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26 products
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Roman Missal - GF2513
Unit price perRoman Missal - GF2513
Unit price perThis Chapel Leatherbound Edition of the Roman Missal, Third Edition has been published for use in the Dioceses of the United States of America and has been Approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. This 1454-page volume includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing:
- Highly readable type for Priest's text and music
- Familiar, proven layout that respects functional page-turns
- Over 300 full-color illustrations, including 25 full-page images, that enhance the sacredness and dignity of the text
- As with the present Sacramentary, the white sheet provides the highest opacity and readability
- As with the present Sacramentary, sturdy, durable 80-lb. paper used for the Order of Mass provides extra strength to withstand everyday use
- Doubly reinforced Smyth sewing coupled with heavy-duty 100-pt. binder's board ensures strength, durability, and longevity
- Sturdy, durable leather cover material
- Enhanced binding methods and specifications add sturdiness to help volume retain its shape
- Limited lifetime-guaranteed tabs specially designed to resist cracking, tearing, and fading
- Five decorated satin ribbon page markers, designed not to fray, are enhanced by our patented insert system
- Two-color stamping on front cover and spine enhances the beauty of this cherished edition.
In keeping with our 100-year tradition of demonstrating our commitment to excellence, every copy of this edition is hand-tabbed and undergoes rigorous inspection by Catholic Book staff to make certain it meets our stringent quality requirements to ensure our customers' satisfaction.

Roman Missal Chapel Edition - GF2522
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition - GF2522
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition by Catholic Book Publishing. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal which includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type, printed and reinforced end papers, durable binding, sturdy, functional tabs for the Ordinary of the Mass, and satin ribbon markers. Full-color illustrations throughout. 7"x 8.75" Red cloth hardcover with altar on the cover.

Roman Missal Leather Altar Edition - GF5513
Unit price perRoman Missal Leather Altar Edition - GF5513
Unit price perRoman Missal Leather Altar Edition by Catholic Book Publishing. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal which includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type, printed and reinforced end papers, durable binding, sturdy, functional tabs for the Ordinary of the Mass, and satin ribbon markers. Full-color illustrations throughout. 8.5"x11". Red genuine leather with Alpha/Omega on the cover.

Roman Missal Altar Edition - GF5522
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition - GF5522
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition by Catholic Book Publishing. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal which includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type, printed and reinforced end papers, durable binding, sturdy, functional tabs for the Ordinary of the Mass, and satin ribbon markers. Full-color illustrations throughout. 8.5"x11" Red cloth hardcover with Cross on the cover.
Published in 2021

Roman Missal Altar Edition - NN33755
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition - NN33755
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition by Liturgical Press. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal produced with the beauty, quality, and affordability expected of Liturgical Press. The full-sized Ritual Edition of the Roman Missal features: A rich, durable deep-red cloth cover with Christ on the front, and foil stamped in gold and copper; interior adorned with fifteen beautiful illustrations by renowned liturgical illustrator and cover artist Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB. Prayer texts set in readable, easy-to-read proclaim type; Five sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks and a full complement of beautiful tabs. 8.5"x11" Printed in the USA.

Roman Missal Ritual Edition - OWRM3RE
Unit price perRoman Missal Ritual Edition - OWRM3RE
Unit price perRoman Missal Ritual Edition by Liturgy Training Publications. Presenting the Third edition of the Roman Missal. Liturgy Training Publications preserves its commitment to quality of design and materials while ensuring affordability. Features: gold foil stamp cover design, cover and binding materials have been chosen for beauty and durability, binding of the highest quality. Theologically rich image, ribbons and tabs. 8.5"x11". Red hard cover with gold stamped cross.

Roman Missal Chapel Edition - OWRM3CE
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition - OWRM3CE
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition by Liturgy Training Publications. Presenting the Third edition of the Roman Missal. Liturgy Training Publications preserves its commitment to quality of design and materials while ensuring affordability. Features: gold foil stamp cover design, cover and binding materials have been chosen for beauty and durability, binding of the highest quality. Theologically rich image, ribbons and tabs. 7"x9" Red hard cover with gold stamped cross.

Daily Roman Missal - MD45716
Unit price perDaily Roman Missal - MD45716
Unit price perFeatures of this Large Print Edition:
- Synthetic leather wrapped over hardcover boards, in liturgical red;
- Gold-stamped image of Christ Pantocrator on front and the Chi-Rho image on the back;
- Sturdy Smyth-sewn binding to ensure the Missal lays open from cover to cover;
- For ease in readability, text is 12.25-point (22% larger) and the weight of the font has been increased;
- Six placeholder ribbons in liturgical colors and gilded page edges;
- Order of Mass in English and Latin (side-by-side text includes the Latin text of the Prefaces);
- Relevant quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church before every Sunday, Solemnity, and Feast;
- Contains adjustment to the conclusion of the Collect (the opening prayer);
- Includes Eucharistic Prayers (I-IV), Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation (I-II), and Eucharistic Prayers for use in Masses for various needs (I-IV);
- Liturgical Calendar up to the year 2034

Classic Edition of the Roman Missal - MD45525
Unit price perClassic Edition of the Roman Missal - MD45525
Unit price perClassic Edition of the Roman Missal by Midwest Theological Forum. This Third Edition designed to ensure that every element is durable and practical yet dignified, beautiful, and suitable for divine worship. The quality of paper and binding as well as the visual impact of vibrant, full-color illustrations; musical notations; and fonts for texts have been considered to produce a dignified altar missal. The pages of the Classic Edition are Smyth-sewn and bound with reinforced end sheets inside a durable cover of soft and rich, faux leather. The cover is gold-stamped with an image of Christ Pantocrator on the front and Chi-Rho on the back. The 8.5 x 11 pages are an august cream color with gilded edges. Full-color illustrations from the Churches treasury of fine art adorn the beginnings of seasons and principal feasts, adding visual beauty to the liturgical texts. The 24 tabs made of bonded leather make for secure and easy turning of pages, and the six ribbons mark places in the missal.

Roman Missal Regal Edition - MD45518
Unit price perRoman Missal Regal Edition - MD45518
Unit price perRoman Missal Regal Edition by Liturgy Training Publications. Presenting the Third edition of the Roman Missal. Liturgy Training Publications preserves its commitment to quality of design and materials while ensuring affordability. Features: gold foil stamp cover design, cover and binding materials have been chosen for beauty and durability, binding of the highest quality. Theologically rich image, ribbons and tabs. 8.5"x11". Genuine Leather with gold stamped Christ.

Roman Missal Value Edition - AN2013
Unit price perRoman Missal Value Edition - AN2013
Unit price perRoman Missal Value Edition by World Library Publications. This edition has received special permission from the Vatican to include treasured art from the Vatican Apostolic library in our striking new editions of the new English translation of the Mass. Features large, legible type for ease of reading and proclaiming the texts, even in low light! WLP's Value Edition provides the same interior features of the Deluxe Edition. This volume is case bound in bonded leather, with a lightly simpler cover design that maintains the nobility of the Deluxe Edition. Added feature: World Library Publications' award-winning music engravers have set all the chants in the Missal in a clean, easy-to-chant style that respects the sense of the text and helps celebrants to sing them more effortlessly and effectively.

Roman Missal Altar Edition - GMRMA
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition - GMRMA
Unit price perRoman Missal Altar Edition by Magnificat. An exquisitely crafted volume, very practical and with reinforced binding. Elegantly laid out in typescript that is both beautiful and extremely readable. More than 130 reproductions of sacred art paintings, drawings, woodcuts and engravings. A work of art in itself that answers Pope Benedict XVI's wishes to pray in beauty: "Beauty is not mere decoration, but rather an essential element of the liturgical action, since it is an attribute of God himself and his revelation." 8.7" x 11.4" x 2.5" Red Spanish leather with Alpha & Omega on the cover.
Published in 2011
- 1312 pages in Primalux Ivory Bible paper (60 gsm)
- 192 pages in reinforced Favini Ivory paper (120 gsm) for the Order of Mass
- 64 pages in Satin Fedrigoni paper for full-color art reproductions
- Double-gilded pages (gold on a red carmine primer)
- Black and liturgical red text throughout
- Cardinal red cover made of Spanish leather
- Gold-embossed foil stamp on the cover and spine, representing the Eucharistic Christ
- Hand-made cloth-joint end sheets, with regal red and gold marbled finish
- Smyth sewn and bound, with double-layer lining (Rosso Scuro endsheet lining, Tasmania ivory lining for interior binding)
- Custom-made spine, reinforced with durable Kraft paper for inside cover
Ribbon Markers and Tabs
- 5 satin ribbon markers (1/3 in. wide x 18 in. long) of different colors (purple, red, green, blue, and white)
- 24 leather tabs (14 gold-stamped and 10 blank ones), 8 already affixed
- Carefully selected masterpieces of sacred art inform the Missal with a rich mystagogy of the Catholic faith through the centuries. These stunning works of art adorn the beginning of each section of the Missal and mark all the solemnities and major feast days celebrated during the liturgical year.
- 64 pages of four-color artwork
- More than 80 full-page one-color drawings, engravings, and woodcuts

Roman Missal Deluxe Edition - AN2012
Unit price perRoman Missal Deluxe Edition - AN2012
Unit price perRoman Missal Deluxe Edition by World Library Publication. This edition has received special permission from the Vatican to include treasured art from the Vatican Apostolic Library in our striking new editions of the new English translation of the Mass. The cover of the 9 x 12 Deluxe Edition is constructed of durable, dark red genuine leather. The artwork, depicting a host and chalice, is foil-stamped in gold and green and surrounded by engraved Florentine-inspired scrollwork. The page edges are gilded in gold. Text throughout the book is two colors (black and deep red) on eye-pleasing, natural parchment-colored paper. The type is large and legible, for ease of reading and proclaiming the texts, even in low light. High-quality ribbons and sturdy genuine leather tabs accent the book, providing you with excellent placeholders. Added feature: World Library Publications' award-winning music engravers have set all the chants in the Missal in a clean, easy-to-chant style that respects the sense of the text and helps celebrants to sing them more effortlessly and effectively.

Misal Romano - Spanish Roman Missal - GF6313
Unit price perMisal Romano - Spanish Roman Missal - GF6313
Unit price perThe Deluxe Genuine Leather Altar Edition is bound by master craftsmen with a beautiful high-quality leather-wrapped hard cover. The Old World hubbed spine with gold stamping adds a distinctive, classic beauty, while the luxurious gold-stamped reinforced Chevo endsheets enhance the edition's artistry. Stain under gilded pages adds opulence and provides protection from dust and humidity, while 5 satin ribbon markers lend an elegant finishing touch. Featuring large, easy-to-read type that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing, the specially produced acid-neutral cream paper ensures opacity and consistency of the highest degree, without adding unnecessary bulk and weight. Sturdy 80 lb. paper used for the Order of Mass provides extra strength to withstand everyday use.

Misal Romano Chapel Edition - Spanish Roman Missal - GF4322
Unit price perMisal Romano Chapel Edition - Spanish Roman Missal - GF4322
Unit price perThe compact 7 x 9 Chapel Clothbound Edition includes all of the enhancements that celebrants have come to know and trust. Features include easy-to-read type for both text and music; printed, gold-stamped end papers; durable tabs that respect functional page turns; a sturdy Roxite cover; and 5 satin ribbon markers. As with the Altar Edition, this volume features specially produced acid-neutral cream paper with the highest opacity without adding unnecessary bulk and weight. The sturdy 80 lb. paper used for the Order of Mass provides extra strength to withstand everyday use.

Misal Romano - Spanish Roman Missal - NN4428
From $119.95
Unit price perMisal Romano - Spanish Roman Missal - NN4428
From $119.95
Unit price perMisal Romano is the first Spanish Missal approved specifically for use in the United States. (Previously, Spanish-speaking Catholic Communities had to use the Misal published by the Mexican bishops conference.) Liturgical Press is proud to provide this essential and much-anticipated book, called for and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and produced with the exceptional beauty, quality, and affordability expected of the liturgical books they publish.
Features: a rich durable deep-red cloth cover embellished with Christ enthroned, interior adorned with 15 illustrations, prayer texts set in easy-to-proclaim type on natural ivory paper, 5 sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks and a full complement of beautiful tabs.
Comes in Altar or Chapel size.

Missale Romanum Altar Edition (Latin) - MD77555
Unit price perMissale Romanum Altar Edition (Latin) - MD77555
Unit price perWith permission granted by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and approval of the Apostolic Patrimony of the Holy See, this edition has been deemed in accordance with the Editio typica tertia and its sources. Textually, this edition is the same as that published by the Vatican in 2002, with the addition of two celebrations to the Proper of Saints.
Features of Missale Romanum Editio iuxta typicam tertiam:
- Reinforced cover made in Belgium from genuine German leather, with gold-stamp imprint of Christ Pantocrator (front) and a Chi-Rho figure (back);
- Images from the Church's treasury of fine art;
- 6 ornate place-holder ribbons;
- Gold-stamped leather endsheets;
- text is completely in Latin;
- Leather tabs; and
- Double-gilded pages.
- 1216 Pages
- Size: 8 x 10.75

Excerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - GF7613
Unit price perExcerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - GF7613
Unit price perExcerpts from the Roman Missal(also known informally as the "Book of the Chair") represents a worthy and welcome solution to a commonly voiced concern:The Roman Missalis a large and heavy book, difficult for altar servers (who are often children) to hold for the celebrant and to carry around the sanctuary. Developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Vatican,Excerptsincludes only those texts of theMissalthat are used by the celebrant at the chair. The resulting volume is approximately half the size of the fullMissal.
The Deluxe Genuine Leather Edition is hand-bound by mastercraftsmen, using hand-selected two-tone leather cut from specially tannedhides of impeccable quality. The two-color stamped cover andgold stamped spine add a distinctive beauty, while the luxurious Chevoendsheets enhance the edition s artistry. Stain under gilded pages addsopulence while providing protection from dust and humidity. Gift boxed. Size 8-1/2" x 11"
Weight: 4.0 lbs

Excerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - GF7622
Unit price perExcerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - GF7622
Unit price perExcerpts from the Roman Missal(also known informally as the "Book of the Chair") represents a worthy and welcome solution to a commonly voiced concern:The Roman Missalis a large and heavy book, difficult for altar servers (who are often children) to hold for the celebrant and to carry around the sanctuary. Developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Vatican,Excerptsincludes only those texts of theMissalthat are used by the celebrant at the chair. The resulting volume is approximately half the size of the fullMissal.
The large Clothbound Edition includes all the enhanced features thatcelebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing:Large, easy-to-read type; printed and doubly reinforced end papers;durable, functional tabs; a sturdy, Roxite cover; and satin ribbon markersthat add an elegant finishing touch. Specially produced acid-neutralcream paper from established, quality mills ensures the highest opacityavailable in the world and consistency of the highest degree, withoutadding unnecessary bulk and weight. Size 8-1/2" x 11"
Weight: 4.0 lbs

Excerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - NN44379
Unit price perExcerpts From the Roman Missal - Book of the Chair - NN44379
Unit price perExcerpts from the Roman Missal (also known informally as the "Book of the Chair") represents a worthy and welcome solution to a commonly voiced concern: The Roman Missal is a large and heavy book, difficult for altar servers (who are often children) to hold for the celebrant and to carry around the sanctuary. Developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Vatican, Excerpts includes only those texts of the Missal that are used by the celebrant at the chair. The resulting volume is approximately half the size of the full Missal.
The Liturgical Press edition of Excerpts is published with the same high quality and standards as our Roman Missal. It features:
- a rich, durable, deep-red cloth cover embellished with Christ enthroned, rendered in a distinguished, bold style and foil stamped in gold and silver;
- beautiful illustrations by renowned liturgical artist, Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB;
- prayer texts set in readable, easy-to-proclaim type on natural ivory quality paper;
- three sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks to enhance ease-of-use by celebrants;
- gilded page edges that further esteem the text visually.

The Roman Missal: Study Edition - NN34646
Unit price perThe Roman Missal: Study Edition - NN34646
Unit price perThe Roman Missal: Study Edition provides The Roman Missal, Third Edition in a standard book format, a more portable version perfect for liturgists, scholars, and all who wish to use it for planning and study. The content is identical to the ritual version; however, rubrics appear in gray. Fifteen illustrations are included and the book is built to last with durable paper and a sturdy binding.
Details: 1504 pgs, 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 11/01/2012

The Order of Mass - A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook - OSOMSE
Unit price perThe Order of Mass - A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook - OSOMSE
Unit price perThe Order of Mass: A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook is a fundamental resource for priests, deacons, and liturgists as they prepare for the implementation of the third edition of The Roman Missal. Following in the style of Workbook for Lectors, this book includes texts and chants from the entire Order of Mass as well as pastoral commentary and proclamation aids by Michael Driscoll and J. Michael Joncas. These features will help priests understand and proclaim the texts more fully. The pagination for this study edition and workbook matches that in the published edition of The Roman Missal for ease of study and reference.
This resource includes:
- the Order of Mass following the pagination in The Roman Missal
- pastoral commentary by Michael S. Driscoll and J. Michael Joncas
- proclamation tips by Driscoll and Joncas
- all the Eucharistic Prayers, including Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation and Eucharistic Prayers for Use in Masses for Various Needs
- chants in the Appendix

A Commentary on the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal: A New English Translation - NN6247
Unit price perA Commentary on the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal: A New English Translation - NN6247
Unit price perForeword by His Eminence, Cardinal Roger Mahony General Editor: Edward Foley
A Commentary on the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal gathers the insights of some of today foremost English-speaking liturgical scholars to aid in understanding this most recent edition of the Order of Mass and its new English translation. Developed under the auspices of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy this commentary was guided by three primary concerns:
- to situate the promulgation of a new English translation of the Roman Missal historically and theologically
- to aid in the pastoral implementation of these texts and rites
- to contribute to the ongoing development of vernacular worship for English-speaking Roman Catholics
Details: 680 pgs, 6 x 9 Hardcover
Publication Date: 12/01/2011

Chants of The Roman Missal: Study Edition - NN3381
Unit price perChants of The Roman Missal: Study Edition - NN3381
Unit price perInternational Commission on English in the Liturgy
The Chants of The Roman Missal: Study Edition is for celebrants, cantors, scholars, musicians, and everyone interested in the English chant of the newly translated Roman Missal. Introductory articles on the place of English chant in worship, the value of chanting the dialogues and acclamations, and the challenges involved in adapting Latin chant to English are included. Also featured is commentary on every English chant in the new missal by genrethe Order of Mass, acclamations, prefaces, hymns, and antiphons. This work will prove indispensible to presbyters, deacons, and cantors who hope to be prepared to chant the Mass, for music and liturgy directors, and for anyone interested in singing the English chant in our missal with greater understanding and prayerfulness.
Details: 350 pgs, 8 1/2 x 11 Hardcover
Publication Date: 02/01/2012

English Proper Chants - NN4810
Unit price perEnglish Proper Chants - NN4810
Unit price perAmong the prayers of the Mass that vary from day to day (the propers), the Roman Missal includes an entrance antiphon and communion antiphon. English Proper Chants is a collection of beautiful, simple chant settings for these antiphons, with English texts, for all of the Sundays and solemnities of the liturgical year.
The project's composer John Ainslie, an internationally respected liturgist and musician, believes that chant is a musical idiom that continues to have an important (but not exclusive) role in the Catholic liturgy. English Proper Chants reflects his conviction that the use of chant in English requires sensitive handling in order to respect and reflect the particular rhythms of the language.
Both melody (5-line modern notation) and accompaniment editions are available. The accompaniment edition is printed in a convenient, coil-bound format that allows it to lie flat on music stands, while the melody edition is perfect-bound (paperback). Indices of antiphons and of psalms are included in each. Pagination is identical in both editions for easy combined use. All purchasers of either edition receive access to download digital images for the antiphons of any composiiton in the book.
Subtitle: Melody Edition
Author: John Ainslie, Composer
ISBN: 9780814648100
Details: 240 pgs , 6 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/19/2015

Roman Missal Marker/Ribbons-TF799MM
Unit price perRoman Missal Marker/Ribbons-TF799MM
Unit price perSet of eight ribbons. Overall length-20".