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65 products
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Daily Bread of the Word: Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings - OWDBW
Unit price perDaily Bread of the Word: Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings - OWDBW
Unit price perDaily Bread of the Word: Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings is an English translation of Cardinal Albert Vanhoye's reflections on the daily readings of lectionary, Il Pane Quotidiano della Parola: Commento alle letture feriali della Mess ciclo I e II (Daily Bread of the Word: A Commentary on the Daily Readings of the Mass, Year I and Year II). World-famous scripture scholar Cardinal Albert Vanhoye, sjprovides insightful and well-grounded exegesis of selected daily Mass readings in a prayerful reflective spirit. It is an excellent prayer resource for priests and deacons and religious. It is also an excellent resource for those called to preach during the week, as well as lay people interested in delving deeper into the exegesis of the daily on the Mass readings.
978-1-61671-377-5 | Hardcover | 6 x 9 | 768 pages | Language: English

Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays - NN25422
Unit price perChrist in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays - NN25422
Unit price perIn Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays, Father Brown discusses the Gospels as they are used in "the Ordinary Time." It is the time the Church treats the Gospels consecutively and in detail, with Year A of the three-year cycle taking its readings from Matthew; Year B from Mark; and Year C from Luke.
Father Brown discusses how a Gospel was formed and explains what is distinctive about each of the four Gospels. Then he fits the Sunday readings, one by one, into an overall picture of each Gospel, showing how the Gospel shapes the narrative, its theological emphases, and what it says to readers. With such an overview, the Sunday selections may be read in context and interpreted in their original sequence.
During Ordinary time people turn from reflecting on the mystery of Christ to considering how that mystery affects their lives. In Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays, Father Brown provides an overview of the meaning of the Gospels during the many weeks of Ordinary Time.
Chapters are "Understanding How Gospels Were Written and Their Use in the Sunday Liturgy," "The Gospel According to Matthew," "The Gospel According to Mark," "The Gospel According to Luke," and "The Gospel According to John."
Subtitle: Essays on the Gospel Readings of the Ordinary Sundays in the Three-Year Liturgical Cycle
Author: Raymond E. Brown, SS
ISBN: 9780814625422
Details: 120 pgs , 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 09/01/1998

Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday Cycle C - NN22889
Unit price perCultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday Cycle C - NN22889
Unit price perThe fifty-six essays in this book present cultural reflections on the gospel reading assigned for each Sunday in Cycle C of the Roman Lectionary. Each essay highlights aspects of the first-century, Eastern Mediterranean cultural world in which Jesus lived and suggests a cross-cultural comparison with contemporary Western culture. With this background information, readers can make more fitting applications of the Scripture to modern life situations.
By John J Pilch
5-3/8 x 8-1/4 paperback 184 pages

Living the Lectionary - Year B - OW45271
Unit price perLiving the Lectionary - Year B - OW45271
Unit price perGeoff Wood combines examples from Western literature and his own personal life to help readers connect the Sunday readings to their own experiences.
Paperback 6x9 168 pages

Lift Up Your Hearts: Homilies for Cycle A - JE42880
Unit price perLift Up Your Hearts: Homilies for Cycle A - JE42880
Unit price perHomilies for the Sundays and various feasts of the A Cycle. Helpful for those who lead the liturgy as well as those who want to participate more fully in it.
ISBN: 978-08091-4288-0

Lift Up Your Hearts Homilies & Reflections Year C - JE44105
Unit price perLift Up Your Hearts Homilies & Reflections Year C - JE44105
Unit price perThis homiletics team concludes their series with homilies/reflections for Cycle C. At the end of each homily are two sets of questions: one for the general reader for (private or group) reflection and one specifically for preachers that suggests "other directions for preaching."
ISBN: 978-08091-4410-5

Seasons In The Word: Liturgical Homilies Year B - NN2586
Unit price perSeasons In The Word: Liturgical Homilies Year B - NN2586
Unit price perSeasons in the Word, by Fr. John Sandell, is the first of a three-volume collection of homilies covering the Lectionary, including feast days. The book results from decades of prayerful preaching on the Sunday Scriptures by Fr. Sandell to congregations in the Diocese of Fargo.
Useful for priests in their own homiletic preparation, Seasons in the Word, will also be important for lay people who wish to prepare for the upcoming Sunday readings and individual devotion.
ISBN: 9780814625866
Details: 120 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/01/2002

Seasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies Year A - NN2592
Unit price perSeasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies Year A - NN2592
Unit price perSeasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies, Year A completes a three-volume collection of homilies covering the Lectionary, including feast days. The book results from decades of prayerful preaching on the Sunday Scriptures by Fr. John Sandell to congregations in the Diocese of Fargo.
Useful for priests in their own homiletic preparation, Seasons in the Word is also for lay people who wish to prepare for the upcoming Sunday readings and for individual reflection.
Fr. John Sandell (1942-2005), of the Fargo Diocese served in parish ministry, taught moral theology in a Catholic high school, and was administrator and chaplain at a home for the mentally and developmentally handicapped.
ISBN: 9780814625927
Details: 120 pgs, 6 x 9 x 1/4Publication Date: 08/01/2004

The Paths of Life - 3 volume set - AL0707X
Unit price perThe Paths of Life - 3 volume set - AL0707X
Unit price perAuthor: Ernest Ferlita, SJ
Copyright: 1994
Homilies for Sundays and Holy Days
- Paths of Life, The: Cycle A
- Paths of Life, The: Cycle B
- Paths of Life, The: Cycle C
About the Author: Father Ernest Ferlita, SJ, received his licentiate in Sacred Theology from St. Louis University in 1964 and a Doctorate in Fine Arts from Yale in 1969. That same year he joined the drama faculty of Loyola University in New Orleans. He has often preached in university and parish settings but mainly in the chapel of the Poor Clares, for whom he has served as chaplain for many years. Father Ferlita is the author of several books, including five of scriptural reflections, The Way of the River, Gospel Journey, and The Paths of Life - Cycle A, B, and C. One of his plays, The Mask of Hiroshima, was published in The Best Short Plays 1989. It was produced Off-Off-Broadway in 1996 with another short play, The Bells of Nagasaki, under the title Two Cities.
3 volumes 660 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0707-4

The Challenge of the Gospel 3 volume set - AL09692
Unit price perThe Challenge of the Gospel 3 volume set - AL09692
Unit price perAuthor: Joseph A. Slattery
Copyright: 2006
- The Challenge of the Gospel - Cycle A
- The Challenge of the Gospel - Cycle B
- The Challenge of the Gospel - Cycle C
In these three volumes of thoughtful reflections on the Sunday Gospels, Fr. Slattery shows the ways in which the Gospel message can and must be lived if it is to bear fruit in our lives and in the world in which we live.
3 books: 480 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0969-6

Captured Fire 3 volume set - AL09846
Unit price perCaptured Fire 3 volume set - AL09846
Unit price perAuthor: S. Joseph Krempa
Copyright: 2005
These brief and practical reflections for the Sundays an Holy Days of Cycle A, B, and C are ideally suited for the priest €™s regular preparation of homilies, as well as for private personal meditation.
- Captured Fire €“ Cycle A
- Captured Fire €“ Cycle B
- Captured Fire €“ Cycle C
3 Books: 540 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0984-9

The Paths of Life Cycle B - AL06770
Unit price perThe Paths of Life Cycle B - AL06770
Unit price perPATHS OF LIFE, CYCLE B
Reflection on the Readings for Sundays and Holy Days
Author: Ernest Ferlita, SJ
Copyright: 1993
First Printed: 10-18-1993
This second in the three year cycle of meditations on the liturgical readings for Sundays and Holy Days continues the dramatic and colorful style used to such great effect by the author in The Paths of Life - Cycle A. Scripture is once again at the center of these reflections, and its application to the problems and concerns of daily life is always cogent, clear and timely. The poet and the pragmatist in the author combine to create new and insightful ways of viewing age-old truths and rediscovering their timeless significance for our own day and age. Priest and lay person alike will find his message helpful in preparing their own thoughts for each Sunday and Holy Day celebration.
About the Author: Father Ernest Ferlita, SJ, received his licentiate in Sacred Theology from St. Louis University in 1964 and a Doctorate in Fine Arts from Yale in 1969. That same year he joined the drama faculty of Loyola University in New Orleans. He has often preached in university and parish settings but mainly in the chapel of the Poor Clares, for whom he has served as chaplain for many years. Father Ferlita is the author of several books, including five of scriptural reflections, The Way of the River, Gospel Journey, and The Paths of Life - Cycle A, B, and C. One of his plays, The Mask of Hiroshima, was published inThe Best Short Plays 1989. It was produced Off-Off-Broadway in 1996 with another short play, The Bells of Nagasaki, under the title Two Cities.
Book: 232 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0677-0

Fresh Light: Homilies on the Gospels of Year B - OWHFFLB
Unit price perFresh Light: Homilies on the Gospels of Year B - OWHFFLB
Unit price per978-1-59525-012-4 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 176 pages | Language: English
This is a book of short homilies on the Gospels for the Sundays and celebrations of Year B, featuring the Gospel of Mark. Each homily discusses in a simple and straightforward way the core message of the reading and its application to everyday life. It makes a wonderful companion and guide for those who prepare the homilies as well as those who want further reflection on what they hear at Mass.

Come Follow Me: Discipleship Reflections...Year B - OWCFMB
Unit price perCome Follow Me: Discipleship Reflections...Year B - OWCFMB
Unit price per978-085244-878-6 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 356 pages | Language: English
In recent years there has been an intensified focus on the development of discipleship-based parish ministries especially in the Catholic Church. Making disciples is the great and enduring Commission Jesus gave to the Church in Matthew 28:19.
In this book, Monsignor Mueggenborg presents a simple resource that can help enrich the faith lives of parishioners and assist them in becoming missionary disciples. These reflections are based on the Gospel readings assigned to a given Sunday in liturgical year B.
Each reflection identifies some significant elements in the Gospel passage followed by application questions that challenge a disciple's faith life. The reflections are designed for use in either small group bible studies or as a resource for individual prayer and contemplation. The reflections intentionally start with the brevity and simplicity of Advent before developing into more complex explorations of the biblical text as the year progresses. The Word of God is alive, powerful, and sharper than a two edged sword (Heb 4:12). Come Follow Me is a tried and proven resource that helps to unleash the power of the Word in the hearts of Christ's disciples.

The Word for Every Season Cycle B - JE45454
Unit price perThe Word for Every Season Cycle B - JE45454
Unit price perReflections on Lectionary Readings
Dr. Dianne Bergant, CSA
A well-known biblical scholar presents thought-provoking reflections on the Lectionary readings for each Sunday and feast for the Year of Mark.
Category: Liturgical Seasons and Reflections
ISBN: 978-08091-4545-4

The Cultural World Of Jesus: Sunday By Sunday, Cycle B - NN2287
Unit price perThe Cultural World Of Jesus: Sunday By Sunday, Cycle B - NN2287
Unit price perThe fifty-six essays in this book present cultural reflections on the gospel reading assigned for each Sunday in Cycle B of the Roman Lectionary. Each essay highlights aspects of the first-century, Eastern Mediterranean cultural world in which Jesus lived and suggests a cross-cultural comparison with contemporary Western culture. With this background information, readers can make more fitting applications of the Scripture to modern life situations.
John J. Pilch, a highly-regarded biblical scholar and author, taught at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and passed away in 2016. Among his numerous publications areThe Cultural World of the Apostles, and The Cultural World of the Prophets series, and Cultural Tools for Interpreting the Good News, published by Liturgical Press.
ISBN: 9780814622872, 2287
eISBN: 9780814639924, E3992
Details: 184 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/1996

The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday By Sunday, Cycle A - NN2286
Unit price perThe Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday By Sunday, Cycle A - NN2286
Unit price perThe fifty-six essays in this book present cultural reflections on the gospel reading assigned for each Sunday in Cycle A of the Roman Lectionary. Each essay highlights aspects of the first-century, Eastern Mediterranean cultural world in which Jesus lived and suggests a cross-cultural comparison with contemporary Western culture. With this background information, readers can make more fitting applications of the Scripture to modern life situations.
Used as an aid in preaching, Lectionary-based catechesis, Scripture study, or for the interest and knowledge it brings, The Cultural World of Jesus will add form and substance to your understanding of "the Word that dwelt among us."
John J. Pilch, a highly-regarded biblical scholar and author, taught at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and passed away in 2016. Among his numerous publications areThe Cultural World of the Apostles, and The Cultural World of the Prophets series, and Cultural Tools for Interpreting the Good News, published by Liturgical Press.
ISBN: 9780814622865, 2286
eISBN: 9780814639917, E3991
Details: 184 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/1995

The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil - NN6506
Unit price perThe Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil - NN6506
Unit price perThe Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil explores the dynamic of the Vigil readings by examining a single reading, in its liturgical context, to provide nourishing commentary to deepen your encounter with God's Word. Parishioners will come to appreciate how the extended reading of passages from the Old Testament, in the light of the Paschal Candle, creates a sense of expectancy and focuses on the central reality of the Christian faithwhat the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for the salvation of all people. Includes commentary for each of the readings of the Easter Vigil: the seven Old Testament readings, the Epistle, and the Gospels for Years A, B, and C.
ISBN: 9780814665060
Details: 168 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 02/14/2020

Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary Year B - OWSBSLB
Unit price perScripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary Year B - OWSBSLB
Unit price perScripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary, Year B: A Resource for Homilists
This resource provides invaluable commentary on the Lectionary readings for Year B (including the Responsorial Psalm) for Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, and feasts and solemnities that may occur on a Sunday. Written in a pastoral tone, it offers historical-critical background on each of the readings and underscores their relevance to life today. Thematically related quotations from major Church documents are included with each Scripture background to provide context and connections to Church teaching. Organized by the liturgical calendar, each season of readings begins with an overview of the season and a brief look at where the readings come from and any unifying messages or themes present throughout the selected readings. Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary, Year B is written by a team of writers with a broad range of theological, pastoral, and catechetical experience. Their reflections offer homilists a solid foundation from which to begin the process of preparing to speak the Word of God to their assemblies.
Contributors: Mary A. Ehle; Peg Ekerdt; Jean Marie Hiesberger; Biagio Mazza; Mary M. Mcglone, csj; Abbot Gregory J. Polan, osb; Denise Simeone; George Smiga; Paul Turner
978-1-61671-368-3 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 208 pages

Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary Year A - OWSBSLA
Unit price perScripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary Year A - OWSBSLA
Unit price perScripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary, Year A: A Resource for Homilists
Formerly published as Foundations for Preaching and Teaching, this resource is a compilation of selected Scripture backgrounds for Year A. Commentaries offer historical-critical backgrounds, identify recurring themes, and underscore the relevance of the readings to life today. A gem of a resource for all who teach and preach, this book will provide homilists with a lens through which to prepare each week.
Contributors: Mary A. Ehle; Peg Ekerdt; Jean Marie Hiesberger; Biagio Mazza; Mary M. Mcglone, csj; Abbot Gregory J. Polan, osb; Denise Simeone; George Smiga; Paul Turner
978-1-61671-312-6 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 208 pages | Language: English

Effective Preaching: Bringing People into an Encounter with God - OWEFP
Unit price perEffective Preaching: Bringing People into an Encounter with God - OWEFP
Unit price perEffective Preaching: Bringing People into an Encounter with God edited by Michael E. Connors
Effective Preaching: Bringing People into an Encounter with God is a practical collection of essays, featuring leading preachers, homilists and homily instructors. Compiled by Michael E. Connors, CSC, the Director of the John Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics at the University of Notre Dame, this imaginative book focuses entirely on the practical side of Catholic preaching. It will provide imaginative, hands-on, tested advice to help homilists develop preaching effectiveness, using techniques that will turn satisfactory preaching into exceptional preaching. This practical resource will be essential for priests, permanent deacons, seminarians in homiletics classes; retreat leaders, RCIA catechists; all who preach.
978-1-61671-486-4 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 224 pages | Language: English

Year of the Lord's Favor Volume 4 - OWYLF4
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor Volume 4 - OWYLF4
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor: A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy: Volume 4, The Temporal Cycle Weekdays through the Year by Aidan Nichols
This Homiliary provides a comprehensive guide to doctrinally based preaching for the entire Church year, presented in the Dominican tradition: a preaching of Scripture which takes doctrine as guide to the clarification of the Bible's main themes. Doctrine is necessary to preachers because in its absence the Scriptural claims and themes do not easily hang together.
The grace the Word imparts always has a reference to the Mystical Body which mediates all the grace that is given by Christ as the Head. So, precisely as a fruit of grace, preaching is necessarily related to ecclesial awareness. Doctrine ensures that preaching does not fall short of its true dimensions-expressing the biblical revelation, the faith of the Church. The second, third, and fourth volumes of Year of the Lord's Favour cover between them the Temporal Cycle of the Church of the Roman rite: this fourth volume furnishes texts for Weekdays through the Year; the second for the Privileged Seasons-Advent, Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide; the third for Sundays through the Year. Preaching about the lives of the saints provides the subject matter of the first volume of the Homiliary.
978-085244-794-9 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 252 pages | Language: English
Aidan Nichols, a Dominican of Blackfriars Cambridge, is surely the most prolific Catholic theologian writing in English today. Other titles from Gracewing include Catholic Thought Since Enlightenment, From Hermes to Benedict XVI and, co-authored, The Council in Question: A dialogue with Catholic Traditionalism. His new commentary on the Holy Rosary, Lessons from a Rose-Garden is also published by Gracewing. Aiden Nichols is a member of the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge.

Year of the Lord's Favor Volume 3 - OWYLF3
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor Volume 3 - OWYLF3
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor: A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy: Volume 3, the Temporal Cycle Sundays through the Year by Aidan Nichols
This Homiliary provides a comprehensive guide to doctrinally based preaching for the entire Church year, presented in the Dominican tradition: a preaching of Scripture which takes doctrine as guide to the clarification of the Bible's main themes. Doctrine is necessary to preachers because in its absence the Scriptural claims and themes do not easily hang together.
The grace the Word imparts always has a reference to the Mystical Body which mediates all the grace that is given by Christ as the Head. So, precisely as a fruit of grace, preaching is necessarily related to ecclesial awareness. Doctrine ensures that preaching does not fall short of its true dimensions-expressing the biblical revelation, the faith of the Church. The second, third, and fourth volumes of Year of the Lord's Favour cover between them the Temporal Cycle of the Church of the Roman rite: this third volume furnishes texts for Sundays through the Year; the second for the Privileged Seasons-Advent, Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide; the fourth for Weekdays through the Year. Preaching about the lives of the saints provides the subject matter of the first volume of the Homiliary.
978-085244-793-2 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 180 pages | Language: English
Aidan Nichols, a Dominican of Blackfriars Cambridge, is surely the most prolific Catholic theologian writing in English today. Other titles from Gracewing include Catholic Thought Since Enlightenment, From Hermes to Benedict XVI and, co-authored, The Council in Question: A dialogue with Catholic Traditionalism. His new commentary on the Holy Rosary, Lessons from a Rose-Garden is also published by Gracewing. Aiden Nichols is a member of the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge.

Year of the Lord's Favor Volume 1 - OWYLF1
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor Volume 1 - OWYLF1
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor: A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy: Volume 1, the Sanctoral Sycle by Aidan Nichols
This Homiliary provides a comprehensive guide to doctrinally based preaching for the entire Church year, presented in the Dominican tradition: a preaching of Scripture which takes doctrine as guide to the clarification of the Bible's main themes. Doctrine is necessary to preachers because in its absence the Scriptural claims and themes do not easily hang together. The grace the Word imparts always has a reference to the Mystical Body which mediates all the grace that is given by Christ as the Head. So, precisely as a fruit of grace, preaching is necessarily related to ecclesial awareness. Doctrine ensures that preaching does not fall short of its true dimensions-expressing the biblical revelation, the faith of the Church. Preaching about the lives of the saints is a partial exception to these principles-every saint throws light on some aspect of the mystery of Christ and the Church - and provides the subject matter of The Sanctoral Cycle, the first volume of Year of the Lord's Favour. The second, third, and fourth volumes of the Homiliary cover between them the Temporal Cycle of the Church of the Roman rite: the second volume furnishes texts for the Privileged Seasons-Advent, Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide; the fourth for Weekdays through the Year.
978-085244-791-8 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 222 pages | Language: English
Aidan Nichols, a Dominican of Blackfriars Cambridge, is surely the most prolific Catholic theologian writing in English today. Other titles from Gracewing include Catholic Thought Since Enlightenment, From Hermes to Benedict XVI and, co-authored, The Council in Question: A dialogue with Catholic Traditionalism. His new commentary on the Holy Rosary, Lessons from a Rose-Garden is also published by Gracewing. Aiden Nichols is a member of the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge.

Year of the Lord's Favor Volume 2 - OWYLF2
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor Volume 2 - OWYLF2
Unit price perYear of the Lord's Favor: A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy: Volume 2, The Temporal Cycle Advent and Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide by Aidan Nichols
This Homiliary provides a comprehensive guide to doctrinally based preaching for the entire Church year, presented in the Dominican tradition: a preaching of Scripture which takes doctrine as guide to the clarification of the Bible's main themes. Doctrine is necessary to preachers because in its absence the Scriptural claims and themes do not easily hang together. The grace the Word imparts always has a reference to the Mystical Body which mediates all the grace, preaching is necessarily related to ecclesial awareness. Doctrine ensures that preaching does not fall short of its true dimensions-expressing the biblical revelation, the faith of the Church. The second, third, and fourth volumes of Year of the Lord's Favour cover between them the Temporal Cycle of the Church of the Roman rite: this second volume furnishes texts for the Privileged Seasons-Advent, Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide; the third for Sundays through the Year; the fourth for Weekdays through the Year. Preaching about the lives of the saints provides the subject matter of the first volume of the Homiliary.
978-085244-792-5 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 240 pages | Language: English
Aidan Nichols, a Dominican of Blackfriars Cambridge, is surely the most prolific Catholic theologian writing in English today. Other titles from Gracewing include Catholic Thought Since Enlightenment, From Hermes to Benedict XVI and, co-authored, The Council in Question: A dialogue with Catholic Traditionalism. His new commentary on the Holy Rosary, Lessons from a Rose-Garden is also published by Gracewing. Aiden Nichols is a member of the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge.

The Word on the Street, Year A - NN4964
Unit price perThe Word on the Street, Year A - NN4964
Unit price perIn The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live: in the church, at home, at work, and in the broader world. This Lectionary commentary for every Sunday of the liturgical year, offers readers a way in which the Bible can speak to them in light of their lives today.
John Martens is known for his contributions to "The Word", a popular column in America magazine. The Word on the Street, Year A is the first book in a three-volume series that presents scriptural, liturgical, and preaching commentary for Sundays throughout the year.
Subtitle: Sunday Lectionary Reflections
Author: John W. Martens
ISBN: 9780814649640
Details: 152 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/30/2016

The Word on the Street, Year B - NN4963
Unit price perThe Word on the Street, Year B - NN4963
Unit price perIn The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live: in the church, at home, at work, and in the broader world. This Lectionary commentary for every Sunday of the liturgical year will help readers understand the Bible in light of their daily lives, experiences, and challenges, and help Sunday Mass preachers find new ways to articulate God's work in the world.
John Martens is known for his contributions to The Word, a popular column in America magazine. The Word on the Street, Year B is the second book in a three-volume series that presents scriptural, liturgical, and preaching commentary for Sundays throughout the year.
Subtitle: Sunday Lectionary Reflections
Author: John W. Martens
ISBN: 9780814649633
Details: 160 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/16/2017

Easter Fire - NN4866
Unit price perEaster Fire - NN4866
Unit price perWidely embraced by homilists and those interested in reflecting more deeply on the daily Lectionary readings, Bishop Richard Sklba's Fire Starters: Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily has served as a practical resource for preparing engaging weekday homilies for Ordinary Time. After much anticipation, Bishop Sklba and coauthor Fr. Joseph Juknialis now offer Easter Fire, a welcome companion to support anyone called to preach at Easter weekday Masses.
Easter Fire provides the biblical citations and summary phrases for the reading and the gospel plus the refrain from the psalm each day. After each citation, the authors offer a series of meaningful insights based on Scripture scholarship, their own prayerful reflection on the texts, and years of preaching and pastoral experience. These brief "bullet point" entries provide nuggets of knowledge and inspiration that will stimulate personal prayer and spark homily possibilities for the preacher every day.
Easter Fire will ignite sparks that can be enflamed by God's Spirit, to not only enrich the spiritual journey but to add light and warmth for the preparation of weekday homilies during the Easter season.
Subtitle: Fire Starters for the Easter Weekday Homily
Author: Richard J. Sklba and Joseph Juknialis
ISBN: 9780814648667
Details: 216 pgs , 7 X 10
Publication Date: 02/22/2016