210 products
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210 products
210 products
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Guide For the Liturgy Of The Hours - GF400G
Unit price perGuide For the Liturgy Of The Hours - GF400G
Unit price perHandy guide that facilitates use of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Product Code: GF40910 or GF40913) by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified. Size 4 x 6 1/4. White paperback.
St Joseph Liturgy of the Hours Guide
Current year will be shipped unless noted otherwise.

Together for Life: Revised with The Order of Celebrating Matrimony - EZ17222
Unit price perTogether for Life: Revised with The Order of Celebrating Matrimony - EZ17222
Unit price perTogether for Life has been the most trusted source for wedding planning in the Catholic Church for more than forty-five years. This new edition of Together for Life contains the new texts of the most recent translation of The Order of Celebrating Matrimony. It includes all the tools engaged couples use when meeting with a priest, deacon, or lay parish minister to plan their weddings and prepare for living the sacrament of Marriage.
Together for Life includes:
- Approved texts for The Order of Celebrating Matrimony and prayers from the Roman Missal
- The Word Brought Home, scripture commentaries by Catholic leaders
- Catechetical commentary by Rev. Peter Jarret, C.S.C.to help couples deepen their understanding of the Church's liturgy
- Hints for incorporating ethnic and cultural devotions and practices into a Catholic wedding
- Sample intercessions
- How-to guides to help parish ministers
- FAQ section about the celebration of Catholic weddings

Church Register - Mass Intentions-Two Sizes Available
From $34.50
Unit price perChurch Register - Mass Intentions-Two Sizes Available
From $34.50
Unit price perHand sewn hardcover archival registers printed on acid free archival paper that with proper care will last indefinitely. Acid free paper is resistant to water damage and has high light fastness, this allows the pages to resist fading from exposure to sunlight over time.
Small Edition - Most Popular Mass stipend book 5 1/2" x8 1/2" - 1,000 entries. OA253
Desk Edition -- Popular for Rectory office use. 8 1/2" x 11" -- 2.500 entries. OA252

Pastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition) - GF15619
Unit price perPastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition) - GF15619
Unit price perPastoral Care of The Sick (Pocket Edition). Rites of Anointing and Viaticum. Handy pocket-size edition of the complete Rite for personal use. Contains all the features of the large-size edition, plus handy edge-marking index. Size 4 X 6 1/4. Green vinyl cover.

Through Death to Life - EZ12838
Unit price perThrough Death to Life - EZ12838
Unit price perThis leading Catholic funeral planning resource contains all the approved lectionary readings and other liturgical texts needed to celebrate a funeral Mass, bringing together in one place all the official liturgical texts needed for planning a Catholic funeral Mass.
This accessible, easy-to-use liturgical aid provides a practical tool for priests, deacons, and lay pastoral ministers as they help grieving Catholics plan the funeral of a loved one. Families can select the readings and prayers that they find most fitting and record them on an easy-to-follow selection sheet. This sheet is then passed on to the presiding priest or his designate so that he can prepare the liturgy.
Highlights of this edition:
- Nearly one million copies sold in thirty-year history
- Contains all required changes from the 2011 edition of the new Roman Missal, official lectionary readings approved for use at the funeral Mass, and the pertinent texts from the Order of Christian Funerals
- Updated pastoral introduction offers comfort to both families and their pastoral leaders
- Comprehensive selection sheet included for families to fill out as they choose their readings and prayers
- Contains two distinct numbering systems: one coincides with the official liturgical books and the other with the Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal ritual card set published for presiders by Ave Maria Press
- Brief, informative appendix explaining Church teaching on the practice of cremation

The Order of Baptism of Children Revised Edition - GF13622
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children Revised Edition - GF13622
Unit price perThe revision of this Ritual Edition, the English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, is divided into seven chapters
- Order of Baptism for Several Children
- Order of Baptism for One Child
- Order of Baptism for a Large Number of Children
- Order of Baptism of Children to Be Used by Catechists in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon
- Order of Baptism of Children in Danger of Death, or at the Point of Death, to Be Used in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon
- Order of Bringing a Baptized Child to the Church
- Various Texts for Use in the Celebration of Baptism for Children.
This volume also includes an Appendix not found in the original edition that is provided to assist Priests who wish to celebrate the Order of Baptism for Several Children within Mass or to celebrate the Order of Baptism for One Child within Mass. In addition, this edition incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles (formerly The Revised Grail Psalms).

Holy Communion & Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass - GF64822
Unit price perHoly Communion & Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass - GF64822
Unit price perHoly Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass includes the Rite of Distributing Holy Communion outside Mass, Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by an Extraordinary Minister, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. This valuable liturgical resource for Eucharistic worship also contains Scripture readings, antiphons, responsories, prayers after Communion, and prayers at Benediction
ISBN: 9781958237687
Details: 152pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/2024

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - GF9600
Unit price perThe Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - GF9600
Unit price perCycles A, B, and C are included, complete in one volume. A perfect resource for use during Holy Week, this volume is arranged for recitation by several ministers. Size 8 1/2 X 11. Red paperback cover. Special Features: 16 pt. Type. Printed in Two Colors.

Order for the Blessing of a Fifteenth Birthday - Bendicion al Cumplir Quince Anos - YB7024
Unit price perOrder for the Blessing of a Fifteenth Birthday - Bendicion al Cumplir Quince Anos - YB7024
Unit price per

Church Register Books - Standard Edition-Three Editions Available
Unit price perChurch Register Books - Standard Edition-Three Editions Available
Unit price perHand sewn hardcover archival registers printed on acid free archival paper that with proper care will last indefinitely. Acid free paper is resistant to water damage and has high light fastness, this allows the pages to resist fading from exposure to sunlight over time.
Standard Registers are recommended for the average parish. These 100 page, 9"x 14" books are hand bound with green Spanish grain sides, red sturdy flex corners and back, gold titled and tooled. All Church Record Books are indexed and have printed numbered pages. Holds 2000 entries.
Available in Baptism, Marriage, Confirmation and Communion.

The Book of The Gospels - GF16500
Unit price perThe Book of The Gospels - GF16500
Unit price perNew edition approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops with the Gospel Readings for the new Lectionary FOR MASS. Size 9 1/2 X 13 5/8. Red imitaion leather cover. Special Features: Extra-Large Type. Sense-Line Format. Printed in Two Colors. Gold Edges.

Book of Blessings - GF56022
Unit price perBook of Blessings - GF56022
Unit price perThis liturgical book contains the blessings of the Roman Ritual for the Universal Church as well as additional proper blessings for use in the United States. The volume is set in highly readable 14 pt. type. Size 7 1/4 X 10 1/4. Brown cloth hardcover.

Guide For Christian Prayer - GF406G
Unit price perGuide For Christian Prayer - GF406G
Unit price perHandy guide that facilitates use of CHRISTIAN PRAYER (Product Code: GF40610 or GF40623), the one-volume LITURGY OF THE HOURS, by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the year. Size 4 X 6 1/4. White paperback cover.
St Joseph Christian Prayer Guide
Current year will be shipped unless noted otherwise.

Book of the Names of the Dead - OWBKD2
Unit price perBook of the Names of the Dead - OWBKD2
Unit price perMany churches have the custom of giving a place of honor to a book in which parishioners write the names of their dead. This is such a book that has been carefully prepared in its dimensions, paper, binding, and art to be both beautiful and worthy of its task. In most parishes, this one volume will be large enough to receive names over many years.
This beautifully bound volume features a gold embossed cover, that matches other ritual editions, for a place of reverence in the parish. On the title page there are two thin lines. These may be used to inscribe (perhaps in calligraphy) the name of your parish and the years when this book was used to record names. There are also lines on the pages themselves on which parishioners may write the names of their loved ones. Beautifully inscribed on these pages are English quotations from the Order of Christian Funerals. These poetic texts may be a source of inspiration and comfort during times of grief.
Used on All Souls Day.
Dimensions: 9" x' 12"

Church Registers - Death Register-Two Sizes Available
From $50.25
Unit price perChurch Registers - Death Register-Two Sizes Available
From $50.25
Unit price perHand sewn hardcover archival registers printed on acid free archival paper that with proper care will last indefinitely. Acid free paper is resistant to water damage and has high light fastness, this allows the pages to resist fading from exposure to sunlight over time.
Standard Edition is 50 pages, 1,400 entries. 9"x14" Permalife ledger, indexed. Bound in green Spanish grain sides with red sturdiflex corners and back. Gold title and tooled cover.
Small edition is 6"x9 1/2" with 500 entries, 10 to a page. Heavy ledger paper. No index. Bound in black farbrikoid. Gold stamped.

Roman Missal Chapel Edition - GF2522
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition - GF2522
Unit price perRoman Missal Chapel Edition by Catholic Book Publishing. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal which includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type, printed and reinforced end papers, durable binding, sturdy, functional tabs for the Ordinary of the Mass, and satin ribbon markers. Full-color illustrations throughout. 7"x 8.75" Red cloth hardcover with altar on the cover.

Roman Missal Leather Altar Edition - GF5513
Unit price perRoman Missal Leather Altar Edition - GF5513
Unit price perRoman Missal Leather Altar Edition by Catholic Book Publishing. Presenting the third edition of the Roman Missal which includes the enhanced features that celebrants have come to know and trust from Catholic Book Publishing: large, easy-to-read type, printed and reinforced end papers, durable binding, sturdy, functional tabs for the Ordinary of the Mass, and satin ribbon markers. Full-color illustrations throughout. 8.5"x11". Red genuine leather with Alpha/Omega on the cover.

Guide For the Liturgy Of The Hours (LG TYPE) - GF709G
Unit price perGuide For the Liturgy Of The Hours (LG TYPE) - GF709G
Unit price perSt. Joseph Guide For the Liturgy of The Hours (Lg Type Edition). Handy guide that facilitates use of the large-type edition of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Product Code: GF70913) by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified. Size 5 1/4 X 8. White paperback.
St Joseph Liturgy of the Hours Guide
Current year will be shipped unless noted otherwise.

Communion of The Sick - GF8204
Unit price perCommunion of The Sick - GF8204
Unit price perA valuable service booklet for Extraordinary Ministers, the text is set both in English and Spanish. Includes all appropriate readings as well as a series of beneficial pastoral instructions and guidelines. Commentary, history, and appendices are written by the renowned Rev. Joseph M. Champlin. Printed in large type and in two colors. Size 4 3/8 X 6 3/4. Green paperback cover.

Lectionary - Sunday Mass (Pulpit) - GF9013
Unit price perLectionary - Sunday Mass (Pulpit) - GF9013
Unit price perApproved English translation of this liturgical book for the United States that went into use on November 29, 1998. Formatted to make it as pastoral, practicable, and functional as possible. Cycles A, B, and C are included in one volume. Red leather bound.
Special Features:
- Sense-Line Format
- Printed in Two Colors
- Includes Ribbon Markers
- Durable, Attractive Binding
- Magnificently Illustrated
- Gilded Edges
- Size 8 1/2" x 12"
- 14 p.t Type

The Liturgy of The Hours Supplement - GF40504
Unit price perThe Liturgy of The Hours Supplement - GF40504
Unit price perCurrently Unavailable. This title is going through revisions and will be rereleased sometime in the future. New price and release date TBD. For information or to pre-order, please call.

The Order of Baptism of Children - NN6509
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children - NN6509
Unit price perThis Ritual Edition is available now!
Its first-use date is February 2, 2020. Its use is obligatory as of April 12, 2020.
A handsomely bound, gold and silver-stamped book, The Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition, contains the texts for the new, revised order plus the optional rtes including the Order of Baptism within Mass. It features the official ritual for several children and one child; parts clearly marked for the celebrant, parents, and godparents; an explanation of the sacrament; and appropriate Scripture readings.
The second edition contains large, easy-to-read type and is printed in two colors to help distinguish the parts for the celebrant, parents, and godparents. Three elegant ribbon markers assure easy use.
Second Edition
ISBN: 9780814665091
Details: 192 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2

The Order of Baptism of Children/Ritual para el Bautismo de los Nios - NN6534
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children/Ritual para el Bautismo de los Nios - NN6534
Unit price perThis Ritual Edition is available now!
Its first-use date is February 2, 2020. Its use is obligatory as of April 12, 2020.
A handsomely bound, gold and silver-stamped book, The Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition contains the texts for the new, revised order plus the optional rites including the Order of Baptism within Mass. It features the official ritual for several children and one child; parts clearly marked for the celebrant, parents, and godparents; an explanation of the sacrament; and appropriate Scripture readings.
The second edition contains large, easy-to-read type and is printed in two colors to help distinguish the parts for the celebrant, parents, and godparents. Three elegant ribbon markers assure easy use.
Un libro bellamente encuadernado, con sellos de oro y plata, la segunda edición contiene los textos para el nuevo orden revisado de bautismo más los Ritos opcionales, incluido el Bautismo durante la Misa. Presenta el ritual oficial para varios nios y un nio; partes claramente marcadas para el celebrante, los padres y los padrinos; una explicaci ión del sacramento; y lecturas bÃblicas apropiadas.
La Segunda Edición contiene una tipografÃa grande y fácil de leer y está impresa en dos colores para ayudar a distinguir las partes para el celebrante, los padres y los padrinos. Tres elegantes marcadores de cinta aseguran un uso fácil.
Bilingual Edition/Edición Bilingüe
ISBN: 9780814665343
Details: 384 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2

The Order of Baptism of Children Bilingual Revised Edition - GF13822
Unit price perThe Order of Baptism of Children Bilingual Revised Edition - GF13822
Unit price perThis Bilingual Edition of the Ritual Edition offers a harmony between the Spanish and English texts, including the Appendix, which has been added to the Spanish Second Typical Edition, first published in the United States in 2009.
The revision of this Ritual Edition, the English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, is divided into seven chapters: Order of Baptism for Several Children; Order of Baptism for One Child; Order of Baptism for a Large Number of Children; Order of Baptism of Children to Be Used by Catechists in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon; Order of Baptism of Children in Danger of Death, or at the Point of Death, to Be Used in the Absence of a Priest or Deacon; Order of Bringing a Baptized Child to the Church; and Various Texts for Use in the Celebration of Baptism for Children. This volume also includes an Appendix not found in the original edition that is provided to assist Priests who wish to celebrate the Order of Baptism for Several Children within Mass or to celebrate the Order of Baptism for One Child within Mass. In addition, this edition incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of The Roman Missal and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles (formerly The Revised Grail Psalms).

The Liturgy of The Hours (Set of 4) (Leather Binding) - GF40913
Unit price perThe Liturgy of The Hours (Set of 4) (Leather Binding) - GF40913
Unit price perThe complete set of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS in four volumes.Leather volumes are sold only as a set. Includes the current ST. JOSEPH GUIDE FOR THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Product Code: GF400G) and INSERTS FOR THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Product Code GF400I). Additional copies of the current ST. JOSEPH GUIDE FOR THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Product Code: GF400G) are available. Size 4 3/8 X 6 3/4. Black bonded leather covers. Special Features: Readable 10 pt. Type. Printed in Two Colors. Includes Ribbon Markers. Gold-Stamped Spine with elegant gilded page edging.

Communion of the Sick - NN8970
Unit price perCommunion of the Sick - NN8970
Unit price perCommunion of the Sick contains—in a portable and easy-to-follow format—the official rites needed by every extraordinary minister of Communion in visiting and bringing Communion to the sick. Sick or confined persons will also benefit from having this book for their prayer. This classic resource has been revised in accordance with Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass.
Details: 56 pgs, 4 x 7
Publication Date: 09/15/2024

Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist - NN20397
Unit price perOrder for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist - NN20397
Unit price perThis collection from approved sources of the rites and texts for use during the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist is so arranged that it may be used for one or several days, according to local custom or pastoral need. In order to provide periods for liturgical prayer during the period of exposition three services are provided: The Liturgy of the Hours during the Period of Exposition, Eucharistic Services of Prayer and Praise, and Celebration of the Eucharist during the Period of Exposition. Two forms for the Closing Celebration for the Solemn Exposition are also given, one taking place during Mass, and a second when Mass is not celebrated.
ISBN: 978-0-8146-2039-7, 2039
Details: 240 pgs , 7 1/4 x 10 1/2
Publication Date: 08/01/1993

Lectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. II/Chapel) - GF4522
Unit price perLectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. II/Chapel) - GF4522
Unit price perIncludes Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year I, Proper of Saints and Common of Saints. The careful arrangement of text makes this volume a liturgical resource that is pastoral, practicable, and functional. Size 6 3/4 X 8 3/4. Green cloth cover. Special Features: Large, Easy-to-Read 13 pt. Type. Attractive Format. Each Weekday Reading has its own section so that all readings are visible to the reader at all times. Magnificently Illustrated. 2 Ribbon Markers. Durable, Gold Stamped Binding. Companion Book to the Sunday Lectionary.