Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional - 9781433567674


Item Number: 9781433567674

Lent is a time in the yearly Christian calendar when we mourn our sin and let go of worldly things that keep our hearts from experiencing God more fully. But how do we reevaluate and recalibrate the values of our hearts to match those of our suffering Savior?

In this forty-day Lenten devotional, best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites us to set aside time from the busyness of our lives to focus on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. Each of the short readings encourages us to abide in the abundant joy found in Christ as we encounter the Savior more fully and follow him more faithfully during this Lenten season.

Publisher: Crossway Books
Author: Paul David Tripp 
Binding: Hardcover
Pub Date: January 05, 2021
Physical Info: 1.1" H x 8.1" L x 5.6" W
Pages: 240