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90 of 11203 products
90 of 11203 products
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Good News-The Advent of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke-NN3758
Unit price perGood News-The Advent of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke-NN3758
Unit price perIn Good News, Darrin Snyder Belousek explores the meaning of salvation in the Gospel of Luke. Through biblical reflections on the stories and songs of Luke's telling of the coming of Jesus the Messiah, this book explains the manifold message of "good news." Fully accessible to laypersons yet substantially informed by biblical scholarship, keenly aware of spiritual concerns and passionately engaged with social issues, this book offers a vision of salvation that is grounded in grace and nurtured by prayer, relevant to both the spiritual and the social, and inseparable from doing justice and seeking peace.
Author: Darrin W. Snyder Belousek
Details: 154 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 04/07/2014
Great Catholic Parishes EZ14177
Unit price perGreat Catholic Parishes EZ14177
Unit price perGreat Catholic Parishes: How Four Essential Practices Make them Thrive
Businessman, professor, and philanthropist, William E. Simon Jr. has been highly influenced by the dynamic and inspiring Catholic parishes he has attended for more than 25 years. In 2012, he founded Parish Catalyst, an organization devoted to researching and supporting the health and development of Catholic parishes. Great Catholic Parishes looks at Simons insights and the success stories of 244 vibrant parishes to show what makes them great.
In 2012 and 2013, Simon and his team studied 244 Catholic parishes to determine what made them exceptional. The study found that all of the parishes shared four foundational practices that led to a profound sense of belonging within their parish communities and a deepening commitment to discipleship:
- Share leadership by using clergy and lay staff with the best talents and skills to direct the community
- Foster spiritual maturity and plan for discipleship by offering a variety of formation programs and ministry opportunities to reach parishioners at differing points in their lives
- Excel on Sundays by dedicating significant time, energy, and money to liturgical celebrations that parishioners and visitors find welcoming
- Intentionally evangelize by challenging insiders to look outward and providing service programs, social events, global mission opportunities, and pastoral care at key sacramental moments that focus on inviting outsiders to deeper relationship with Christ and the Church.
In Great Catholic Parishes, Simon shares personal stories such as finding a welcoming parish home and what he learned about evangelizing from a mission trip to Kenya. Pastors from exceptional parishes offer helpful ideas, strategic advice, and practical strategies, as well as anecdotes about lay ministry development initiatives and reworking religious education so that it is family focused and web-based.
You will also learn creative solutions to familiar challenges such as spiritual stagnation among parishioners, reconciling diverse needs in the parish, allowing the pastor to focus on pastoring and preaching, and reaching youth and young adults who leave the Church in disproportionate numbers.
Each chapter closes with either crucial takeaways or a summary of practical challenges that will help pastors and leaders focus on growth and excellence.
Author: William E. Simon Jr.
ISBN: 9781594717413
6" x 9" Paperback
224 pages
On-sale date: September 23, 2016
Growing Through the Stress of Ministry - GFRP20404
Unit price perGrowing Through the Stress of Ministry - GFRP20404
Unit price perProvides instruction, inspiration, and sustenance whether you minister in a parish, in a workplace, or at home. Scripture meditations, questions for reflection, and meditative exercises make this small volume a must for caregivers.
Guide for Sponsors, Fourth Edition - OWECIGS4R
Unit price perGuide for Sponsors, Fourth Edition - OWECIGS4R
Unit price perThis best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational resource for years. Guide for Sponsors offers practical suggestions for accompanying another on a faith journey and explains the periods and stages of the Christian initiation process. Sponsors will become immersed in the rich theology of the sacrament of baptism and come to understand conversion as a lifelong process for all disciples. The book details the traits of an effective sponsor and provides a glossary of initiation terms and the text of traditional Catholic prayers. With this resource, sponsors in your faith community will be more confident as they walk with catechumens and candidates on the path to the sacraments.
This revised edition gives particular emphasis to the differences that exist between sponsoring a candidate and sponsoring a catechumen and includes references to the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
9781616717438 | 6 x 9 | 80 Pages
Guide for Sponsors, Spanish Edition - OWSCIGSR
Unit price perGuide for Sponsors, Spanish Edition - OWSCIGSR
Unit price perThis best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational resource for years. Not only does Manual para padrinos y madrinas de catecúmenos offer practical suggestions for accompanying another on a faith journey, but it explains the periods and stages of the Christian initiation process. Sponsors will become immersed in the rich theology of the sacrament of baptism and come to understand conversion as a lifelong process for all disciples. The book details the traits of an effective sponsor and provides a glossary of initiation terms and the text of traditional Catholic prayers. With this resource, sponsors in your faith community will be more confident as they walk with catechumens and candidates on the path to the sacraments.
This revised edition gives particular emphasis to the differences that exist between sponsoring a candidate and sponsoring a catechumen and includes references to the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
9781616717421 | 6 x 9 | 80 Pages
Handbook for Ministers of Care - OWHBMCR3
Unit price perHandbook for Ministers of Care - OWHBMCR3
Unit price perMinisters of care are commissioned by the Church to bring the compassion and communion of Christ to the sick and the homebound and to bear witness to the suffering of the members of the parish. The third edition of this award-winning resource provides lay ministers of care with a formational and training tool as they prepare to serve those who are sick and homebound. In these pages, lay ministers will learn a theology of sickness and suffering, how to preside over the rituals of the Church, how best to make pastoral visits, and how to take care of their own spiritual needs while caring for others.
Available in Spanish!
Inseparable Love - A Commentary on The Order of Celebrating Matrimony in the Catholic Church - NN6353
Unit price perInseparable Love - A Commentary on The Order of Celebrating Matrimony in the Catholic Church - NN6353
Unit price perThis book provides a paragraph-by-paragraph commentary on the Catholic Church's Order of Celebrating Matrimony. Readers will learn about the history and theology of the elements of the rite and of the pertinent texts in the Roman Missal. Paul Turner provides translations of reports of the study group that revised the ceremony after the Second Vatican Council. The book also covers the Spanish translations used in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia, and variations permitted in Australia and in England and Wales, as well as in French-speaking Canada. This in-depth commentary serves as an invaluable resource for practitioners and students of Catholic weddings.
Author: Paul Turner
ISBN: 9780814663530
Details: 324 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/02/2017
La Vigilia por el difunto y el rito exequial Guia da oracion - OWSVCWA
Unit price perLa Vigilia por el difunto y el rito exequial Guia da oracion - OWSVCWA
Unit price perLa Vigilia por el difunto y el rito exequial Guia da oracion by Danielle Noe
Let Us Pray-NN6270
Unit price perLet Us Pray-NN6270
Unit price perSince its initial publication in 2006, Paul Turner's Let Us Pray has become a valuable resource for understanding, planning, and celebrating the Eucharist. This new edition, thoroughly updated by the author to be in full continuity with the Revised English Translation of The Roman Missal, will be one that priests, liturgical ministers, planners, and students will want to keep close at hand.
Turner offers helpful explanations for the principal rubrics for a typical Sunday Mass. He reflects on the place of ritual within the context of Catholic piety and then explores the regulations governing the furnishings, vestments, and ministers. He carefully walks readers through the entire Mass from the entrance procession to the dismissal. The book is cross-referenced to answer most questions about the Sunday ritual.
Author: Paul Turner
Details: 184 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2012
Light in the Darkness - NN46076
Unit price perLight in the Darkness - NN46076
Unit price perAlthough the Catholic funeral rite has not changed in the past few decades, society has. Parishes have new questions to face that their liturgical book does not consider: eulogies by family members, the final disposition of cremated remains, and the collapse of the traditional three-stage funeral liturgy. Light in the Darkness takes a fresh look at the pastoral challenges society is posing, while giving concrete suggestions for implementing the vision of the Catholic Church's Order of Christian Funerals. The appendix includes catechetical materials for families planning a funeral and an extended commentary on all the Scripture readings for a funeral Mass.
Subtitle: Preparing Better Catholic Funerals
Author: Paul Turner
ISBN: 9780814646076
Details: 144 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/03/2017
Liturgical Art For A Media Culture - NN29680
Unit price perLiturgical Art For A Media Culture - NN29680
Unit price perOurs is a culture steeped in media and technology, a fact that fascinates some and frightens others. Because media permeates every aspect of our lives, church leaders would do well to discern when and how it might be appropriately used in liturgical settings. In Liturgical Art for a Media Culture Eileen Crowley provides a powerful aid in that discernment process. By first addressing such basics as the vocabulary and historical context of media in Christian worship, Crowley helps to ease readers fears.
By looking honestly at the perils and possibilities of media in worshipand by giving readers both a framework for evaluating and a model for implementing media in worshipCrowley guides the reader fascination with media into channels appropriate for worship. This is a timely source for those who wish to use media and technology as a way to vitalize, yet not obstruct, worship and liturgy.
Author: Eileen D. Crowley
ISBN: 9780814629680
Details: 104 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 07/01/2007
Liturgy with Style and Grace Third Edition Revised - OWLSG3R
Unit price perLiturgy with Style and Grace Third Edition Revised - OWLSG3R
Unit price perLiturgy with Style and Grace Third Edition Revised by Gabe Huck
This book presents the basics of liturgy for parish liturgy committees and planning teams, liturgical ministers, and anyone interested in learning more about the way we worship. It offers planners and ministers a way to gain a sense of all the ways liturgy expresses the life of a parish.
Whether read from beginning to end or simply selected by a particular topic, these articles assist with teaching and learning about the liturgy. Discussion questions and helpful quotations from a variety of sources are available for individual use or group study. The new revision includes updated quotes from liturgical documents and texts as well as revised study questions and sidebar quotes.
978-1-61671-436-9 | Paperback | 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 | 144 pages | Language: English
Local Worship, Global Church - NN1879
Unit price perLocal Worship, Global Church - NN1879
Unit price perHow would the history of Roman Catholic worship look if it were viewed first from the perspective of the "people in the pews" rather than through the deliberations of popes and church councils or the writings of theologians? How did the "common people" down through the ages understand what they were doing when they came together in worship-and was this understanding always the same as the "official" interpretation of the church authorities? In Local Worship, Global Church, Mark Francis explores the history of the liturgy from "the bottom up" rather than from "the top down" and comes to conclusions that complement our understanding of the history of the liturgy and its relationship to faithful Christians from the first century CE to our own time.
Subtitle: Popular Religion and the Liturgy
Author: Mark R. Francis
ISBN: 9780814618790
Details: 196 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/06/2014
Longing to See Your Face: Preaching in a Secular Age-NN3715
Unit price perLonging to See Your Face: Preaching in a Secular Age-NN3715
Unit price perThomas Scirghi, SJ, has trained priests, deacons, and lay ecclesial ministers in the art and theology of preaching for decades. In Longing to See Your Face, he makes his insights and experience accessible to a much wider audience.
Scirghi begins with a discussion of the purpose of preaching and offers a theological sounding on proclamation, taking up several descriptions of the role of the preacher in relation to the congregation. He also addresses current theological issues for the contemporary preacher. The second part of the book discusses the practical matter of preparing to preach and proposes a method of preparation by following a pattern of reflection, research, writing, and rehearsing. The third part focuses on two specific sacramental celebrations: funerals and weddings.
Author: Thomas Scirghi, SJ
Details: 130 pgs, 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 03/08/2017
Lost in Translation - NN44577
Unit price perLost in Translation - NN44577
Unit price perIn this book, Gerald O'Collins, SJ, takes a systematic look at the 2010 English translation of the Roman Missal and the ways it fails to achieve what the Second Vatican Council mandated: the full participation of priest and people. Critiquing the unsatisfactory principles prescribed by the Vatican instruction Liturgiam Authenticam (2001), this book, which includes a chapter by John Wilkins:
- tells the story of the maneuverings that sidelined the 1998 translation approved by eleven conferences of English-speaking bishops,
- criticizes the 2010 translation, and
- illustrates the clear superiority of the 1998 translation, the "Missal that never was"
Subtitle: The English Language and the Catholic Mass
Author: Gerald O'Collins, SJ, and John Wilkins
ISBN: 9780814644577
Details: 132 pgs , 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 10/18/2017
Mundelein Psalter - OWHMPSAL
Unit price perMundelein Psalter - OWHMPSAL
Unit price perBy the liturgical institute and Douglas Martis
The Mundelein Psalter is the first complete one-volume edition containing the approved English-language texts of the Liturgy of the Hours with psalms that are pointed for the chanting of the Divine Office. The music consists of simple yet beautiful Gregorian-based modes composed for this Psalter. The Psalter is designed for use by priests, deacons, religious, and laity, making singing the hymns of the Liturgy of the Hours easier for all.
Features of The Mundelein Psalter:
- Translations of hymns proper to each ferial day and a selection of hymns for feasts and solemnities (taken from the editio typica).
- Music with the ancient modal settings is provided for each hymn. Hymns are also arranged to be sung with any long meter (L.M.) tune.
- A collection of 14 optional modes that can be used as needed.
It uses the Grail Psalms and contains Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer. It also includes the Sanctoral cycle and the Office for the Dead. "A Pastoral Implementation Guide for the progressive implementation of the Liturgy of the Hours in a parish setting. Hospitable. Durable. Faithful. Flexible: In its beautiful, clear layout of the canonical Office text, pointed and coupled with elemental chant tones, The Mundelein Psalter allows newcomers to the Liturgy of the Hours to participate with ease. These same features, grounded to the bedrock of liturgical and musical tradition, wear well even with those who sing the Divine Office daily.
978-1-59525-019-3 | Hardcover | 6 x 9 | 1344 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2007
New Church, New Altar - NN6659
Unit price perNew Church, New Altar - NN6659
Unit price perAvailable 9/15/2021
The dedication of a new church or altar is a rare event that too few Catholic faithful and clergy are privileged to experience. When it happens, people have questions about the history, spirituality, and practical aspects of this amazing liturgy. This book by pastor and liturgical scholar, Fr. Paul Turner, will especially aid parish leadership in celebrating this rite with greater understanding.
In addition to the dedication of a new parish church, this book covers all of the other instances from this part of the Roman Pontifical: Laying the foundation stone, dedicating a church already in use, dedicating a new altar inside an older church, blessing a church to be used as a chapel or oratory, blessing an altar for a similar purpose, and the blessing of a chalice and paten. Essential for any serious student of the liturgy and helpful to those planning any of these celebrations, New Church, New Altar will expand the reader appreciation of these unusual liturgies so beautifully reformed after the Second Vatican Council.
Paul Turner is pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His publications include Glory in the Cross, Let Us Pray, Inseparable Love, One Love, Whose Mass Is It? Light in the Darkness, When Other Christians Become Catholic, and The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All, published by Liturgical Press. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.
192 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 09/15/2021
New Parishioner Handbook - GF11204
Unit price perNew Parishioner Handbook - GF11204
Unit price perNow and at the Hour of Our Death
Unit price perNow and at the Hour of Our Death
Unit price perInstructions for my medical treatment, finances, and funeral by various authors.
Preparing for your own death removes a great burden from your loved ones who will be suffering deep sadness upon your death.
Preparing ahead of time will let them grieve without worrying whether they are fulfilling your wishes, and it may prevent conflict among family members. This booklet is a hopeful, prayerful, and practical guide that will help you record your wishes for the end of your life and funeral. It provides space for recording information regarding DNRs, living wills, and finances. It will guide you through the consumer information for funerals, while also providing theological reflections on the Catholic funeral liturgy, so you can select the Scripture readings and music you would like to be offered at your own funeral. This booklet is grounded in Catholic teaching and will help you make arrangements that reflect your faith in Christ.
978-1-61671-679-0 | Saddlestitched | 7 x 10 | 80 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2022
Available in Spanish!
Practical Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours - GF42604
Unit price perPractical Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours - GF42604
Unit price perPreaching in the Sunday Assembly: A Pastoral Commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing-NN3346
Unit price perPreaching in the Sunday Assembly: A Pastoral Commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing-NN3346
Unit price perWhat should preachers aim for in Sunday preaching? In 1982, the USCCB document Fulfilled in Your Hearing: The Homily in the Sunday Assembly answered this question. Here, in a pastoral commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing, several Catholic scholars in homiletics, liturgy, and biblical studies both appreciate the abiding insights of Fulfilled in Your Hearing and also propose areas for continuing reflection. Following the four sections of the Bishops' document, The Assembly, The Preacher, The Homily, and Homiletic Method, this commentary emphasizes the document's continuing importance for the initial and ongoing formation of Catholic liturgical preachers, while also inviting conversation about present-day cross-cultural, liturgical, and communication concerns for Catholic preaching.
Priests, deacons, seminarians, bishops, and all others engaged in the preaching task are invited to deepen their appreciation of the homily's unique role in the liturgical life of the church and to stir their enthusiasm for preaching and preaching preparation.
Edited by James A. Wallace, CSsR
Details: 136 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 Paperback
Publication Date: 11/01/2010
Preaching the New Lectionary: Year C-NN2474
Unit price perPreaching the New Lectionary: Year C-NN2474
Unit price perThe Lectionary is made up of selected passages from the Bible, placed within a literary and liturgical context. This new context calls for a consideration of the liturgical character and setting of the Lectionary readings. Preaching the New Lectionary: Year C, offers readers that interpretation.
Preaching the New Lectionary is unique. First, it employs a literary-liturgical way of interpreting all the readings of each Sunday and major feast of the liturgical year, including the often overlooked responsorial psalm. Second, it explicitly situates the interpretation of each day within the theology of its respective liturgical season. This theology is drawn from the specific themes of the readings that comprise that particular year rather than from more general themes associated with the season. The meaning of the entire season becomes the context for understanding the individual parts of it. Third, the lections are also read in sequential order from the first Sunday of that season to the last. This reading interprets the function of the literary forms, thus providing yet another way of interpreting the riches of the readings.
This way of reading and understanding the Lectionary has potential for liturgical ministry. It can quicken the religious imagination of homilists, thus providing fresh new possibilities for liturgical preaching. It offers creative insights for those involved in the liturgical preparation for the celebration of feasts and seasons. It can also act as a valuable resource for liturgical catechesis. The insights included in Preaching the New Lectionary contribute toward enhancing the liturgical lives of the faithful.
Author: Dianne Bergant, CSA, with Richard N. Fragomeni
Details: 456 pgs, 6 x 9 Paperback
Publication Date: 08/01/2000
Psalms Conversations: Listening In as They Talk with One Another- NN4460
Unit price perPsalms Conversations: Listening In as They Talk with One Another- NN4460
Unit price perThe Psalms' insights are remarkable, unexpected, eye-opening. They have vital things to say to us if we listen intently to the ancient wisdom, much of which has been lost to modern ears.
Using the insights of the "shape and shaping of the Psalms" work done by Psalms scholars over the past twenty-five years, James Chatham presents an inviting study for non-experts to explore the interactions that various psalms have with one another. The book invites us to listen in on several psalm conversations, to realize how contemporary they are, and to join them. Chatham encourages us to immerse ourselves in the mind, heart, and world of the Psalms editor, to get to know that editor well, and to realize that that editor's world was, in important ways, very much like ours. Through this process, the messages spoken by the Psalms editor emerge with words of faith about everyday issues in human living, both then and now.
144 pages, 6" x 9" Paperback
Publication Date: 08/24/2018
Reforming the Liturgy - NN62199
Unit price perReforming the Liturgy - NN62199
Unit price per2009 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!
Perhaps no liturgical scholar of our time is better able than John Baldovin to write with clarity and accuracy about the meaning of the church's liturgy and the history of its development in the last half century. In this summary volume on the reform of the liturgy since the Second Vatican Council, Baldovin pinpoints and assessesboth sympathetically and criticallythe objections to changes in the liturgy since the council, focusing on philosophical, historical-critical, and theological questions. After addressing each criticism in turn, in a final chapter he assesses the critique of postVatican II liturgy as a whole, affirming what is accurate and necessary, rejecting what is backward looking, and proposing a set of principles to guide future development. No one who studies or participates in liturgical action in the twenty-first century can afford to overlook this book.
Subtitle: A Response to the Critics
Author: John F. Baldovin, SJ
ISBN: 9780814662199
Details: 192 pgs , 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/01/2008
Rites of Passage: Preaching Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals -NN4519
Unit price perRites of Passage: Preaching Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals -NN4519
Unit price perRites of Passage is a much-needed, practical homiletic resource for priests and deacons who preach Christian baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The three authors, a religious priest, a diocesan priest, and a permanent deacon, draw from the scriptural and liturgical resources available to the preacher for these three important ritual moments to suggest ways to build an effective homily. This book will serve as a helpful and engaging resource for priests and deacons in parish life and as a blessing to the faithful.
296 pages, 6" x 9" Paperback
Publication Date: 09/15/2018
Sacred Oils - NN6644
Unit price perSacred Oils - NN6644
Unit price perThe Catholic Church uses three different sacred oils in some of its most solemn ceremonies: the baptism of children, confirmation, the anointing of the sick, the ordination of a priest, the ordination of a bishop, and the dedication of a church and altar. Many churches place the three oils on display for the view of the faithful and for the convenience of the clergy. Sacred Oils explores the blessing and consecration of the oils at the annual Chrism Mass, as well as the guidelines for their usage. Inspirational and educational, this book will delight everyone interested in the ceremonies of the Catholic Church.
Paul Turner is pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His publications include Glory in the Cross, Let Us Pray, Inseparable Love, One Love, Whose Mass Is It? Light in the Darkness, When Other Christians Become Catholic, and The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All, published by Liturgical Press. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.
160 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 08/15/2021
Signs and Symbols of the Liturgy - OWSSL
Unit price perSigns and Symbols of the Liturgy - OWSSL
Unit price perSigns and Symbols of the Liturgy: An Experience of Ritual and Catechesis by Michael Ruzicki, Victoria M. Tufano, D. Todd Williamson, and Terry Navarro.
Catholic liturgy is a rich language composed of music, spoken word, silence, symbols, signs, postures, gestures, and ritual actions. Each of these elements serves to open our hearts, minds, and bodies to the presence of God, allowing us to deepen our participation in the mystery we celebrate. This resource will help participants explore the various elements of the liturgy.
Give groups in your parish a reverent, artful, and interactive experience of the symbols of the liturgy followed by time to reflect on their meaning. The symbols common things of nature and human craft such as water, candlelight, oil, book, and cross, are the very language through which we encounter the mysteries of our faith, and they cannot be understood through words alone.
Signs and Symbols of the Liturgy will help parishes break open the signs and symbols of the liturgy in their most basic forms. It explains how to prepare a ritual and catechetical experience of the signs and symbols in which participants can interact with the symbols as they are presented, one by one.
This resource includes:
- Instructions for gathering and training a team, arranging an appropriate space, selecting music, and rehearsing the choreography
- A video to show you how the experience looks and sounds
- Commentary on the video to advise you on the nuances of delivering an artful and reverent experience
- Scripts with the poetic texts
- Checklists of items needed
- Diagrams of room arrangements
- A promotional flyer
- Reflection questions and advice for helping participants process their encounter
It is a wonderful resource for catechists and liturgists to use with Christian initiation groups, sacramental preparation sessions, adult formation programs, youth group meetings, and retreats for liturgical ministers.
978-1-61671-437-6 | Book with disk | 8 1/2 x 11 | Language: English
Stewardship - Living A Biblical Call - NN3425
Unit price perStewardship - Living A Biblical Call - NN3425
Unit price perIn Stewardship: Living a Biblical Call, Bernard Evans presents an accessible and easily understood biblical and theological foundation for giving that both parishioners and stewardship leaders will find practical and valuable. In focused chapters, the many aspects of stewardship are named and described, assisting readers in recognizing gifts and actions that make practicing stewardship far more than a financial proposition.
Grounded in years of practical work in this area with parish leaders, Evans adeptly ties the Catholic invitation to stewardship to biblical foundations as well as the social teaching of the church. A clear, concise, readable work, Stewardship: Living a Biblical Call also engages key questions of the age, such as ecological stewardship and care for body, mind, and spirit. Evans explores the communal and personal actions that help every believer proclaim the reign of God.
Author: Bernard F. Evans
ISBN: 9780814634257
Details: 144 pgs , 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/30/2014