Guide for Deacons: The Liturgical Ministry Series - OWELDEA


Item Number: OWELDEA

Deacons proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in three primary ways. They assist during the liturgy. They serve the needy in the community. They preach.

Many deacons are single men who are preparing for their ordination to the priesthood. Their diaconate serves as an internship for the joys and demands of priesthood. We call them transitional deacons because they serve the Church as deacons during an interim period of their life.

Other deacons commit to this ministry as a lifelong service. We call them permanent deacons. They spend their years of preparation to serve as deacons specifically serve. Some of them are single, yet they have not felt the call to priesthood. Most of them are married. As baptized and confirmed members of the community, they have already accepted the responsibility to bear witness to the faith they profess. As married members of the community, they demonstrate the holiness of wedded love. As ordained members of the community, they possess the special charisms of deacons. Their entire lives bear witness to the interplay between faith and service, between worship and charity. Their lives enrich the Church.

This book will offer deacons guidance to assist their liturgical ministry. You will learn about the history of the diaconate and how the Church understands the role of the deacon. Deacons will find some reflections to help develop your spirituality, whether they are single or married. This book gives practical advice on many aspects of the liturgical service you offer the Church. And it will answer the most frequently asked questions about diaconal ministry. At the end there will be a selection of resources for further reading, as well as a glossary of This book includes:

    • A basic theological and historical overview of the ministry
    • Catechesis about liturgy, ritual, and symbols
    • Ways to deepen your prayer life
    • Generous quotations from the documents of the Church and from scripture
    • Detailed and practical instructions regarding the deacons role at Mass, Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, Funerals, Liturgy of the Hours, and Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest
    • Frequently asked questions with answers
    • Questions for discussion and reflection
    • Annotated bibliography
    • Glossary for easy reference
    • Instructive photos, charts, and text boxes
    • Prayers of preparation

    This book has been written with texts from the third edition of The Roman Missal.

    978-1-61671-046-0 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English