
Engage: Lively section illustrations draw emotional connections to the child's lived experience.
Explore: Spaces for interactivity, where the child can write, draw, and express their thoughts, will encourage children to explore their feelings and feel ownership of the book.
Act: Each section closes with simple activities for home and at Mass.
My Sunday Mass Bookincludes access to a free, online guide,A Companion for Parents,to assist parents in:
- gaining greater understanding of the importance of the Eucharist and the Mass.
- becoming familiar with some Church teachings and history.
- exploring recommended resources to aid in family discussion.
978-1-61671-491-8 | Saddlestitched | Language: English

Aprendemos sobre la Misa - OWSWLAM
Unit price perAprendemos sobre la Misa - OWSWLAM
Unit price perAprendemos sobre la Misa by Gerard Moore
This cost-effective Spanish resource is for use with second, third, fourth, and fifth graders preparing for their first Holy Communion or Christian initiation. The perfect supplement to any diocesan approved religious education text book, it is also helpful to parents looking for ways to discuss and guide their child through the liturgy.
Inside children will learn:
- the prayers and responses you say aloud
- when to sit and kneel
- how to praise God
- to pray for the world and those you love
- to listen to God's Word
- how to receive Holy Communion
- other actions that are part of Mass
Aprendemos sobre la Misaalso includes:
- instructions about the Mass
- prayer texts
- fill-in-the-blanks with answer key
- pictures to color

Livre Des Saints En Image (French) - GF23722F
Unit price perLivre Des Saints En Image (French) - GF23722F
Unit price perThis beautiful and inspiring volume by a well-known author, teacher, and missionary will bring joy to young and old. The book contains the lives of over 100 popular Saints, and each is made more memorable by a twofold portrayal in word and picture. The life of each Saint is carefully and simply written in an informal, pleasing style that will delight parents, teachers, and the children with whom they share these pages. The glorious, full-color illustrations are strikingly beautiful and marked by their fine detail. Translated into French.

Sacrament of Reconciliation - GF509
Unit price perSacrament of Reconciliation - GF509
Unit price perSacrament of Reconciliation xxplains this Sacrament in easy-to-understand language. Illustrated in full color. Paperback Size: 5 1/2 X 7 3/8

Catholic Book of Prayer for Children - GF531
Unit price perCatholic Book of Prayer for Children - GF531
Unit price perCatholic Book of Prayer for Children is a treasury of essential prayers for young believers. Illustrated in full color. Paperback. Size: 5 1/2 X 7 3/8

Illustrated Book of Saints - GF73522
Unit price perIllustrated Book of Saints - GF73522
Unit price perAuthor(s): REV. Thomas J. Donaghy. Over eighty of the most beloved and recognizable Saints are included in this new volume. Each Saint is vividly described in two full pages: one page details the life and legacy of the Saint, and the other page offers a magnificently striking full-color illustration. Certain to be a source of information and visual delight for years to come. Size 7 1/4 X 10 1/4.