Lost in Translation - NN44577


Item Number: NN44577

In this book, Gerald O'Collins, SJ, takes a systematic look at the 2010 English translation of the Roman Missal and the ways it fails to achieve what the Second Vatican Council mandated: the full participation of priest and people. Critiquing the unsatisfactory principles prescribed by the Vatican instruction Liturgiam Authenticam (2001), this book, which includes a chapter by John Wilkins: 

  • tells the story of the maneuverings that sidelined the 1998 translation approved by eleven conferences of English-speaking bishops,
  • criticizes the 2010 translation, and
  • illustrates the clear superiority of the 1998 translation, the "Missal that never was"

Subtitle: The English Language and the Catholic Mass
Author: Gerald O'Collins, SJ, and John Wilkins

ISBN: 9780814644577
Details: 132 pgs , 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 
Publication Date: 10/18/2017
