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91 products
91 products
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Italian Style Music Box
Unit price perItalian Style Music Box
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Petite Pink Jeweled Music Box Baptism - GPPJGPKGRACE
Unit price perPetite Pink Jeweled Music Box Baptism - GPPJGPKGRACE
Unit price perThis keepsake Pink Jeweled Music Box plays Amazing Grace. Includes Baptismal prayer insert.
Prayer shown Numbers 6:25-26 "May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the lord lift up His contenance upon you and give you peace."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite 4 x 6 photo or leave as is with a Baptismal prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Silver Jeweled Music Box - GPPJ187SC
Unit price perPetite Silver Jeweled Music Box - GPPJ187SC
Unit price perThis keepsake Silver Jeweled Music Box plays Friend In Jesus. Includes Baptismal prayer insert.
Prayer shown Numbers 6:25-26 "May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the lord lift up His contenance upon you and give you peace."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite 4 x 6 photo or leave as is with a Baptismal prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Ivory Keepsake Music Box Baptism - GPMBIVJESUS
Unit price perIvory Keepsake Music Box Baptism - GPMBIVJESUS
Unit price perThis Ivory Keepsake Music box with detailed edging plays Jesus Loves me and includes a Baptismal prayer insert.
Prayer shown Numbers 6:25-26 "May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up His contenance upon you and give you peace."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Baptismal prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Italian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box First Communion- GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perItalian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box First Communion- GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perThis Ivory Keepsake Music box with Italian style edging plays Ave Maria and includes a First Communion prayer insert.
Prayer shown "As you walk in FAITH with Christ and allow Him to guide you way, may you be filled with HOPE, promise and BLESSINGS of joy each day, forever and always."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a First Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Petite Ivory Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPM5812SI
Unit price perPetite Ivory Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPM5812SI
Unit price perThis Petite Ivory Keepsake Music box plays Ave Maria and includes a First Communion prayer insert.
Prayer shown "May the Lord bless you & keep you as you receive Him in your Heart."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a First Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Ivory and Pink Jeweled Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPJGIVGRACE
Unit price perPetite Ivory and Pink Jeweled Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPJGIVGRACE
Unit price perThis Petite Ivory and Pink Jeweled Keepsake Music box plays Amazing Grace and includes a First Communion prayer insert.
Prayer shown "A day to rejoice & gives thanks! Jesus shows His love for you on your First Communion. May the Lord lead you and guide you all the days of your life."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a First Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Silver Jeweled Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPJ58SC
Unit price perPetite Silver Jeweled Keepsake Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPJ58SC
Unit price perThis Petite Silver Jeweled Keepsake Music box plays Friend in Jesus and includes a First Communion prayer insert.
Prayer shown "On your First Communion, may you always know the Joy of God's Love today & all the days of your life 'I am the bread of life- John 6:35'"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a First Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPMBWBTHOU
Unit price perWood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPMBWBTHOU
Unit price perThis keepsake Music Box plays How Great Thou Art and Includes a Confirmation Insert.
Prayer shown Isaiah 43:1 "Confirmed in Christ. 'I have called you by name, and you are mine.' Isaiah 43:1"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite 4 x 6 photo or leave as in with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Petite Wood Grain Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPM5716S
Unit price perPetite Wood Grain Music Box First Holy Communion - GPPM5716S
Unit price perThis keepsake Music Box plays Friend In Jesus and Includes a First Holy Communion Insert.
Prayer shown "On your First Holy Communion 'and when He had given thanks. He broke it & said 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me'' 1 Corinthians 11:24"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as in with a First Holy Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Italian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perItalian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perThis Ivory Keepsake Music box with Italian style edging plays Ave Maria and includes a Confirmation prayer insert.
Prayer shown Ephesians 2:8 "Confirmed in Christ. May you follow the Lord as He lights your way. 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift from God -' Ephesians 2:8"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Wood Grain Jeweled Keepsake Music Box Baptism - GPJMTWGTHOU
Unit price perWood Grain Jeweled Keepsake Music Box Baptism - GPJMTWGTHOU
Unit price perThis Jeweled Wood Grain Keepsake Music box plays How Great Thou Art and includes a Baptismal prayer insert.
Prayer shown Ephesians 4:5 "Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 'One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism' Ephesians 4:5"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Baptismal prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Italian Style Amber Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMB194S
Unit price perItalian Style Amber Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMB194S
Unit price perThis Amber Keepsake Music box with Italian style edging plays Amazing Grace and includes a Confirmation prayer insert.
Prayer shown "As you are confirmed on your Confirmation, may the grace of God's Blessing, the guidance of His hand & the loving wisdom of His words fill your heart and light your path, forever and always."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Italian Style Amber Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMB33S
Unit price perItalian Style Amber Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMB33S
Unit price perThis Amber Keepsake Music box with Italian style edging plays What a Friend We Have in Jesus and includes a Confirmation prayer insert.
Prayer shown Psalm 55:22 "As you are Confirmed on this day. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Italian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perItalian Style Ivory Keepsake Music Box Confirmation - GPIMIVMARIA
Unit price perThis Ivory Keepsake Music box with Italian style edging plays Ave Maria and includes a Confirmation prayer insert.
Prayer shown 2 Peter 3:18 "Confirmed in Christ. '...Grown in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.' 2 Peter 3:18"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPMBWBEAGLE
Unit price perWood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPMBWBEAGLE
Unit price perThis keepsake Music Box plays On Eagle's Wings and Includes a Confirmation Insert.
Prayer shown "May the Lord bless you on you Confirmation, may you feel His loving presence in a very special way. And as you strive to follow in His footsteps, may He bless your life with many graces and everlasting love."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite 4 x 6 photo or leave as in with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Petite Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPPM5809S
Unit price perPetite Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation - GPPM5809S
Unit price perThis Petite Keepsake Music Box plays Ave Maria and Includes a Confirmation Insert.
Prayer shown 2 Corinthians 13:14 "As you are Confirmed on this day. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. 2 Cor. 13:14 "
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Rose Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation- GPPMFLWGEAGLE
Unit price perPetite Rose Wood Grain Music Box Confirmation- GPPMFLWGEAGLE
Unit price perThis Petite Wood Grain Keepsake Music Box with Rose detail plays On Eagle's Wings and Includes a Confirmation Insert.
Prayer shown "May the Holy Spirit be with you on your Confirmation and throughout your life, forever and always."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as in with a Confirmation prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Woodgrain Music Box First Holy Communion- GPPMWGGRACE
Unit price perPetite Woodgrain Music Box First Holy Communion- GPPMWGGRACE
Unit price perThis keepsake Music Box plays Amazing Grace and Includes a First Holy Communion Insert.
Prayer shown "A day to rejoice and give thanks! Jesus shows His love for you on your First Communion. May the Lord lead you and guide you all the days of your life."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as in with a First Holy Communion prayer.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Black Jeweled Graduation Music Box - GPJMMBPOMPGRAP
Unit price perBlack Jeweled Graduation Music Box - GPJMMBPOMPGRAP
Unit price perThis Black Jeweled music box plays Pomp and Circumstance and includes a Graduation Insert.
Insert Reads "Congratulations Graduate. 'The best way to predict your future is to create it' Abraham Lincoln. 'For I know the plans I have for you' Jeremiah 29:11"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as in with a Graduation Insert.
Dimensions: 8" x 6" x 2.75"

Wood Style Petite Decoupage Music Box Retirement- GPDDPTHOUR
Unit price perWood Style Petite Decoupage Music Box Retirement- GPDDPTHOUR
Unit price perThis Petite Wood Style Decoupage Music box plays How Great Thou Art and includes a Retirement insert.
Insert reads "Retirement. You've worked all those years, Now it's time to rest... Kick back & enjoy some of life's best. Congratulations"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Retirement insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Distressed Music Box with Locket - GPLPNWINDM
Unit price perPetite Distressed Music Box with Locket - GPLPNWINDM
Unit price perThis Petite Locket Music box plays Wind Beneath My Wings and includes a Mom-in-Law insert.
Insert reads "Mom-In-Law, I wish you could know how much you mean to me. there are no words that can express the love and admiration i have for you."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Mom-in-Law insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Distressed Music Box with Locket Daughter - GPLPGRFRIENDD
Unit price perPetite Distressed Music Box with Locket Daughter - GPLPGRFRIENDD
Unit price perThis Petite Locket Music box plays Friend in Jesus and includes a Daughter insert.
Insert reads " Daughter, the memories of you as a child are within my heart. My love for you grows deeper each day as does my respect for who you are. 'The Lord bless and keep you' Numbers 6:24"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Daughter insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Distressed Music Box with Locket Granddaughter- GPLPNTHOUGD
Unit price perPetite Distressed Music Box with Locket Granddaughter- GPLPNTHOUGD
Unit price perThis Petite Locket Music box plays How Great Thou Art and includes a Granddaughter insert.
Insert reads " Granddaughter, You are so special to me. I adore you and love you with all my heart. 'The Lord bless and keep you' Numbers 6:24"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Granddaughter insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Jeweled Amber Music Box Retirement - GPPJGWGGRACER
Unit price perPetite Jeweled Amber Music Box Retirement - GPPJGWGGRACER
Unit price perThis Petite Jeweled Amber Music box plays Amazing Grace and includes a Retirement insert.
Insert reads " Congratulations on your Retirement. May your days be blessed with peace and rest and happiness forevermore. 'For I know the plans I have for you' Jeremiah 29:11"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Retirement insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Jeweled Distressed Gray Music Box Sister - GPPJSGWLIGHTS
Unit price perPetite Jeweled Distressed Gray Music Box Sister - GPPJSGWLIGHTS
Unit price perThis Petite Jeweled Distressed Gray Music box plays You Light up my Life and includes a For Sister insert.
Insert reads "There is no better friend than a sister, and there is no better sister than you."
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a For Sister insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Jeweled Woodgrain Music Box Grandma - GPPJTWGGRACEG
Unit price perPetite Jeweled Woodgrain Music Box Grandma - GPPJTWGGRACEG
Unit price perThis Petite Jeweled Woodgrain Music box plays Amazing Grace and includes a Grandma insert.
Insert reads "Nanas are Angels with Invisible Wings 'Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.' Proverbs 16:31"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a Grandma insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"

Petite Rose Woodgrain Music Box Mom - GPPMFLWGFRIEND
Unit price perPetite Rose Woodgrain Music Box Mom - GPPMFLWGFRIEND
Unit price perThis Petite Rose Woodgrain Music box plays Friend in Jesus and includes a For Mom insert.
Insert reads "Mom, The memories of our times together have become priceless treasures. 'Her children arise and call her blessed.' Proverbs 31:28"
You can personalize this music box with your favorite photo or leave as is with a For Mom insert.
Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 2.5"