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109 products
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33 Days to Morning Glory - UG33DAY
Unit price per33 Days to Morning Glory - UG33DAY
Unit price per33 Days to Merciful Love
From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the popular book "Consoling the Heart of Jesus," comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed Pope John Paul II. Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp, and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, "33 Days to Morning Glory" is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.
Author: Michael E. Gaitley, MIC
ISBN: 978596142442
5.5" x 8.4" Paperback
201 pages

A Millennial in Paradise: Carlo Acutis - 9781644134849
Unit price perA Millennial in Paradise: Carlo Acutis - 9781644134849
Unit price perIn each generation, heroes of the Faith, whom the Church recognizes as saints, emerge. There are many characteristics that they have in common, but none thus far have used cell phones, played PlayStation video games, or searched for information on Google.
That is about to change.
A young "computer geek" named Carlo Acutis, who created a website cataloguing every reported Eucharistic miracle in the world and died of leukemia a year later at age fifteen, was beatified in November 2019, after a healing miracle in Brazil was attributed to his intercession. Since the beatification ceremony one year later, solemn crowds have been filing past the exposed relics of the blessed youth in Assisi's Church of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Carlo is a sign of contradiction in the modern world who serves as a heroic model for today's young people--a teenager who programmed computers and enjoyed films and comics yet lived as an authentic and sincere disciple of Christ. In these pages, you'll discover how he embraced the Faith as a boy and developed the virtues necessary to live a Christ-centered life in a secular society, how he overcame the vices that plagued him, and how he gracefully dealt with heartaches he could not divulge even to his parents.
When he developed leukemia, he offered his suffering both for Pope Benedict XVI and for the Catholic Church, saying: "I offer all the suffering I will have to undergo for the Lord, for the Pope, and the Church." In this surprising and inspiring book, you'll also learn:
- How Carlo became holy, in only a few short years
- The young man's unusual loneliness and how he dealt with it
- His strategy for resisting peer pressure
- How he had fun without losing control and learned to resist gluttony
- How he interacted with teen girls who became his friends
- Why his explanations about the Mass are used in today's catechism classes in Italy
- How he dealt with friends who were sexually promiscuous and what he told them
- How he responded to the shocking news that he was dying (which happened two weeks later)
- His remarkable Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition--made possible by his computer skills--that is now touring churches all over Europe
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781644134849
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.5"

A Year with Mary - TN06960
Unit price perA Year with Mary - TN06960
Unit price per Of Mary, there is never enough! �
Books about the Blessed Virgin abound, yet the words of St. Bernard of Clairvaux still ring true: Of Mary, there is never enough! � She is a mystery that faithful Christians seek to understand more fully, an ocean full of grace � still awaiting deeper exploration.
In A Year with Mary: Daily Meditations on the Mother of God, best-selling Catholic author Paul Thigpen sets sail on that ocean, using as his map the profound insights of saints and other spiritual writers. These 365 reflections, drawn from their writings, reveal Mary s role in God s plan, the virtues she so perfectly models, and the rich benefits of Marian devotion.
The beautiful Premium UltraSoft gift edition features two-tone sewn binding, ribbon marker, gold edges, and designed interior pages
Pages: 388
Publisher: Saint Benedict Press
Publication Date: 2015

Augustine on Prayer - GF17104
Unit price perAugustine on Prayer - GF17104
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Befriending St. Joseph - EZ01374
Unit price perBefriending St. Joseph - EZ01374
Unit price perAfter Pope Francis declared 2020 the year of St. Joseph, interest in the patriarch of the Holy Family and patron of the Universal Church was heightened worldwide.
InBefriending St. Joseph, popular blogger Deacon Greg Kandra leads you on a journey of imaginative exploration and spiritual renewal rooted in the few Bible stories where Joseph is written about. This book offers a fresh take on the centuries-old devotion known as the Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph and provides an opportunity to ponder Josephs role in our salvation and to become more like him.
Although the Bible doesn't record St. Joseph saying a single word, we know he became what God wanted him to be with patience, attention, trust, and prayer. The biblical account of Jesus's life shows us that St. Joseph had faith in times of uncertainty and courage in times of danger. Kandra shows us Joseph as a gentle man, pure of heart, trusting in God, and a role model for those who feel unworthy or unready.
Through guided reflections, Kandra helps you imagine what life may have been like for Joseph, Mary, and Jesus and offers guidance to help you better navigate your own life, with particular attention to trust, purity of heart, courage, and persistence in faith. Kandra invites you to:
- trust the mystery of God when life seems shattered;
- persist in caring for those you love, guide, and protect;
- be courageous and compassionate in the face of suffering;
- find strength to comfort others;
- attend to those on the margins;
- pray for the grace of endurance; and
- expect to find Christ in unexpected places.
Each chapter of Befriending St. Josephincludes a scriptural verse about Joseph that lies at the heart of the devotion, original prayers by Kandra, and questions for self-reflection, journaling, or faith sharing. The appendixes include additional prayers to St. Joseph and an adaption of the Seven Sorrows devotion for group prayer.

Best-Loved Saints - GF16004
Unit price perBest-Loved Saints - GF16004
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Blessed Carlo Acutis - I Am With You - IPBCAM
Unit price perBlessed Carlo Acutis - I Am With You - IPBCAM
Unit price perFilmed on location in Italy, this powerful documentary introduces you to the remarkable story of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Family, friends, neighbors and classmates paint a moving image of this impressive young man whose spiritual wisdom far surpassed his age. Through photos, videos and eyewitness accounts, youll understand his true devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and his relentless determination to spread the truth of Eucharistic miracles to believers around the world. Carlos spirit will always be with us.

Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers - IP45443
Unit price perBlessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers - IP45443
Unit price perHow does a boy from Milan who only lived to the age of 15 become a global "influencer for God" more than a decade after he died? Discover the inspiring story of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the first Millennial to be Beatified by the Catholic Church.
This tech-savvy teen has shown the world that computer coding and video games are not mutually exclusive with sainthood. Born in the same year as the launch of the World Wide Web, Carlo has been hailed by the pope for providing a witness to holiness in our digital age at a time when Christians are still grappling with how best to live out their faith in the world of laptops, cell phones, and social media.
From a young age, Carlo's enthusiasm for God was contagious. He called the Eucharist "my highway to heaven" and was eager to tell anyone who would listen about the incredible reality of Jesus' presence in the world, hidden in our neighborhoods under the appearances of bread and wine.

Butler's Lives of the Saints: January - NN23770
Unit price perButler's Lives of the Saints: January - NN23770
Unit price perOne of the most well-known and relied-upon reference works of all time has been updated and revised! The twelve volumes of the revised Butler's Lives of the Saints correspond to the months of the year; each volume contains entries on saints with feast days in that month.
Author: Paul Burns
Subtitle: Full New Edition
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2377-0, 2377
Details: 272 pgs , 6 x 9 3/8
Publication Date: 11/01/1995

Carlo Acutis - God's Computer Genius - ZN17006
Unit price perCarlo Acutis - God's Computer Genius - ZN17006
Unit price perCiao! Meet Carlo: an Italian fifteen-year-old techie who loved coding, video games, animals, and also lived a life that put him on the highway to heaven!
Set to become the first millennial saint, Blessed Carlo Acutis was a vibrant, faith-filled Italian teenager who loved technology and the Eucharist. This kid-friendly biography is the perfect introduction to Carlo fascinating and moving story.
You Can Be a Saint! is a series of kid-friendly biographies about the many inspiring, diverse, and holy people on the path to sainthood.
Features of the series:
- Written in an engaging, narrative form
- Colorful, playful illustrations and design
- Fun and informative sidebars
- Perfect for children ages 8-11
- Durable, high-quality hardcover

Carlo Acutis - IP6CAH
Unit price perCarlo Acutis - IP6CAH
Unit price perCarlo Acutis was like other boys his age. In his hometown of Milan, Italy, he loved video games, playing soccer, and hanging out with his friends. But unlike most other boys, he also loved going to Mass, and his deep concern for others was felt by everyone around him�including the poor, the brokenhearted, and even stray dogs.
A self-taught computer whiz, Carlo used his tech skills to serve the Church and to share his faith in Christ. He built websites for parishes, and he created an online exhibition to document Eucharistic miracles around the world.
At the age of fifteen, Carlo was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia and died a week later on October 12, 2006. In 2018, a miracle was attributed to his intercession, and Pope Francis beatified him in 2020. He has become a shining example of faith, hope, and love, especially to young people.

Carlos Acutis - The first Millenial Saint - IWT2675
Unit price perCarlos Acutis - The first Millenial Saint - IWT2675
Unit price perCarlo Acutis, born May 3, 1991, fully embraced the gift of life. Known as a computer whiz, he also liked to play soccer, video games, and the saxophone. He enjoyed watching his favorite police dramas and making short films with his star cast of cats and dogs. He had many friends and enjoyed spending time with them.
Yet Carlo was a little different at school, in the pizzerias, and on the soccer field. What set Carlo apart was his constant pursuit of holiness. In addition to his fun hobbies, he spent time teaching catechism classes and serving in soup kitchens. Carlo loved to attend daily Mass and frequent Eucharistic adoration. The Word of God and the Eucharist were the center of his life. Carlos unwavering devotion to the Eucharist inspired him to tell the story of Eucharistic miracles through a website he created just for fun. He wanted to deepen his own knowledge of these phenomena, to strengthen his devotion to Jesus, and to invite others to grow in love for the Eucharist. The website subsequently caught the attention of people across the globe, introducing countless people to Eucharistic miracles.
Carlo died from a sudden and violent illness in 2006 at the age of fifteen. In less than a decade, his story spread across Italy and around the world. After Pope Francis declared him venerable in 2018, his beatification was celebrated in Assisi on October 10, 2020. The next step will be canonization, making him the first millennial saint.

Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Blue Stamped
From $49.95
Unit price perCollection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Blue Stamped
From $49.95
Unit price perThe Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes the Missal, revised to conform to The Roman Missal, Third Edition, and its companion Lectionary. Printed in easy-to-read, two-color type, these well-crafted ritual books feature a blue hardcover stamped with the distinct and beautiful art of Martin Erspamer, OSB; silver-gilded pages; and ribbons. They provide the formularies required for celebration of the forty-six Masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which are distributed across the seasons of the liturgical year (three in Advent, six for the Christmas season, five in Lent, four for the Easter season, and twenty eight for Ordinary Time). Hard Cover 8 1/2 x 10 7/8.

Collection of Masses of The Blessed Virgin Mary Vol. II - GF2722
Unit price perCollection of Masses of The Blessed Virgin Mary Vol. II - GF2722
Unit price perThe Lectionary includes all the readings for these 46 Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Size 8 1/2 X 11. Blue imitation leather cover. Special Features: 14 pt. Type. Printed in Two Colors. Liturgical Drawings Introduce Each Main Section. Includes Ribbon Markers. Durable, Attractive Binding.

Collection of Masses of The Blessed Virgin Mary Vol.I/II- GF2822
Unit price perCollection of Masses of The Blessed Virgin Mary Vol.I/II- GF2822
Unit price perThis set comprises the Sacramentary (Volume I) and the Lectionary (Volume II) that can be used to celebrate a total of 46 Masses in honor of Our Blessed Lady. Size 8 1/2 X 11. Blue imitation leather. Special Features: 14 pt. Type. Useful, Functional Tabs for the Ordinary in Sacramentary. Printed in Two Colors . Liturgical Drawings Introduce Each Main Section. Includes Ribbon Markers. Durable, Attractive Binding.

Confessions of St. Augustine - GF17319BG
Unit price perConfessions of St. Augustine - GF17319BG
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Confessions of St. Augustine - GF17319BN
Unit price perConfessions of St. Augustine - GF17319BN
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Consecration to Saint Joseph - UGFCSJ
Unit price perConsecration to Saint Joseph - UGFCSJ
Unit price perIn the midst of crisis, confusion, and a world at war with the Church, it's time to come home again to our spiritual father, St. Joseph. In this richly researched and lovingly presented program of consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. Joseph, Universal Patron of the Church and the Terror of Demons.
Author: Donald Calloway
Publisher: Marian Press
ISBN: 9781596144316
Size: 0.9" H x 8.9" L x 5.9" W

Consecration to St. Joseph for Children and Families - UGCJHB
Unit price perConsecration to St. Joseph for Children and Families - UGCJHB
Unit price perProtect your family! Entrust your family to St. Joseph. Why? Because God, Himself, did. God entrusted the Holy Family to St. Joseph to keep them safe, and so should you. Drawing on the wealth of the Church's living tradition, Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC and co-author Scott L. Smith, Jr., call on all of us to turn to St. Joseph, entrust ourselves, our children and families, our Church, and our world to our spiritual father's loving care. Watch for wonders when the Universal Patron of the Church opens the floodgates of Heaven to pour out graces into your family's lives.

Daily Reflections with Mary - GF37204
Unit price perDaily Reflections with Mary - GF37204
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Daily Reflections With The Saints - GF88004
Unit price perDaily Reflections With The Saints - GF88004
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Dare to Be More: The Witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis - 9780764828553
Unit price perDare to Be More: The Witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis - 9780764828553
Unit price perUnofficially known as the patron saint of the internet, Blessed Carlo Acutis is a role model for today's teens and adolescents. An ordinary teenager of the millennial generation, he enjoyed soccer, computers, and video games, but he was also committed to Mass, confession, and prayer.
He used his computer savvy to spread devotion to the Eucharist and understanding of Church teachings. He was diagnosed with leukemia and was only 15 years old when he died. He was beatified by Pope Francis in Assisi on October 10, 2020.
ISBN: 9780764828553
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 5" x 8"

Day by Day with Saint Benedict - NN3042
Unit price perDay by Day with Saint Benedict - NN3042
Unit price perReflecting on years of living the Benedictine life and of scholarly work on the Rule of Saint Benedict, monk and priest Terrence Kardong offers his wisdom in Day by Day with Saint Benedict. These short, daily reflections on quotations from the Rule are accessible to lay people and religious alike and they will help the reader to incorporate Benedictine values in his or her own life.
Day by Day with Saint Benedict includes 366 meditations, one for each day of the year. Those interested in a great religious classic will find here a way to apply the Rule to their own daily life. In some of the meditations Kardong shares true stories told from his long experience of Benedictine community life that show how he has applied the Rule to his own life and how he has seen it incorporated in the lives of those around him.
Author: Terrence G. Kardong, OSB
Details: 280 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 11/01/2005

Day By Day with St. Francis - GF17919
Unit price perDay By Day with St. Francis - GF17919
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Day By Day With St. Joseph - GF16219
Unit price perDay By Day With St. Joseph - GF16219
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Dialogue on Miracles
Unit price perDialogue on Miracles
Unit price perCaesarius was a monk at the Cistercian monastery of Heisterbach in Germany, where he served as Master of novices. For their instruction and edification, he composed his lengthy Dialogue on Miracles in twelve sections between 1219 and 1223. The many surviving manuscripts of this and other works by Caesarius attest to his stature in the history of Cistercian letters.
This volume contains sections one through six of Caesarius of Heisterbach Dialogue on Miracles, the first complete translation into English of an influential representation of exempla literature from the Middle Ages. Caesarius stories provide a splendid index to monastic life, religious practices, and daily life in a tumultuous time.

Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska - UGDNBF
Unit price perDiary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska - UGDNBF
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Favorite Prayers To Our Lady - GF91904
Unit price perFavorite Prayers To Our Lady - GF91904
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