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34 products
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Catholic Youth Bible (Paperback) - WR4153
Unit price perCatholic Youth Bible (Paperback) - WR4153
Unit price perThe best Catholic Bible for teens is now even better.
Introducing The Catholic Youth Bible, 4th Edition, completely refreshed for a new generation. Designed for young people to enter in, be nourished ¦and be transformed.
With a new vibrant full-color design, ample room for reflection and special Scripture Highlights to color throughout, this newly re-imagined Catholic Youth Bible will engage the youth of today like never before.
- Catholic Connection articles that provide a more complete presentation of scripturally-based Catholic beliefs and practices, and address the principles of Catholic social teaching.
- Introductions to the major sections of the Bible and all the books of the Bible.
- Did You Know? insights into how the Church has interpreted key Scripture passages throughout history.
- Being Catholic guides to core beliefs, attitudes, practices, and spirituality & prayers.
- Special Indexes: Sunday readings for cycles A, B, and C; 10 color maps; a four-page Biblical history timeline; a glossary; a topical index.

Unit price perYOUCAT Bible - IPYBIBP
Unit price perAn Introduction to the Bible with Selected Biblical Texts

Confirmation: How the Sacrament of God's Grace Became All About Us-NN3522
Unit price perConfirmation: How the Sacrament of God's Grace Became All About Us-NN3522
Unit price perWhat are we doing when we confirm teenagers? Why is the religious education of teenagers so perplexing? Why is confirmation often a moment of "graduation" out of parish life?
Confirmation: How a Sacrament of God's Grace Became All about Us tells the story of how confirmation, more than any other sacrament, has interacted with secular culture to give rise to these kinds of pastoral challenges. At the same time, confirmation has, over the course of the twentieth century, become a sacramental stamp of approval for various Catholic renewal movements.
The cultural shifts of the last century have led to various theological themes for confirmation, creating a crisis of meaning today. Is confirmation a personal choice for faith, or is it the deepening of an ongoing relationship with the Divine? Timothy Gabrielli gives us a fresh approach for addressing these pressing questions.
Author: Timothy Gabrielli
Details:132 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/24/2013

Catholic Youth Bible (Hardcover)- WR4154
Unit price perCatholic Youth Bible (Hardcover)- WR4154
Unit price perThe best Catholic Bible for teens is now even better.
Introducing The Catholic Youth Bible, 4th Edition, completely refreshed for a new generation. Designed for young people to enter in, be nourished and be transformed.
With a new vibrant full-color design, ample room for reflection and special Scripture Highlights to color throughout, this newly re-imagined Catholic Youth Bible will engage the youth of today like never before.
- Catholic Connection articles that provide a more complete presentation of scripturally-based Catholic beliefs and practices, and address the principles of Catholic social teaching.
- Introductions to the major sections of the Bible and all the books of the Bible.
- Did You Know? insights into how the Church has interpreted key Scripture passages throughout history.
- Being Catholic guides to core beliefs, attitudes, practices, and spirituality & prayers.
- Special Indexes: Sunday readings for cycles A, B, and C; 10 color maps; a four-page Biblical history timeline; a glossary; a topical index.

YOUCAT: Youth Prayer Book - IPYCATPP
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Youcat for Kids - IPYOUCATKIDS
Unit price perYoucat for Kids - IPYOUCATKIDS
Unit price perAn exciting and fun new way to help children and parents to discover their Catholic faith together, and a great help for teachers in the classroom.
In child-friendly language, accompanied by talking points for parents and teachers,YOUCAT for Kidsexplores:
* Creation * The Creed * The Sacraments * The Ten Commandments * Prayer * The Life of Jesus
All the much-loved characteristics of the bestselling YOUCAT series - including fun graphics, quotes from Saints, and thought-provoking images - have been adapted to suit a younger audience.
Designed in consultation with parents and families,YOUCAT for Kidsis an essential addition to every family bookshelf and Catholic school classroom.

Unit price perYOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What's more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so people can go deeper. It explains:
- What Catholics believe and why (doctrine)
- How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments)
- How Catholics are to live (moral life)
- How they should pray (prayer and spirituality)

YOUCAT Confirmation: Student Book - IPYCCSP
Unit price perYOUCAT Confirmation: Student Book - IPYCCSP
Unit price perYOUCAT Confirmation: Student Book

YOUCAT Confirmation Leader's Handbook - IPYCCTP
Unit price perYOUCAT Confirmation Leader's Handbook - IPYCCTP
Unit price perYOUCAT Confirmation Leader's Handbook

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The Sacrament of Penance for Teens - HTH4207D
Unit price perThe Sacrament of Penance for Teens - HTH4207D
Unit price perThe Sacrament of Penance for Teens: A Time for Healing This up-to-date review of the sacrament of Reconciliation refreshes its meaning and importance for teens and helps them use the sacrament as an opportunity for guidance, as well as receiving God's grace. Great for teens' personal use, or at retreats, for Confirmation, in RCIA preparation, and more!

Take Ten - WR5031
Unit price perTake Ten - WR5031
Unit price perTake Ten: Daily Bible Reflections for Teens
Even if you already love The Catholic Youth Bible ®, this daily reflection book gives you another 365 reasons to love it!
Take Ten includes a lectionary-based reading for each day of the year. Readings are chosen from cycle A, B, or C, or are the exact reading for feast days or solemnities. Each day has a Scripture citation, a reflection, a short prayer, and a connection to an article in The Catholic Youth Bible ®.
Take Ten helps young people apply biblical wisdom to their everyday lives, and its smaller format makes it easy to carry. Its 365 connections offer young people one more way to pray, study, and live The Catholic Youth Bible ® more deeply every day.
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press
Copyright: Oct. 20, 2004
Format: Paperback
Size: 4 x 6
Length: 384 pages
ISBN: 978-0-88489-821-4

St Joseph Catechism for Young Catholics NO. 4 - - GF23305
Unit price perSt Joseph Catechism for Young Catholics NO. 4 - - GF23305
Unit price perThe four volumes in the Saint Joseph Catechism for Young Catholics series endeavor to assist catechists and educators in the spiritual formation of the youths in their care as well as parents who are raising their children in the Faith.
This series has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The fourth volume was developed for those in High School, with a focus on teaching teens an understanding of the fundamental beliefs, practices, and prayers of the Faith as elucidated in the Bible and the documents of Vatican II.
- Uses an effective Question-and-Answer format to convey the essential elements of Catholic doctrine
- Presents God; Jesus Christ; the Sacraments; Freedom; Sin; Moral Life; the Church; and Final Reunion with God in a straightforward manner so that teens can easily retain information with greater understanding
- Provides more in-depth and nuanced explanations of the questions included
- Sections marked The Bible, Vatican Council II, and Explanation clearly delineate text sources
- Provides discussion questions to help teens think more deeply about the information they have read, to listen to how others understood the texts, and to talk about topics
- Includes three Appendices: the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, Duties of Catholics, and Essential Prayers
- Concludes with a Topical Index to allow for easy reference of topics of interest
- Illustrated throughout
- Provides parents with the opportunity to share God s truths within the closeness, caring, and love of family
- Product Code:233/05
- ISBN:9781953152954
- Pages:240
- Size:5-1/2 X 8-1/4

Running for a Higher Purpose - EZ00452
Unit price perRunning for a Higher Purpose - EZ00452
Unit price perWhat if you could improve your physical health while deepening your spiritual life? In Running for a Higher Purpose, Most Rev. Thomas John Paprocki, Catholic bishop of Springfield a marathon runner and hockey player shares how the simple discipline of running can help you unlock profound spiritual benefits.
Paprocki took up running as a teenager for his health; he ran his first marathon in his forties. Along the way he discovered that improving your physical health through running is a way to honor God and grow deeper in your spiritual life.
Perfect for those who want to try running for the first time as well as for more experienced runners who want to set goals for a new challenge, Running for a Higher Purpose offers eight steps to reach spiritual and physical fitness.
- Review : Review where you are.
- Reform : Identify how to improve.
- Resolve : Resolve to put change into effect.
- Repeat : Don"t quit.
- Renew : Renew your physical and spiritual wellness.
- Relax : Balance physical and spiritual exercise with the need to rest.
- Reward : Feel personal satisfaction and reward by achieving your goals.
- Rejoice : Integrating a sound mind in a sound body leads to eternal happiness.
Each chapter includes an inspirational quotation, a personal promise statement, and a prayer.

Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - EZ18892
Unit price perHelping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - EZ18892
Unit price perDo you struggle to know when or if it"s appropriate to step in to help a teen who seems stressed, anxious, or depressed? Do you know the signs to look for to determine whether a teen is in distress?
In Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, Roy Petitfils a Catholic author, speaker, and psychotherapist offers his personal experience, advice, and faith to give parents, pastors, and youth leaders the knowledge, courage, and tools they need to step in, make a difference, and be the presence of Christ for teens in crisis.
Roy Petitfils knows what it"s like to be an addicted, depressed teenager, filled with self-loathing and desperate for help. He describes himself at high school graduation as by far the largest person in his hometown and yet feeling as though he were stuck in Harry Potter"s invisibility cloak.Weighing more than 500 pounds, he was addicted to food and hated himself.
Now a leading Catholic voice in youth advocacy and creator of the popular podcast Today"s Teenager, Petitfils entered adulthood a very different person than he is today. His life was radically changed by a handful of people in college who reached out in friendship and helped him set a new course.
Using personal life lessons and expertise gleaned from more than twenty-five years in youth ministry and private practice as a licensed counselor, Petitfils teaches parents, pastors, and youth leaders what they need to know about mental health issues among America"s youth. Whether teens need help coping with healthy levels of stress or face persistent, more serious problems with anxiety and depression, Petitfils will help the adults in their lives get comfortable with stepping in.
Petitfils offers information and advice on:
- the major causes of stress and anxiety in teens today
- differentiating healthy stress from toxic stress
- simple steps to take after identifying a hurting kid, beginning with how to assess whether and how to step in
- the art of listening
He explores the support and comfort available through the sacraments, Catholic devotions, different forms of prayer, and reading the Bible. Ultimately, Petitfils identifies how to gently, yet persuasively guide hurting young people to deeper trust in the tender mercies of God.
Author: Roy Petitfils
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5.x 8.inches
ISBN: 978-1-59471-889-2
On-sale date: March 8, 2019

From Mass to Mission for Teens - OWFMMT
Unit price perFrom Mass to Mission for Teens - OWFMMT
Unit price perFrom Mass to Mission: Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Teens by Trish Sullivan Vanni
Every Sunday, Catholics gather together to attend Mass in memory of Jesus Christ. At Mass we give God our thanksgiving, praise, and worship. We hear his Word, receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and are charged with an important mission to be like Christ in the world.
This resource is an insightful exploration of the Mass and its importance in our life of faith. Filled with illustrations, photos, activities, and questions for reflection, this resource explores the parts of the Mass to help teens understand the meaning of the prayers, responses, acclamations, gestures, signs, and symbols. Additionally, From Mass to Mission will inspire teens to more actively participate in the Mass and carry out our mission as Christ's disciples in the world.
978-1-61671-296-9 | Saddlestitched | 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 | 48 pages

Fireside Catholic Youth Bible-NEXT Leaders Guide-FI0868
Unit price perFireside Catholic Youth Bible-NEXT Leaders Guide-FI0868
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Finding God in Prayer - HTH3524D
Unit price perFinding God in Prayer - HTH3524D
Unit price perFinding God in Prayer: A Backpack Journal for Teens What is small enough for a backpack, powerful enough to change a life, and appealing enough to hold teens' attention? This compelling new book guides high school teens on a spiritual quest that could change the way they relate to God for the rest of their lives. Explore prayer forms including Scripture, meditation, the Lord's Prayer, the labyrinth, the Jesus prayer, the Kyrie Eleison, Lectio Divina, and prayers of sorrow, praise and thanksgiving. Apply practical suggestions for living out the Beatitudes, practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, avoiding the seven capital sins. Finding God in Prayer is the perfect companion for Confirmation preparation programs, mission or service experiences, retreats, groups or personal use.

Unique: The New Life Bible for Teen Girls - ZE93642
Unit price perUnique: The New Life Bible for Teen Girls - ZE93642
Unit price perDesigned especially for 13-18-year-old girls, here is the complete Bible in the easy-to-understand New Life(TM) Version, plus more than 100 pages for creative journaling and artwork.

Prove It! Catholic Teen Bible - IWT1194
Unit price perProve It! Catholic Teen Bible - IWT1194
Unit price perSometimes the answers aren't enough. Sometimes you want to know why they're the answers.
Any Bible can answer questions. This is the one that explains why those answers are the answers.
In twenty-five very compelling tabs spread throughout the Bible text, Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible gives the why to the biggest questions of all. To the questions you've been asking your parents, your teachers, your friends ... yourself:
- What's life all about and where do I fit in?
- What's my life all about, and where do God, family, friends, and all the rest fit in?
- How do I know God even exists, and what do the life and death of Jesus have to do with me right here, right now?
- If God loves us all, why should I bother taking my Catholicism seriously?
- If all religions are pretty much the same, why be a Catholic at all?
Here is the inspired Word of God. Here is how to read the Bible -- how to understand, to "de-code," what its authors were saying to their particular audiences thousands of years ago. And how to truly hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to you today about God, Jesus, Church, prayer, and ... you.

Glory Girl: Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God's Purpose - 9780310770152
Unit price perGlory Girl: Daring to Believe in Your Passion and God's Purpose - 9780310770152
Unit price perGod has a purpose for you. But maybe what you're meant to be is still a mystery. So where do you start? Jess Connolly will help you get answers to this question and more, no matter where you are in your journey.
Glory Girl will jumpstart your search for purpose. In each meaningful chapter (plus room for reflective journaling), Jess's wise words will help you: discover the things you are really passionate about, understand your strengths and weaknesses, face your fears, catch the vision, make a plan, and find the confidence you need to make your move--all in the bold belief that God has called you to every step of the journey.
Glory Girl helps girls ages 8-12:
- Recognize their unique, God-given gifts.
- Fight their fears with faith and truth.
- Deal with distractions that throw them off course from God's plan for them.
- Stop trying to be "the best" at everything and trust that God has a plan for them.
- Stop comparing themselves to others.

All in All Journaling Devotional - 9781462743407
Unit price perAll in All Journaling Devotional - 9781462743407
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100-Day Devotional for Guys - ZE93673
Unit price per100-Day Devotional for Guys - ZE93673
Unit price perThe 100-Day Devotional for Guys offers relatable, real-life wisdom and inspiration for everyday living

Ups & Downs - NJ18820
Unit price perUps & Downs - NJ18820
Unit price perUps & Downs: Prayers By & 4 Teens. Written by and for teens, this compact book of prayers speaks from the mouthsand computer keyboardsof teens who feel the pain of breakup, the exhilaration of a driver license, and the stress of exams. Ups & Downs: Prayers By & 4 Teens reminds teens they are not alone in their faith struggles, their school triumphs, and their family concernsthey have a God who cares and peers who pray. Paperback.

Did Jesus Have a Last Name? - PP45415
Unit price perDid Jesus Have a Last Name? - PP45415
Unit price perDid Jesus Have a Last Name? offers clear and concise answers to some of the most burning questions about the Catholic Faith.
Teens will learn the answers to questions such as:
- How can we believe in a God we can't see?
- Is the Catholic Faith the only true religion?
- Did the miracles in the Bible really happen?
Though written for teens, this book is perfect for people of all ages who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Matthew Pinto and Jason Evert have a gift for providing clear, theologically-precise explanations without losing the masterful charm of contemporary language.
Author: Matthew Pinto and Jason Evert
ISBN: 9781932645415