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54 products
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Give Us This Day Missalette - NN34011
Unit price perGive Us This Day Missalette - NN34011
Unit price perMonthly Missalette, similar to Magnificat.
- Simple, elegant design
- Full-color covers, two-color text pages
- High-quality paper, printing and binding
- 4.5" x 7", fits in a purse or pocket
- Printed on responsibly sourced paper
- Includes online and app access on up to two devices
Please specify what month you would like. We can also put you on a standing order to receive monthly.

St Joseph Daily and Sunday Missal Set Large Type - GF838/23
Unit price perSt Joseph Daily and Sunday Missal Set Large Type - GF838/23
Unit price perThis comprehensive large-type Saint Joseph Daily and Sunday Missal Complete Gift Box 3-Volume Set is all any Catholic will ever need to participate fully in every Mass of the year. This set offers three essential large-type volumes in an attractive and sturdy gold-embossed two-tone Burgundy imitation leather case, including the Weekday Missal (Vols. I and II) and the complete and permanent one-volume Sunday Missal (Cycles A, B, and C). Easy to use because each large-type book follows the liturgical year, the two-volume perpetual Weekday Missal contains all Weekday Masses, with Volume I including the Masses from Advent to Pentecost and Volume II covering those from Pentecost to Advent. The third volume in this set is the Saint Joseph Sunday Missal, an all-inclusive Missal that provides the Lectionary readings and celebrant's and people's prayers (in boldface type) for Sundays, Vigils, and Holydays. With sewn bindings for durability, all three volumes are covered in rich imitation leather. This beautifully packaged large-type Saint Joseph Daily and Sunday Missal Complete Gift Box 3-Volume Set is an invaluable, all-encompassing resource for priests, religious, and laity.
- ISBN:9781947070523
- Pages:4032
- Size:5 1/4 X 7 5/8
- Color:BLACK

Understanding The Mass - GF10604
Unit price perUnderstanding The Mass - GF10604
Unit price per
Handbook of Catholic Apologetics - IP72794
Unit price perHandbook of Catholic Apologetics - IP72794
Unit price perUnbelievers, doubters and skeptics continue to attack the truths of Christianity. Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is the only book that categorizes and summarizes all the major arguments in support of the main Christian beliefs, including key distinctively Catholic doctrines. Also included is a Protestant-friendly treatment of Catholic-Protestant issues. The Catholic answers to Protestant questions show how Catholicism is the fullness of the Christian faith.
An expanded, Catholic edition of the popular book Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is full of the wisdom and wit, clarity and insight of philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli. This is an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Whether you are asking the questions yourself or want to respond to others who are, here is the resource you have been waiting for.
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN/UPC: 9781586172794
- Publication date: June 18, 2009
- Height: 9
- Size: 6 x 1.1
- Pages: 600

St. Joseph Weekday Missal Large Type Vol. I - GF92210
Unit price perSt. Joseph Weekday Missal Large Type Vol. I - GF92210
Unit price per
Called EZ18519
Unit price perCalled EZ18519
Unit price perCalled: Becoming an Everyday Disciple in a Post-Christian World A Five-Week Guide
Do you feel uncertain about how to share your Catholic faith with others, especially as society increasingly rejects religion? Why not follow examples from the scriptures and saints to guide you?
In this five-week guide to becoming a daily disciple of Jesus in a post-Christian culture, popular speaker, bestselling author, and experienced FOCUS missionary Kevin Cotter presents thirty-five brief and engaging meditations that provide Catholics with the conviction and tools for sharing Jesus with others.
Called is an accessible guide to evangelization for the average Catholic. Through short and simple daily meditations, you will gain everything you need to begin sharing the Gospel, including the conviction that you can and should be evangelizing their faith.
Based on the principles of evangelization taught by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) where Kevin Cotter is the senior director of curriculum Called invites you to delve into powerful scenes from Jesus" life, plus stories from the lives of saints such as Augustine, Mother Teresa, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, as you explore how the call to discipleship is at the heart of scripture in ancient Israel, the life of Jesus, and the apostolic Church.
Cotter leads you on this five-week journey as someone who understands the challenges of talking about faith with friends and the sacrifices needed to invest in others. He encourages you to step outside your comfort zone as you open your eyes to Jesus" call to discipleship.
- Week One: As you reflect on Jesus" initial call of his disciples and how he calls you to radically love and follow him in your everyday life, you deepen your relationship with God and complete the first stage of becoming his disciple.
- Week Two: You examine the characteristics of a daily commitment to discipleship daily prayer, submission to God"s will, regular Confession, frequent reception of the Eucharist, acting in love.
- Week Three: You discover how our current culture, which places little value on faith, compares to the world Jesus faced. You develop, like Jesus, the desire to save our world and draw others to God.
- Week Four: You unpack the tools Jesus used to touch every person he came into contact with. Through Jesus" example, you will become equipped with what you need to reach others for him.
- Week Five: You learn that you are called not just to be a disciple but to be one who makes disciples of others.
You will come away with the understanding that being a disciple of Jesus is not optional for Catholics: it is essential to our identity as members of a missionary Church. Jesus showed us how to evangelize and called us to be his disciples. Now, more than ever, it is time to be just like him.
Author: Kevin Cotter
ISBN: 9781594718519
5.5" x 8.5" Paperback
192 Pages
On-sale date: October 26, 2018

I'm Catholic, Now What? - IWT2025
Unit price perI'm Catholic, Now What? - IWT2025
Unit price perWelcome to the Catholic Church!
Now that you're officially a Catholic, you are probably wondering, "Now what?"
Shaun McAfee has been where you are. As a convert, he worried that he might not be a "good Catholic." He wanted to take part in the sacraments, really prepare for Mass, learn how to defend and even share his faith, and understand certain Catholic devotions. Yet he wasn't sure how to do any of this, or where to look for answers once RCIA was finished.
If you feel the same way, I'm Catholic. Now What? Is the perfect resource for you!
In ten meaty sections, you'll learn about:
- How to get started as a new Catholic
- Customs, courtesies, rules, and traditions
- Prayer, devotion, and spirituality
- Getting the most from the sacraments
- Catholic life day-to-day
- Morality for Catholics
- Current issues in the Church and the world
- Knowing and defending the Faith
- Evangelization and how to do it
- Mary, the Church, and the saints
Dip into the sections as you have questions, or dive deeper as you are moved to learn about a particular topic or theme. Use it as a reference when people ask you questions about your new faith.
This resource is also ideal for people considering converting, and even for "cradle Catholics" who are interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith.

Context and Text - A Method for Liturgical Theology, Revised Edition - NN8037
Unit price perContext and Text - A Method for Liturgical Theology, Revised Edition - NN8037
Unit price perOne of the most influential works in the debate over the concept and definitions of liturgical theology, Context and Text by Monsignor Kevin W. Irwin is now available in a completely rewritten, new edition.
In light of the historical, theological, and pastoral mandates of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Context and Text is both a proposal for and an example of an investigation of the church's liturgical praxis from a liturgical-theological perspective. This second edition, which includes an expanded introduction, covers:
- new liturgical and ecclesial contexts resulting from newly promulgated liturgies
- further research in method for liturgical studies
- consideration for changes in the cultural contexts in which people celebrate the liturgy
Besides brand new chapters on time and sacramentality, and additions to the chapter on the arts, this edition also considers the "ongoing 'texts and contexts' of the liturgy as always a new event in the life and ongoing discussion of liturgical theology within Christianity.
Author: Kevin W. Irwin
ISBN: 9780814680377
Details: 712 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/30/2018

Theology in Practice - IP46259
Unit price perTheology in Practice - IP46259
Unit price perWhat is theology? It is nothing more, or less, than the study of God. All who pray are, in a sense, theologians. All who believe in Christ are called not only to sanctity, but to theology. "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind" (Rom 12:2).
Yet the field of theology, as taught in universities, can sometimes look like a distant abstraction, reserved for an intellectual elite. This cannot be not the case. To prove it, Cistercian Fathers Roch Kereszty and Denis Farkasfalvy of the University of Dallas, both veteran spiritual directors, bring us Theology in Practice: A Beginner's Guide to the Spiritual Life.
Guiding readers from the first inklings of God's presence, to the fire of married love, to the miracle of the Eucharist, and even to the hour of death, this book completes the circuit between theological study and human experience. Never before has the Church believed as strongly as she does today that spirituality must, like leaven, penetrate and transform the ordinary, "average" walks of life. It ought not be limited to those who withdraw from the world.
This unique work, written by two longtime friends and brothers in religious life, draws on the riches of the Cistercian founder Saint Bernard of Clairvaux�and with him the whole tradition of the Church Fathers�to communicate Christ's peace to hearts and minds.

Desire and Unity - IPDUP
Unit price perDesire and Unity - IPDUP
Unit price perIntellectual giant of the Christian West, Saint Augustine is also one of its greatest spiritual masters. To this man of desire and friendship, Christ taught to purify everything in charity, to direct everything towards God, to unify everything in communion. His thought profoundly influenced the history of Catholicism and the vigor of his view of the human heart responds to today's concerns. Fr. Emmanuel-Marie presents beautiful insights into this timeliness message of desire and unity of Augustine, which offers us a living message charged with hope.

Introduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event - IPIV2P
Unit price perIntroduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event - IPIV2P
Unit price perThis is an introduction to Vatican II with a detailed summary of each of its four central documents�the dogmatic constitutions�followed by explanations of how to interpret them. In contrast to other introductions, which pay little attention to the theological soil in which the documents of Vatican II germinated, Levering offers a reading of each conciliar Constitution in light of a key theological author from the era: René Latourelle, SJ for Dei Verbum (persons and propositions); Louis Bouyer, CO for Sacrosanctum Concilium (active participation); Yves Congar, OP for Lumen Gentium (true and false reform); and Henri de Lubac, SJ for Gaudium et Spes (nature and grace).
This theological event is "ongoing," Levering demonstrates, by tracing in each chapter the theological debates that have stretched from the close of the council till the present, and the difficulties the Church continues to encounter in encouraging an ever deeper participation in Jesus Christ on the part of all believers. In this light, the book's final chapter compares the historicist (Massimo Faggioli) and Christological (Robert Imbelli) interpretations of Vatican II, arguing that historicism can undermine the Council's fundamental desire for a reform and renewal rooted in Christ. The conclusion addresses the concerns about secularization and loss of faith raised after the Council by Henri de Lubac, Joseph Ratzinger, and Yves Congar, arguing that contemporary Vatican II scholarship needs to take these concerns more seriously.

True Confessions - IPTCH
Unit price perTrue Confessions - IPTCH
Unit price perOver the past decade Rome has been marked with sharp, and often unwarranted, criticism of the Church in the United States and American Catholic life. But very few of the critics have taken the time to talk, systematically, with a wide range of U.S. Catholics to understand their concerns. True Confessions is unique for its frank and in-depth interviews with 103 bishops, clergy, religious, and lay men and women from various backgrounds over a 17-month period, December 2020 through May 2022.
The wide-ranging subject matter includes the unseen challenges of life as a bishop; the pressures and satisfactions of the priesthood, the diaconate, and the consecrated life; the structural and leadership ingredients of diocesan success and failure; fallout from the Church' sex-abuse scandals; problems in Catholic universities; attitudes toward the Vatican; the role of Catholics in the academy and the secular culture; the witness of parents who have children with special needs; and the testimony of immigrant Americans as they assess their new homeland.
Finally, the book presents the reasons why so many U.S. Catholics, despite today's challenges, continue to love the Church and cherish their faith with joy and energy.

All One In Christ - IPAOCP
Unit price perAll One In Christ - IPAOCP
Unit price perWhat does the Catholic Church teach about racism? What should Catholics think about Critical Race Theory, which is currently being widely promoted in the name of antiracism
All One in Christ lucidly explains the Church's clear and consistent condemnation of racism, showing that the condemnation is not a recent development but deeply rooted in centuries of papal teaching and Scholastic theology.
This book also demonstrates that Critical Race Theory, far from being a remedy for racism, is, in fact, a new and insidious form of racism that cannot be reconciled with the social teaching of the Church and the call of Christ. Edward Feser exhorts Catholics to oppose Critical Race Theory�precisely because they are opposed to racial injustice. They must reaffirm that all human beings are rational creatures capable of knowledge and charity and redemption from sin through grace.

Works of Love are Works of Peace - IPWLAP
Unit price perWorks of Love are Works of Peace - IPWLAP
Unit price perMore than four years in the making and published with the permission and cooperation of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, this large format 224 page book offers the most comprehensive photographic documentation of the apostolic work and prayer life of the Missionaries of Charity yet published. Destined to serve as an important historical record, this "illustrated prayer book" vividly portrays the peace and joy that can come when "small things" are done with great love.
The more than 180 fine art quality tri-tone photographs, along with spiritual counsel from Mother Teresa, will provide a lifetime of rich material for prayer and meditation. Also included and published for the first time ever, with Mother Teresa's special permission, is an appendix containing the contents of the Missionaries of Charity daily prayer book as well as a most personal and profound letter on the interior life written by Mother Teresa during Holy Week of 1993 and addressed to her entire order. Though meant originally as an instruction and appeal to those in her order, this "I Thirst" letter is certain to become a source of spiritual light and encouragement, drawing innumerable hearts and souls closer to God.
Special Highlights of this Unique Volume:
- 187 fine art, high quality, original tri-tone photos
- Previously unpublished private prayers of the Missionaries of Charity
- Mother's profound, personal "I Thirst" letter on prayer never before published
- Other quotes and spiritual counsel from Mother Teresa
- The ideal gift book as a lasting keep-sake
Author: Michael Collopy
Hardback 224 pages
Size: 10.5 x 9
Publication Date: June 1, 2016
ISBN: 9781621641292

How to Fight Racism: - 9780310104773
Unit price perHow to Fight Racism: - 9780310104773
Unit price perHow to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby is a handbook for fighting racism that provides readers with practical tools and suggestions, along with real-world examples of change, to enable them to become proactive initiators of racial justice.
Chapter One - Introduction - Courageous Christianity Part One - Awareness Chapter 2 - Discovering What the Bible Says about Race and Ethnicity Chapter 3 - Unpacking Your Racial Experiences Chapter 4 - Learning about Race in U.S. History Chapter 5 - All Reconciliation is Relational Chapter 6 - Can I Be Your Friend? Chapter 7 - Building Diverse Communities Part Three - Commitment Chapter 8 - Searching the Bible for Justice Chapter 9 - Doing Justice in Public Chapter 10 - Orienting Your Life to Anti-Racism Conclusion - Hope in the Midst of Persecution

The Meal that Reconnects - NN6031
Unit price perThe Meal that Reconnects - NN6031
Unit price perIn The Meal That Reconnects, Dr. Mary McGann, RSCJ, invites readers to a more profound appreciation of the sacredness of eating, the planetary interdependence that food and the sharing of food entails, and the destructiveness of the industrial food system that is supplying food to tables globally. She presents the food crisis as a spiritual crisis-a call to rediscover the theological, ecological, and spiritual significance of eating and to probe its challenge to Christian eucharistic practice. Drawing on the origins of Eucharist in Jesus's meal fellowship and the worship of early Christians, McGann invites communities to reclaim the foundational meal character of eucharistic celebration while offering pertinent strategies for this renewal.
Author: Mary E. McGann
ISBN: 9780814660317
Details: 256 pgs , 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 03/15/2020

A Pilgrim People Becoming a Catholic Peace Church - NN4454
Unit price perA Pilgrim People Becoming a Catholic Peace Church - NN4454
Unit price perRecent decades have seen a steady trend in Roman Catholic teaching toward a commitment to active nonviolence that could qualify the church as a "peace church." As a moral theologian specializing in social ethics, Schlabach explores how this trend in Catholic social teaching will need to take shape if Catholics are to follow through. Globalization, he argues, is an invitation to recognize what was always supposed to be true in Catholic ecclesiology: Christ gives Christians an identity that crosses borders. To become a truly catholic global peace church in which peacemaking is church-wide and parish-deep, Catholics should recognize that they have always properly been a diaspora people with an identity that transcends tribe and nation-state.
Author: Gerald W. Schlabach
ISBN: 9780814644546
Details: 416 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 10/15/2019

Catholic Social Bioethics & Social Justic - NN 8455
Unit price perCatholic Social Bioethics & Social Justic - NN 8455
Unit price perCatholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues and practical recommendations from social determinants of health, immigration, diversity and disparities, behavioral health, gender-questioning patients, and environmental and global health issues.
Edited by M. Therese Lysaught and Michael McCarthy
Paper back 6 x 9
Pages 458
ISBN: 978-0-8146-8455-9
Publication Date: 01/10/2019

The Truth Will Make You Free - NN4668
Unit price perThe Truth Will Make You Free - NN4668
Unit price perThe available literature on the new evangelization is wide-ranging and focused on issues of ecclesial renewal. In The Truth Will Make You Free, Fr. Robert Leavitt adopts a different approach to the subject. From Paul VI until Pope Francis, the nature and challenges of modern secularism have become a recurring factor in the agenda of the new evangelization, yet often without historical perspective and philosophical balance. Few popular works bother to examine in such depth and scope, as this book does, what the history, nature, and implications of the secular age are for revitalizing ministry in an age of optional belief. Written for the interested layperson, seminarian, theology student, and pastor, The Truth Will Make You Free is an indispensable catechism for rethinking our understanding of the secular world in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.
Author: Robert F. Leavitt, PSS
Paperback 6 x 9
332 Pages
ISBN: 978-08146-4668-7
Publication Date: 03/15/2019

Praying for Those with Addictions - AABADKE6
Unit price perPraying for Those with Addictions - AABADKE6
Unit price perWe all know people who struggle with addictions. Sometimes they are our dearest loved ones. We often feel helpless in the face of their struggle, and yet our prayers are the best weapons we have to help them break free. Anne Costa shows us that we can cooperate with God's grace as we wait in hope for healing to come. And as we wait, our prayers will help us as well.
As someone who struggled with an addiction for ten years, Anne Costa writes with wisdom, experience, and conviction and helps us to view our prayers of intercession as a mission of love, mercy, and hope.
Features a weekly Scripture verse that readers can pray, claim, and reflect on, as well as two simple prayers to pray that same week.
A powerful message that will resonate with readers.
Author: Anne Costa
ISBN: 978-1-59325-295-3
176 pages
Paperback -8 x 5.25

Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty - NN3508
Unit price perWhere Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty - NN3508
Unit price perWhere Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty comprehensively explores the Catholic stance against capital punishment in new and important ways. The broad perspective of this book has been shaped in conversation with the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use of the Death Penalty, as well as through the witness of family members of murder victims and the spiritual advisors of condemned inmates.
The book offers the reader new insight into the debates about capital punishment; provides revealing, and sometimes surprising, information about methods of execution; and explores national and international trends and movements related to the death penalty. It also addresses how the death penalty has been intertwined with racism, the high percentage of the mentally disabled on death row, and how the death penalty disproportionately affects the poor.
The foundation for the church's position on the death penalty is illuminated by discussion of the life and death of Jesus, Scripture, the Mass, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the teachings of Pope John Paul II. Written for concerned Catholics and other interested readers, the book contains contemporary stories and examples, as well as discussion questions to engage groups in exploring complex issues.
Author: Vicki Schieber, Trudy D. Conway, and David Matzko McCarthy, editors Foreword by Helen Prejean, CSJ
Details: 248 pgs, 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 02/01/2013

Death Penalty and Discipleship A Faith Formation Guide - NN4809
Unit price perDeath Penalty and Discipleship A Faith Formation Guide - NN4809
Unit price perDavid Matzko McCarthy's Death Penalty and Discipleship is a faith formation resource to help communities and individuals reflect more deeply on capital punishment. It incorporates Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and contemporary issues that focus on the meaning of God's self-giving in Jesus Christ and the implications of God's redemptive work in our lives. McCarthy shows how the church's stance against the death penalty fits with Scripture, even passages such as "an eye for an eye..." (Lev 24:19-20); he attends to the teachings of Jesus and draws out themes of restorative justice; and he concludes by locating work to end the death penalty within St. John Paul II's call for a new evangelization.
God loves the world and gives himself to the world, and we are called to share God's justice and mercy with others. In this insightful and challenging resource, McCarthy encourages us to follow the call of Pope Francis to live out the love and mercy of God for all the world.
Author: David Matzko McCarthy
Details: 68 pgs, 5 3/8 X 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 01/05/2016

Redemption and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Restorative Justice - NN4561
Unit price perRedemption and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Restorative Justice - NN4561
Unit price perThe Catholic Church teaches that punishment must have a constructive and redemptive purpose and that it be coupled with treatment and, when possible, restitution. Rehabilitation and restoration must include the spiritual dimension of healing and hope. Since the publication of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' 2000 pastoral statement on restorative justice, the conversation surrounding the need for criminal justice reform and restorative justice has moved forward. Redemption and Restoration responds from a Catholic perspective to help form an educational campaign to equip Catholics and their leaders to participate in the national conversation on this issue, create the programs needed to assist in healing the harm caused by crime, and restore our communities.
The book develops the traditional Catholic understanding of justice, offers a theological understanding of restorative justice, explains how it can be implemented, and reflects on the practical arguments for restorative justice. Grounded in the stories of real people, Redemption and Restoration helps readers gain a deeper understanding of how this affects us all as a country and a church. It includes discussion questions to engage groups in exploring issues related to restorative justice.
Author: Edited by Trudy D. Conway, David Matzko McCarthy, and Vicki Schieber
Details: 306 pgs, 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 12/04/2017

A Biblical Walk through the Mass - PP84660
Unit price perA Biblical Walk through the Mass - PP84660
Unit price perIn A Biblical Walk Through the Mass by Edward Sri, discover how the Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist.
The words, the gestures, and the rituals of the Mass are rich in meaning. Everything we say and do in the Liturgy is steeped in biblical language. A Biblical Walk Through the Mass explores the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveals what it all means and why it all matters. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
Imprimatur granted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Author: Edward Sri
Pages: 198 paperback
ISBN: 9781950784660

Mass and Adoration Companion - TN12542
Unit price perMass and Adoration Companion - TN12542
Unit price perNoted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. Combining the best of tradition and modernity, this beautiful, deluxe volume will help you enter into the prayers of the Mass more fully and, thus, derive more benefit from not only the Holy Sacrifice, but from your Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament, and your personal prayer time as well. This durable book includes:
€¢ beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers
€¢ brief explanatory notes to guide you through the different parts of the Mass
€¢ entire section of prayers for Adoration
€¢ space to make personal notations and add your own personal favorite prayers
Mass and Adoration Companion will help you develop your own unique way of conversing with God, so that Adoration and other prayer times will become completely centered on the loving and personal gift of the Presence of God, and so that the Mass will never again be just an hour-long event, but an inspiration and an aid to living a Eucharistic spirituality that will change your life.

The Order of the Mass-GFRG15734
Unit price perThe Order of the Mass-GFRG15734
Unit price per
The Mass Explained - GF10404
Unit price perThe Mass Explained - GF10404
Unit price perThe Mass Explained from Catholic Book Publishing explores the theological meaning of the Mass; examines the role to which baptized Catholics are called in its celebration; and helps readers to discover the meaning of its words, songs, gestures, and ritual actions. Written by Msgr. James P. Moroney, this book features clear, straightforward illustrations and a useful glossary of terms. This handy, informative Mass guide is bound in a flexible full-color cover.

Handbook of the Mass - GF10704
Unit price perHandbook of the Mass - GF10704
Unit price per