How to Fight Racism: - 9780310104773


Item Number: 9780310104773

How to Fight Racism:  Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby is a handbook for fighting racism that provides readers with practical tools and suggestions, along with real-world examples of change, to enable them to become proactive initiators of racial justice.

Chapter One - Introduction - Courageous Christianity Part One - Awareness Chapter 2 - Discovering What the Bible Says about Race and Ethnicity Chapter 3 - Unpacking Your Racial Experiences Chapter 4 - Learning about Race in U.S. History Chapter 5 - All Reconciliation is Relational Chapter 6 - Can I Be Your Friend? Chapter 7 - Building Diverse Communities Part Three - Commitment Chapter 8 - Searching the Bible for Justice Chapter 9 - Doing Justice in Public Chapter 10 - Orienting Your Life to Anti-Racism Conclusion - Hope in the Midst of Persecution

Publisher:  Zondervan          
Author:    Jemar Tisby
Binding:  Hardcover
Pub Date:  January 05, 2021
Physical Info:  1.0" H x 8.5" L x 5.5" W
Pages: 240