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118 products
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Following God's Pedagogy - OWFGP
Unit price perFollowing God's Pedagogy - OWFGP
Unit price perIn the 2020 Directory for Catechesis, the Church calls for a renewal of catechesis that focuses on bringing people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Solid formation is not only about teaching doctrine, but also, and more importantly, about forming disciples who have encountered and know Christ. In Following God's Pedagogy, Sister Mary Michael Fox,
Bishops, diocesan catechetical directors, and all catechists will discover a way of faith formation of children that is sure to renew and strengthen catechesis for years to come.

Daily Prayer in the Classroom - NN2753
Unit price perDaily Prayer in the Classroom - NN2753
Unit price perFaithfulness to prayer leads to a recognition of the need and an acceptance of the responsibility to pray for one another. By providing short prayers for each day of the school year, Daily Prayer in the Classroom assists teachers, parents, and others in the experience of praying with children each day.
Daily Prayer in the Classroom introduces elementary school children to various kinds of prayer; gives teachers confidence in what and how they pray with their students; builds confidence in the adult's ability to lead prayer in the classroom or home; and offers children the opportunity to foster a prayer life. By continuing to pray daily, participants begin to see the connection between prayer and action. As they allow themselves to be open to the Holy Spirit they develop a personal relationship with God and with each other.
Daily Prayer in the Classroom consists of short prayers for each day from August through June. Each day begins with an introduction or background followed by questions for discussion and a short prayer. Part One includes prayers for each day of the calendar year including the feasts of saints, prayers for those in need, and prayers for deepening spirituality. Part Two includes prayers for the movable feasts, the incarnation and paschal cycles. A special section of prayers includes blessings of people, places, and things; traditional prayers; virtue; personal, local, national, and international needs, and times of illness or death.
Subtitle: Interactive Daily Prayer
Author: Foley, CSJ, and Peggy O'Leary, CSJ
ISBN: 9780814627532
Details: 256 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/2002

The Ministry of Music - NN4870
Unit price perThe Ministry of Music - NN4870
Unit price perLike its predecessor, this revised edition of The Ministry of Music explores liturgical singing in terms of how it enables the gathered assembly to enter more fully into ritual enactment of the paschal mystery. The "whats" and "how-tos" of music ministry are developed from this perspective. How does communal liturgical singing enable us to participate in and surrender to the paschal mystery? What musical and pastoral choices best enable the singing to fulfill this role? And how does the singing form us in a paschal mystery spirituality that shapes daily Christian living and makes the relationship between liturgy and life more evident?
This edition incorporates new understandings of the ministry of liturgical music generated by Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (STL). New material addresses the underlying theology shaping STL, provides schemas for using both the Proper chants and vernacular songs at the Entrance and Communion, discusses the value of singing the dialogues, and explores silence as a necessary component of music-making and liturgical prayer.
Author: Kathleen Harmon, SNDdeN
104 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 01/19/2016

Confirmation: How the Sacrament of God's Grace Became All About Us-NN3522
Unit price perConfirmation: How the Sacrament of God's Grace Became All About Us-NN3522
Unit price perWhat are we doing when we confirm teenagers? Why is the religious education of teenagers so perplexing? Why is confirmation often a moment of "graduation" out of parish life?
Confirmation: How a Sacrament of God's Grace Became All about Us tells the story of how confirmation, more than any other sacrament, has interacted with secular culture to give rise to these kinds of pastoral challenges. At the same time, confirmation has, over the course of the twentieth century, become a sacramental stamp of approval for various Catholic renewal movements.
The cultural shifts of the last century have led to various theological themes for confirmation, creating a crisis of meaning today. Is confirmation a personal choice for faith, or is it the deepening of an ongoing relationship with the Divine? Timothy Gabrielli gives us a fresh approach for addressing these pressing questions.
Author: Timothy Gabrielli
Details:132 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/24/2013

Three Great Days-NN4602
Unit price perThree Great Days-NN4602
Unit price perAs the summit of the church's liturgical year, the Paschal Triduum requires the energy, time, and talents of many people within the parish community. In Three Great Days, Jeremy Helmes draws on rubrics, liturgical theology, the church's tradition, and plenty of lived experience to offer a sound guide to planning and preparing. He draws attention to rituals requiring special attention and helps you determine liturgical roles and responsibilities. He also offers templates, worksheets, planning forms, and other ready-to-use resources that any parish can use to make their liturgical preparation and evaluation easier and more effective.
Whether it's your first time preparing these liturgies, you're looking for fresh ideas, or you just want to make sure you're covering everything, this book will help your parish make this year's Triduum three truly great days.
Author: Jeremy Helmes
Details: 106 pgs, 7 x 10 Paperback
Publication Date: 12/07/2016

The Collegeville Psalter-NN4616
Unit price perThe Collegeville Psalter-NN4616
Unit price perThe Collegeville Psalter is a brand new responsorial psalm collection for Catholic worship, composed by one of today's most accomplished and inspiring composers. It faithfully follows the U.S. Lectionary text of the psalms and responses for the complete three-year cycle of Sundays and major feast days. It also includes settings of the "Common Texts" responsorial psalms.
The music is fresh and singable, with memorable responses for the assembly, fresh tones for the cantor, and engaging accompaniments for organ or keyboard. Psalms with different refrains or sets of verses use the same or related musical material for ease of learning. An important new resource, The Collegeville Psalter serves well either as a stand-alone parish psalter or as a fine addition to any existing liturgical music program.
Author: Paul Inwood
Coil bound 166 pages 8 1/2 "x 10 7/8"
Publication Date: 02/02/2018

The Joy of Being An Altar Server - GFRP16204
Unit price perThe Joy of Being An Altar Server - GFRP16204
Unit price perThis little book will help good servers to understand what the Mass is about, know what needs to be done, and carry out their duties with a proper attitude. With the insight gained from over forty years of celebrating the Eucharist, Father Champlin invites young and older altar servers to share their experience of serving and provides an informative guidebook to be used in the training of altar servers or as a source of inspiration for many years to come.

New Parishioner Handbook - GF11204
Unit price perNew Parishioner Handbook - GF11204
Unit price per
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in a Parish Setting - OWCGSPAR2
Unit price perThe Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in a Parish Setting - OWCGSPAR2
Unit price perThe Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in a Parish Setting Revised Edition by Tina Lillig, revised by Mary Mirrione
What happens when a parish community chooses the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for its youngest members? What questions should be asked before that decision is made, and after? What does an atrium look like? What do you need? How do you start? And how did this type of Catechesis ever get started in the first place?
This newly revised edition of Tina Lillig's practical and enduring resource offers step-by-step information to address the questions of pastors, directors of religious education, parish staff members, parents, catechists, and anyone else interested in the great blessing that young children are to the parish community.
978-1-61671-423-9 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 80 pages | Language: English

Book Tabs for OCIA Bilingual - OWBBTOCIA
Unit price perBook Tabs for OCIA Bilingual - OWBBTOCIA
Unit price perUse these forty color-coded, self-adhesive tabs to mark the major divisions and rites found in the newly translated English and Spanish Order of Christian Initiation of Adults approved for use in the diocesed of the United States. The tabs are bilingual in English and Spanish.
These self-adhesive, die-stamped tabs require no cutting or inserting and are easy to attach to pages of the OCIA. Just peel off, then press and stick. Detailed instructions are provided inside the package.

Guide for Sponsors, Spanish Edition - OWSCIGSR
Unit price perGuide for Sponsors, Spanish Edition - OWSCIGSR
Unit price perThis best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational resource for years. Not only does Manual para padrinos y madrinas de catecúmenos offer practical suggestions for accompanying another on a faith journey, but it explains the periods and stages of the Christian initiation process. Sponsors will become immersed in the rich theology of the sacrament of baptism and come to understand conversion as a lifelong process for all disciples. The book details the traits of an effective sponsor and provides a glossary of initiation terms and the text of traditional Catholic prayers. With this resource, sponsors in your faith community will be more confident as they walk with catechumens and candidates on the path to the sacraments.
This revised edition gives particular emphasis to the differences that exist between sponsoring a candidate and sponsoring a catechumen and includes references to the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
9781616717421 | 6 x 9 | 80 Pages

Guide for Sponsors, Fourth Edition - OWECIGS4R
Unit price perGuide for Sponsors, Fourth Edition - OWECIGS4R
Unit price perThis best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational resource for years. Guide for Sponsors offers practical suggestions for accompanying another on a faith journey and explains the periods and stages of the Christian initiation process. Sponsors will become immersed in the rich theology of the sacrament of baptism and come to understand conversion as a lifelong process for all disciples. The book details the traits of an effective sponsor and provides a glossary of initiation terms and the text of traditional Catholic prayers. With this resource, sponsors in your faith community will be more confident as they walk with catechumens and candidates on the path to the sacraments.
This revised edition gives particular emphasis to the differences that exist between sponsoring a candidate and sponsoring a catechumen and includes references to the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
9781616717438 | 6 x 9 | 80 Pages

General Instruction of the Roman Missal - OWEGDOC2L
Unit price perGeneral Instruction of the Roman Missal - OWEGDOC2L
Unit price perAvailable March 2025.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) seeks to promote more conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful in the mystery of the Eucharist. The GIRM is the praenotanda for The Roman Missal and provides specific details about each element of the Order of Mass as well as other information related to the Mass. A foundational document for anyone who prepares the Roman Catholic liturgy, this pastoral document provides a theology of the Eucharistic celebration and its parts and establishes important norms, legislation, and guidance for celebrating Mass.
9781616718435 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 112 Pages

A Guide to the Period of Purification and Enlightenment - OWGPUR
Unit price perA Guide to the Period of Purification and Enlightenment - OWGPUR
Unit price perThe period of purification and enlightenment is one of intense spiritual preparation for the elect, who have been chosen by God to receive the Easter sacraments. This guide provides practical and liturgically sound ideas for celebrating the rites of this period and for integrating these rites as the primary source of the elect’s formation and preparation for initiation.
This resource includes:
- An overview of six foundational principles of initiation ministry and how they are applied to the period of the purification and enlightenment
- Background on the rites
- Suggestions for celebrating the rites
- Ideas for reflecting on the rites in a retreat-like way
- Guided meditations on the scrutiny Gospel accounts
- Seven fully prepared formation sessions on the Rite of Election, the three scrutinies, the handing on of the creed and the Lord’s Prayer, and the Rites of Immediate Preparation
- A newly composed hymn for use during formation sessions
9781616717919 | 7 x 10 | 128 Pages | Paperback

A Guide to the Period of Mystagogy - OWGMYS
Unit price perA Guide to the Period of Mystagogy - OWGMYS
Unit price perAfter the excitement of the Easter Vigil, the period of mystagogy can often be overlooked by the initiation team and the neophytes. However, it is an essential part of the Christian initiation process because it helps the neophytes deepen their relationship with Christ and with the Church. Mystagogical reflection is an important part of the spiritual growth of all parishioners—from neophytes to lifelong Catholics—because it invites the faithful to reflect on their encounters with Christ in the sacraments and then consider the transformative effects those encounters have on their daily lives. A Guide to the Period of Mystagogy encourages members of the initiation team to make the most of this period and provides practical support to do so. It includes:
- An overview of six foundational principles of initiation ministry and how they are applied to the period of mystagogy
- Theological insights from the early Church’s practice of mystagogy
- Practical advice for implementing mystagogical reflection in your parish
- Nine mystagogical reflection sessions that can be used during Easter Time
- Fifteen mystagogical reflection sessions that can be used during the first year following initiation
- Encouragement to celebrate the first anniversary of baptism and to incorporate mystagogical reflection into the ongoing faith formation of the whole parish community
9781616717995 | 7 x 10 | 144 Pages | Paperback

A Guide to the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate - OWGEVAN
Unit price perA Guide to the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate - OWGEVAN
Unit price perA Guide to the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate explores the distinctive vision and purpose of this foundational period of the initiation process. It provides initiation ministers with the practical tools needed to assess the parish’s current evangelizing ministry and to design an inquiry process aimed at helping seekers to hear and respond to the Good News, to undergo conversion, and to awaken and the desire to enter a relationship with God in Christ.
Inside this guide, initiation ministers will find everything needed for effective ministry in this period, including:
- An overview of the purpose and vision of the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate
- Practical tips for improving the evangelizing outreach of your parish
- Ideas for attracting inquirers
- An outline for an initial conversation with prospective inquirers
- Questions for reflection with the initiation team and with inquirers
- Sample inquiry sessions based on paragraph 42 of the OCIA
- Discernment questions for assessing an inquirer’s readiness to celebrate the Rite for Entrance into the Catechumenate
- Guidance for preparing and celebrating the Rite for Entrance into the Catechumenate
- A mystagogical session to help catechumens reflect on the Rite for Entrance into the Catechumenate and its meaning at this moment in their journey
9781616718008 | 7 x 10 | 96 Pages | Paperback

A Guide to the Period of the Catechumenate - OWGCAT
Unit price perA Guide to the Period of the Catechumenate - OWGCAT
Unit price perThe period of the catechumenate is rich with opportunities for catechesis, and the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults presents four ways that catechesis occurs during that time for the unbaptized. A Guide to the Period of the Catechumenate breaks open each of those ways of catechizing by first exploring the approach of catechesis accommodated to the liturgical year, then by providing suggestions on how to introduce catechumens to the Christian way of life. In addition to this foundational material, this book also includes:
- An overview of six foundational principles of initiation ministry and how they are applied to the period of the catechumenate
- Practical advice for leading formational and catechetical sessions with the unbaptized
- Thirty-five seasonal outlines and twenty-four monthly outlines with liturgical suggestions for preparing Celebrations of the Word
- Thirty-four seasonal outlines and twenty-four monthly outlines with practical ways catechumens can serve their parish and local communities
- Twelve catechetical sessions on the lives of the saints
9781616718015 | 7 x 10 | 244 Pages | Paperback

The Religious Potential of the Child - OWCHILDK3
Unit price perThe Religious Potential of the Child - OWCHILDK3
Unit price perThis book describes the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori-based style of catechesis that focuses on the child's independent journey to God by working with materials in a specially prepared place called an atrium. Written by Sofia Cavaletti, the Italian scripture scholar who developed the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, this classic work demonstrates the profound spiritual capabilities of children as brought forth through their engagement in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This book is important for anyone desiring to learn about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd or the spiritual life of children ages 3-6.
ISBN: 9781616715182
Paperback 256 pages
Size: 6 x 9

The Our Father - NN6359
Unit price perThe Our Father - NN6359
Unit price perCan Christians still pray the Our Father in the twenty-first century? We can, and we must.
Gerhard Lohfink breaks open its strange phrases like "hallowed be thy name," its off-putting language like "Father" and "kingdom," and its apparently harsh demands like forgive us as we have forgiven those who hurt us-all to shed light on Jesus' original words and their meaning. By probing what the prayer meant for Jesus and his first disciples in their world Lohfink calls us to allow the Our Father to break open our own minds and hearts to its infinite invitation and challenge for our time and for all ages.
Hard cover 28 pgs , 5 x 7
Publication Date: 02/20/2019

The Forty Parables of Jesus - NN85105
Unit price perThe Forty Parables of Jesus - NN85105
Unit price perIn this book, which covers all of Jesus parables, award-winning author Gerhard Lohfink takes a closer look at the origins of each oneits shape, its realistic details, but most of all its original message and the situation into which it was once spoken. Jesus parables speak in bold images of the kingdom of God, making it present to us as they reveal something of the mystery of his own person.
ISBN: 9780814685105
Details: 272 pgs, 6 x 9 x 7/8
Publication Date: 07/05/2021

Teaching with Authority - A Theology of the Magisterium in the Church - NN55290
Unit price perTeaching with Authority - A Theology of the Magisterium in the Church - NN55290
Unit price per"What are the implications of Vatican II for the understanding and concrete exercise of doctrinal teaching authority in the Catholic Church?" Teaching with Authority faithfully represents the teaching of Roman Catholicism on the Church's doctrinal authority while highlighting areas where a gap remains between an ecclesiological vision of the Church informed by Vatican II and the popular understanding and concrete exercise of that authority in the life of the Church today.
Dr. Gaillardetz shows that Vatican II did not so much produce one new ecclesiology as it recovered a number of ecclesiologies from biblical and patristic sources. Using images like the people of God, body of Christ, temple of the Holy Spirit, and pilgrim Church, along with such concepts as mystery, communion, and sacrament, the council breathed new life into reflection on the nature and mission of the Church. Since Vatican II, much work has been done by ecclesiologists to explore the new directions suggested by the Council. This book contributes to that post-conciliar project by developing a comprehensive theology of doctrinal teaching authority consonant with the ecclesiological vision of Vatican II.
Theologians and graduate students of Roman Catholic ecclesiology will benefit from the scholarship behind Teaching with Authority. And, because of its comprehensive yet non-technical treatment of doctrinal authority in the Roman Catholic Church, it's also a useful reference for all in pastoral ministry ordained and non-ordained.
Teaching with Authority's structure reflects the traditional three-fold distinction among the subject of doctrinal teaching, the object of doctrinal teaching, and the exercise or act of doctrinal teaching. However, the developments of the Second Vatican Council remind us of the importance of a fourth category, the reception of Church teaching by the whole people of God, which this work addresses.
Author: Richard R. Gaillardetz
ISBN: 9780814655290
Details: 312 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 02/01/1997

Rebuilding Youth Ministry EZ15761
Unit price perRebuilding Youth Ministry EZ15761
Unit price perRebuilding Youth Ministry: Ten Practical Strategies for Catholic Parishes
Christopher Wesley is on the front lines of youth ministry. He"s been in the parish trenches, refocusing an unpopular youth program and making it one where teens feel connected, stay involved, and grow in faith. In Rebuilding Youth Ministry, Wesley offers ten indispensable strategies to help you make your youth programs just as successful.
Wesley coaches fellow Catholic ministry leaders on how to overcome common hurdles of ministering to young people. For Wesley, those hurdles included feelings of complacency, underestimating youth, and entertaining rather than ministering in his own parish. Working through these problems, Wesley built a distinctive program based on small group faith formation and sustained it with the assistance of more than sixty volunteer adult mentors.
Wesley shares ten strategies that helped grow participation in his high school program from nine teens to ninety and the middle school program from forty teens to eighty-five, including:
- making your youth program about more than pizza;
- pursuing authentic relationships between small groups and mentors;
- shaping a dynamic youth ministry team; and
- creating a space that"s welcoming to teens.
Author: Christopher Wesley
ISBN: 9781594715761
5.5" x 8.5" Paperback
128 pages

Leader's Guide for Gather Faithfully: Inviting Teens into Liturgical Ministries - WR1343
Leader's Guide for Gather Faithfully: Inviting Teens into Liturgical Ministries - WR1343

Icons in the Western Church - NN4660
Unit price perIcons in the Western Church - NN4660
Unit price perWithin the Eastern tradition of Christianity, the eikon, or religious image, has long held a place of honor. In the greater part of Western Christianity, however, discomfort with images in worship, both statues and panel icons, has been a relatively common current, particularly since the Reformation. In the Roman Catholic Church, after years of using religious statues, the Second Vatican Council's call for "noble simplicity" in many cases led to a stripping of images that in some ways helped refocus attention on the eucharistic celebration itself but also led to a starkness that has left many Roman Catholics unsure of how to interact with the saints or with religious images at all.
Today, Western interest in panel icons has been rising, yet we lack standards of quality or catechesis on what to do with them. This book makes the case that icons should have a role to play in the Western Church that goes beyond mere decoration. Citing theological and ecumenical reasons, Visel argues that, with regard to use of icons, the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church needs to give greater respect to the Eastern tradition. While Roman Catholics may never interact with icons in quite the same way that Eastern Christians do, we do need to come to terms with what icons are and how we should encounter them.
Subtitle: Toward a More Sacramental Encounter
Author: Jeana Visel, OSB
ISBN: 9780814646601
Details: 192 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 09/06/2016

Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - EZ18892
Unit price perHelping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - EZ18892
Unit price perDo you struggle to know when or if it"s appropriate to step in to help a teen who seems stressed, anxious, or depressed? Do you know the signs to look for to determine whether a teen is in distress?
In Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, Roy Petitfils a Catholic author, speaker, and psychotherapist offers his personal experience, advice, and faith to give parents, pastors, and youth leaders the knowledge, courage, and tools they need to step in, make a difference, and be the presence of Christ for teens in crisis.
Roy Petitfils knows what it"s like to be an addicted, depressed teenager, filled with self-loathing and desperate for help. He describes himself at high school graduation as by far the largest person in his hometown and yet feeling as though he were stuck in Harry Potter"s invisibility cloak.Weighing more than 500 pounds, he was addicted to food and hated himself.
Now a leading Catholic voice in youth advocacy and creator of the popular podcast Today"s Teenager, Petitfils entered adulthood a very different person than he is today. His life was radically changed by a handful of people in college who reached out in friendship and helped him set a new course.
Using personal life lessons and expertise gleaned from more than twenty-five years in youth ministry and private practice as a licensed counselor, Petitfils teaches parents, pastors, and youth leaders what they need to know about mental health issues among America"s youth. Whether teens need help coping with healthy levels of stress or face persistent, more serious problems with anxiety and depression, Petitfils will help the adults in their lives get comfortable with stepping in.
Petitfils offers information and advice on:
- the major causes of stress and anxiety in teens today
- differentiating healthy stress from toxic stress
- simple steps to take after identifying a hurting kid, beginning with how to assess whether and how to step in
- the art of listening
He explores the support and comfort available through the sacraments, Catholic devotions, different forms of prayer, and reading the Bible. Ultimately, Petitfils identifies how to gently, yet persuasively guide hurting young people to deeper trust in the tender mercies of God.
Author: Roy Petitfils
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Trim size: 5.x 8.inches
ISBN: 978-1-59471-889-2
On-sale date: March 8, 2019

A Trinitarian Primer - NN33557
Unit price perA Trinitarian Primer - NN33557
Unit price perBelief in a triune God is central to Christian faith but on the periphery of most people?s understanding of it. Indeed, it is greatly misunderstood by many. Briefly and clearly, Neil Ormerod explains what the Christian tradition understands when it speaks of a triune God. He presents and develops his material in three parts: where our belief in the Trinity comes from (Scripture), what we believe about the Trinity (creed), and how best to understand what we believe (analogy). A Trinitarian Primer will be welcomed by many who are engaged in religious education and formation. Preachers will appreciate the homily suggestions included.
Author: Neil Ormerod
ISBN: 9780814633557
Details: 96 pgs , 4 1/4 x 7
Publication Date: 11/01/2010

Clip Art for Year C - OWCLIPC
Unit price perClip Art for Year C - OWCLIPC
Unit price per9781568540351 | Paperback | 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 | 176 pages | Language: English
This third volume of a three volume series, includes liturgical images for Year C that will enliven your bulletins, handouts, programs, and orders of service. Original art is drawn from the Sunday readings of each year of the Lectionary, from the great feasts and seasons. There is also a handy subject index and pieces for the national holidays. Suggestions for using the art are given in the introduction. Secretaries, parish staffs, musicians, worship coordinators, principals, and teachers will find top-quality illustrations for many different projects.

The Gospels - OWCGSTG
Unit price perThe Gospels - OWCGSTG
Unit price perAfter Jesus died and rose, his disciples continued to preach: proclaiming Christ's resurrection, spreading his teachings, and recalling many facts about the life of Jesus on earth. This is how the Gospels came to be written.
This edition of The Gospels is specifically designed for children to encourage them to come to know Jesus and to foster their love of Scripture. Included are the first four books of the New Testament, written by the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and selected verses from the Psalms, Isaiah, the Acts of the Apostles, and Revelation. With The Gospels, children will continue their study and meditation of God's Word.
This book is an ideal gift for children preparing for or have celebrated first Communion or confirmation, or those who are on a journey towards Christian Initiation. It includes:
- Easy-to-read text and full-page layouts to help children hone their reading skills
- Full color design to engage the reader with the text
- Embellished initial caps and numerals to help children identify the beginnings of each chapter
- Images of the evangelists and visual representations of the land and places of Jesus' time
- Scripture text from the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition